
Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P. (Read 368222 times)

Started by Charles_2011, March 31, 2023, 03:19:49 am
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Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#1  March 31, 2023, 03:19:49 am
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Hello colleagues.

It´s been a while. Some of you know that my favorites characters are CVS2. So, in a couple of days I going to share my project. To be honest there are a lot of changes that I want to make, but I believe that right now it has a decent playable. I added a various codes, effects, events, you´ll see it soon. Here you have some pictures:

For example this is a new edit/character based on MVC Ryu.

But first I have to ask for some permissions and put in order some things.
Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 05:58:06 am by Charles_2011
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#2  March 31, 2023, 06:05:30 pm
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it makes reminds me of cvsw , please don't add bright lights
please ask permission from warusaki3, last time somebody did not ask permission and uploaded his cvs chars in private sites, waru was gone for more than 1 decade (we don't want that), about the portraits, I don't think there's juli, it's juni (at least was juni that waru made), I know you added some chars that wasn't made by warusakisan, however I'm not sure if cvs mature was well coded and free of bugs (never played with her)
there are cvs demitri and cvs robert that was well made by the same creator of kaede, also I think waru made cvs nash
about mvc ryu/ken mode...I'm not doesn't make any sense (mvc1 was bizarre game), there's already ken and violent ken, there's no need for ryu/ken mode
why nobodys makes morrigan ? I know some creater from trinity mugen did, but is not the same level as waru
another thing I notice, some characters from waru have too many specials and supers, for exemple Terry, he has power rave and round wave, also he has 4 super moves, buster wolf and highangle geyser, he could make an ex version of terry, one with  round wave and highangle geyser, another with power rave and  buster wolf, there are many character that he could make an ex version of them (I know waru won't read this)
again he did a awesome thing with kyo normal and ex he removed 101 shiki oboro guruma from kyo normal, and added to kyo ex

btw, where warusakisan ?it's been a while since his comeback , he could at least updates his chars. he said he will be back, but the day never came

good luck with the project Charles
Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 06:09:13 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#3  March 31, 2023, 08:22:05 pm
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Hello kamui 2.0.

Well, I´m going in order:

please ask permission from warusaki3
I´ll do it, don´t worry about that, I have to ask permissions to other authors, too.

waru was gone for more than 1 decade
A real pity.

Capcom vs SNK W 2.8 is my favorite Mugen Game ever. In my opinion it is still that best until now, 2023. The first time I saw this game I was so impressed and with that game I can really see the truly potential of this engine (In those days "WinMugen").  I took some aspects of the game because it has some similarities to the original CVS2:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

But, I can guarantee you that this is not a copy of CVSW2.8.

I don't think there's juli, it's juni
I prefer Juli than Juni, but Juni is a hidden character:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

however I'm not sure if cvs mature was well coded and free of bugs (never played with her)
The user "Lordrider1" help me to fix her bugs long time ago.

there are cvs demitri and cvs robert that was well made by the same creator of kaede
Robert and Demitri are not in the game, only Kaede.

also I think waru made cvs nash
Already added, a hidden character, too.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

about mvc ryu/ken mode...I'm not doesn't make any sense (mvc1 was bizarre game), there's already ken and violent ken, there's no need for ryu/ken mode
About this edition, this Ryu is not the principal Ryu in the game, you get him by pressing start (I´m using Mugenhook):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

This edition is an hybrid of Ryu, Ken and Gouki, same of MVC, It doesn´t have Super Jump or something like that. Here some examples:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The powers change Its color depends of the palette that you choose, there is a complete set of palettes for Ryu, Ken, Gouki and evil ryu.

why nobodys makes morrigan ?
I have the same frustration.

another thing I notice, some characters from waru have too many specials and supers, for exemple Terry, he has power rave and round wave, also he has 4 super moves, buster wolf and highangle geyser, he could make an ex version of terry, one with  round wave and highangle geyser, another with power rave and  buster wolf, there are many character that he could make an ex version of them (I know waru won't read this)
again he did a awesome thing with kyo normal and ex he removed 101 shiki oboro guruma from kyo normal, and added to kyo ex
I can´t make changes on this, I don´t have the enough experience, I´m sorry.

good luck with the project Charles
Thank you so much.
Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 08:32:10 pm by Charles_2011
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#4  April 01, 2023, 02:04:21 am
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What is missing for the release of the game?
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#5  April 01, 2023, 05:28:29 am
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Hello Akito.

Basically, the permissions.

