
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
Change log:
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He has a hidden mode, now I remember, it was psycho gouki with psycho powerfrom what I could remember, he needs to be configure in a config file to enable him, tin made a gato with ex mode like what you did to umihei's ryu and in sf3 hitspark and sound effect, one of my best favorite gato back then
you might want to consider him if you want and named him Gato Ex or something
This reminded me, I saw Ikaruga's twitter in one of his tweet, he mentioned about deciding to make Kaede from Last Blade series in Mark of the Wolves style, but he seems to be inactive for like two years
pausetime = 5 ,floor(8*0.95**(target,gethitvar(hitcount)))
guardtime = 5 ,floor(8*0.95**(var(12))
[State -2, guard decay]
type = varadd
trigger1 = moveguarded
v = 12
value = 1
;hitstun decay counter reset
[State -2, varset]
type = varset
trigger1 = enemynear,movetype != H
var(12) = 0
Yeah, probably just changing mugenversion to 1.0 should fix that.
I know that you already solved your issue, but just to be informative:
The log is reporting that the AIlevel trigger isn't supported in the mugen version described in the def file, since AIlevel was introduced in Mugen 1.0.
Check the def file (in this case, the patch one) to see what version of mugen is being described there.