By the way, do you know how can I make contact with Warusaki? I was looking his website but I didn´t found anything.
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#6  April 01, 2023, 08:44:08 am
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it makes reminds me of cvsw [youtube][/youtube], please don't add bright lights
please ask permission from warusaki3, last time somebody did not ask permission and uploaded his cvs chars in private sites, waru was gone for more than 1 decade (we don't want that)

I can't tell if this is an April Fools joke or not @_@
It's 2023 and nobody needs to ask for permission anymore, Charles_2011 or anyone can use them however he likes. No permission needed.
That old school mentality died out in mugen long ago (god i atleast hope so...)
I remember back in the late 2000s, there was this "Mugen police" culture and I remember Warusaki threw his toys and quit because people edited his characters.
A very old immature mindset many creators had back then - its like capcom saying they are retiring because Warusaki used their sprites for mugen without permission @_@.

Despite him quitting, he is less relevant now as we have greater CVS/POTs creators that have taken his place. Infinite, POTs, Ragingrowen, DeathScythe, Sennouroom, and many more i cant name them all theres so many.
I really doubt Warusaki cares and even if he is around and he does care, well too bad because his content is public domain he willingly uploaded to the world wide web.
Surely he has grown up since then and likely moved on from mugen and really doesnt care.
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#7  April 01, 2023, 04:51:01 pm
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it makes reminds me of cvsw [youtube][/youtube], please don't add bright lights
please ask permission from warusaki3, last time somebody did not ask permission and uploaded his cvs chars in private sites, waru was gone for more than 1 decade (we don't want that)

I can't tell if this is an April Fools joke or not @_@
It's 2023 and nobody needs to ask for permission anymore, Charles_2011 or anyone can use them however he likes. No permission needed.
That old school mentality died out in mugen long ago (god i atleast hope so...)
I remember back in the late 2000s, there was this "Mugen police" culture and I remember Warusaki threw his toys and quit because people edited his characters.
A very old immature mindset many creators had back then - its like capcom saying they are retiring because Warusaki used their sprites for mugen without permission @_@.

Despite him quitting, he is less relevant now as we have greater CVS/POTs creators that have taken his place. Infinite, POTs, Ragingrowen, DeathScythe, Sennouroom, and many more i cant name them all theres so many.
I really doubt Warusaki cares and even if he is around and he does care, well too bad because his content is public domain he willingly uploaded to the world wide web.
Surely he has grown up since then and likely moved on from mugen and really doesnt care.

Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#8  April 01, 2023, 05:45:39 pm
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Hello Akito.

Basically, the permissions.

By the way, do you know how can I make contact with Warusaki? I was looking his website but I didn´t found anything.

Actually waru never answers or reply back, I remember back then sending messages to him in Japanese, but no success (in fact I sent 3 messages, no reply), revive his come back topic if he sees it, good luck charles, because it seems impossible to contact to waru
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#9  April 01, 2023, 06:05:45 pm
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I can't tell if this is an April Fools joke or not @_@
It's 2023 and nobody needs to ask for permission anymore, Charles_2011 or anyone can use them however he likes. No permission needed.
That old school mentality died out in mugen long ago (god i atleast hope so...)
I remember back in the late 2000s, there was this "Mugen police" culture and I remember Warusaki threw his toys and quit because people edited his characters.
A very old immature mindset many creators had back then - its like capcom saying they are retiring because Warusaki used their sprites for mugen without permission @_@.

Despite him quitting, he is less relevant now as we have greater CVS/POTs creators that have taken his place. Infinite, POTs, Ragingrowen, DeathScythe, Sennouroom, and many more i cant name them all theres so many.
I really doubt Warusaki cares and even if he is around and he does care, well too bad because his content is public domain he willingly uploaded to the world wide web.
Surely he has grown up since then and likely moved on from mugen and really doesnt care.

is not april joke, my first character that I download from mugen was cvs jill, I was so stupid that I believe cvs jill was official cvs char, waru conversion chars to cvs style is something else, it looks official (also with lilith, I didn't know because I didn't have a dreamcast, ps2 and xbox)
Many people may think I'm stupid for being such a fan of waru, I know...I exaggerate sometimes, but since my computer wasn't good enough I only had mugen (emulation didn't work), I played a lot with waru cvs chars, I've been here for 15 years so I know how things went with waru when he decided to give up
His chars are unique, amazing effects and I hope he updates his stuffy and release new things, as I said he could make an ex version of almost all his char, for exemplo king, she has more moves than two todohs
I think is a good idea to ask for permission, however I doubt he will answer, yeah, is public domain, but is the one that creates the cvs chars, if something happens that he doesn't like, he'll be gone again
Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 06:10:52 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#10  April 01, 2023, 06:44:38 pm
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I send messages to these authors:

* Extravagant (accepted)
* JtheSaltyy (accepted)
* IKEISLEGEND (accepted)
* Tjun (accepted)
* DGO (accepted)

I think these authors are still active, right?

About Waru, do you know a website or email to make contact with him? Maybe I could make a exception about him, obviously I´ll give him credits for his chars.
Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 10:49:23 pm by Charles_2011
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#11  April 02, 2023, 03:13:05 am
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One more to the list: IKEISLEGEND
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#12  April 02, 2023, 02:17:39 pm
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is not april joke, my first character that I download from mugen was cvs jill, I was so stupid that I believe cvs jill was official cvs char, waru conversion chars to cvs style is something else, it looks official (also with lilith, I didn't know because I didn't have a dreamcast, ps2 and xbox)

I remember. yes they were indeed very good conversions. Jill was also one of my favorites^^

Many people may think I'm stupid for being such a fan of waru, I know...I exaggerate sometimes, but since my computer wasn't good enough I only had mugen (emulation didn't work), I played a lot with waru cvs chars, I've been here for 15 years so I know how things went with waru when he decided to give up

I dont think its stupid to like what we like^^
Mugen is all about fandom and we all get to like different things with no limitations, thats why it has survived so long and will continue to.
Those times you speak of, for some of us who were lucky enough to remember the golden age of mugen everyone refers to, were priceless.
I remember someone on my main forum made a good point that around that point in time there was a global recession and there wasnt many console fighting games until SF4 released so many of us had to use what we had, like cheap PC emulators and doujin games for entertainment.
(i was very young back then and thanks to having 2 brothers and being a bit of a tomboy myself, mugen was a part of our household)

But as far as asking for permission, I think that its a double negative situation where nobody ever asked capcom for their permission, or snk or whoever to convert assets for mugen, and in the same way, its more a respect thing than anything else. Nice and honorable, but definitely not necessary.
I dont think anyone is going to think any less of Charles or anyone for that matter if he doesnt ask for those permissions.
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#13  April 02, 2023, 08:26:55 pm
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Basically, the permissions.

I think the Japanese community is a bit more conservative about this. I think the key is tha person to see that you(or anyone, basicaly) have done things for mugen. I asked for permission in the past for him and had it, and he even sent me a beta of R.Mika. Same for Ohgaki. I DMed him in deviantart to see if I could use an animation he did for Shiki and he agreed to. So I think that basically, that's the key. If someone knows the real point, I'll be glad to eat my words .

A very old immature mindset many creators had back then - its like capcom saying they are retiring because Warusaki used their sprites for mugen without permission @_@.

You're wrong. Both Capcom and SNK allows mugen authors to use their assets because they understand this as FAN work, something to not earn money from.  That's all. NOW, the problem lies in some "authors" who use stuff from other creators without crediting. And people is tired of this disrespectful point. Same with Ikemen. You're only allowed to sell your game if it's 100% yours. And by 100% yours means characters(not licensed characters), stages,etc.

he is less relevant now as we have greater CVS/POTs creators that have taken his place. Infinite, POTs, Ragingrowen, DeathScythe, Sennouroom, and many more i cant name them all theres so many.

Just because they shares the CvS gaphic style, that doesn't means they're the same. You can't just compare them. Warusaki brought the Groove system to mugen or at least more accurate than other creators. An dude, that line of "he is less relevant"...I don't want to sound mean, but you only have a keyboard, ignorance and a total lack of respect to the creators. I'd like to see you to create something.

I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#14  April 03, 2023, 01:00:19 am
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Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 01:11:35 am by Charles_2011
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#15  April 03, 2023, 01:08:59 pm
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You're wrong. Both Capcom and SNK allows mugen authors to use their assets because they understand this as FAN work, something to not earn money from.  That's all. NOW, the problem lies in some "authors" who use stuff from other creators without crediting. And people is tired of this disrespectful point. Same with Ikemen. You're only allowed to sell your game if it's 100% yours. And by 100% yours means characters(not licensed characters), stages,etc.

Yup fully aware of the fanart thing^^
 it is well known in mugen community since long time ago I'm sure.
Not sure what you mean by "you're wrong" though^^
I have seen this same discussion on multiple websites and discords. there are definitely those who share both of our opinions on the matter.
But I see your point of view. I respect that, but also I have my opinion which is shared with others just like yours^^ no harm done^^

Just because they shares the CvS gaphic style, that doesn't means they're the same. You can't just compare them. Warusaki brought the Groove system to mugen or at least more accurate than other creators. An dude, that line of "he is less relevant"...I don't want to sound mean, but you only have a keyboard, ignorance and a total lack of respect to the creators. I'd like to see you to create something.

I don't really think it is necessary to attack or abuse people like that personally.....
I would not attack you personally.
The statement I am making is not an attack on anyone. it is just fact that as a creator he is less relevant now than he was 10 years ago. There is no disprespect to him.
I do have some advice to you though and I mean this in a nice way.
 As a senior member here who must be of a mature age if you registered 18 years ago, please be careful how you talk to people on this site as it can hurt people and also damage the reputation of this forum, There are people on other forums that like to see senior MFG members make abusive comments like this and then paint a picture of all of MFG being full of "old 35+ year old powerhungry hive mind bully bedroom men".
I dont think that is true at all and I defend this place when people say negative things about it.
I like this forum, so lets be nice to each other and not make a negative example of MFG members for others to abuse and stain the reputation ok?^^
Have a nice day also nice to meet you^^

Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#16  April 03, 2023, 03:57:52 pm
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Yup fully aware of the fanart thing^^
 it is well known in mugen community since long time ago I'm sure.
Not sure what you mean by "you're wrong" though^^
I have seen this same discussion on multiple websites and discords. there are definitely those who share both of our opinions on the matter.
But I see your point of view. I respect that, but also I have my opinion which is shared with others just like yours^^ no harm done^^

When I said "you're wrong" it's because you're basically mixing things. You're putting on the same level companies such as Capcom or SNK with fan authors. I think it was clear enough.

I don't really think it is necessary to attack or abuse people like that personally.....
I would not attack you personally.
The statement I am making is not an attack on anyone. it is just fact that as a creator he is less relevant now than he was 10 years ago. There is no disprespect to him.

Excuse me; who were attacing you? You clearly said that Warusaki is less relevant and that implies that you're undervaluing his work. So, before "feeling attacked", think if what you say could make someone to feel attacked.

I do have some advice to you though and I mean this in a nice way.
My favourite part :). This is going to be fun.

As a senior member here who must be of a mature age if you registered 18 years ago, please be careful how you talk to people on this site as it can hurt people and also damage the reputation of this forum,

I'm sorry. I'm hot blooded and everyone knows. So what? If you see my contributions and my posts here, 99% of them are positive. I put my stuff, I share my sheets, I collab with some other people here, I do advices to other people when they share their sprites, some other people uses my stuff and don't even credit my work  in youtube . So maybe, the problem is not me or this forum, is the reputation that person or those people wants to create with that "narrative". MFG is the EVIL, for few people. Don't let them to manipulate you. And this is me being nice.

There are people on other forums that like to see senior MFG members make abusive comments like this and then paint a picture of all of MFG being full of "old 35+ year old powerhungry hive mind bully bedroom men".

Ok, so basically we're the dinosaurs. Well, we're the dinosaurs who actually creates stuff. Stuff that are being used by other people in other communities. Or stuff that could inspire people from other communities to create their stuff and that's cool, because it's a way to collaborate withh all people.
And here, my advice. Every community is great, I can't say something negative. But in the communities you can find rotten tomatoes. BUT it's your work to find the correct and positive people. I will not tell you "this user is terrible", "this user is a dickhead". No, my friend. I leave those comments for other people. I could be wrong sometimes or misunderstanding things uncorrectly(English is not my first language). But when I see I said something wrong, I apologize. And if that people, after the apologize and etc wants to scorn me because of it, it's his problem. I apologized, he understood it was a language barrier and etc. The problem comes when someone acts with malice.

People is able to collaborate with people. If someone has a problem here(and I can speak LOUDLY for closer friends) and need to talk, everyone is there to listen. You will not find a single member here that says if someone has a addiction to X substance. I leave this for other people. And I have the proof. Just in case if he sends you, my friendly reminder, that I have that screencaptured. Don't let him to manipulate you.

I dont think that is true at all and I defend this place when people say negative things about it.
I like this forum, so lets be nice to each other and not make a negative example of MFG members for others to abuse and stain the reputation ok?^^
Have a nice day also nice to meet you^^

Then apply those words to you too. Don't understimate other people's work even if it's 10+ years old. Those people opened the path for new generation, so be nice to your oldies.


OK, let's continue with the topic. Sorry for the small derail, I think it's all clear now. Zazamyon2, if you prefer PM, it's better.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 04:10:49 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#17  April 03, 2023, 05:09:24 pm
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I send messages to these authors:

* Extravagant
* JtheSaltyy

I think these authors are still active, right?

I can't speak with 100% certainty for extrav, but J is definitely not active here anymore. I have connections to both, however, and will forward this thread to them.
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#18  April 03, 2023, 05:17:39 pm
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Please, someone correct me. Hadn't TJun did Rose(SF, not KoF)? I think I've seen her with grooves and all

EDIT: My mistake, it was '2. I think that a Shingo was also made too.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 05:37:19 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#19  April 03, 2023, 05:39:42 pm
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You may need to modify the character select to include the additions.
Re: Capcom vs SNK - W2D - W.I.P.
#20  April 03, 2023, 08:55:03 pm
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Good news from JtheSaltyy, so, one more to the list. Only Extravagant is missing.

I can't speak with 100% certainty for extrav, but J is definitely not active here anymore. I have connections to both, however, and will forward this thread to them.

Thank you so much.
Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 09:12:11 pm by Charles_2011