
ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!) (Read 6895051 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, April 16, 2010, 04:25:09 pm
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ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#1  April 16, 2010, 04:25:09 pm
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I like CF series since the beginning, but my favorite is CF63 1/3 for far. Even I got the original game when I had N64. So, since I knew about MUGEN, always I wanted to convert at least 1 character for MUGEN. I tried for years to convert some sprites without success (well, I made Taffy and Bad Mr. Frosty sprites well, but took me a lot of time). Now, at last I get a way to convert these sprites into MUGEN and also it's an easy way to make mass production.

So, after this intro, let me show you with pride, my first CF63 1/3 project for MUGEN:

Earthworm Jim
The coolest worm in videogames now will have a best adaptation to MUGEN from this game, the first one he appears as a fighter. My mission is not just make him for MUGEN, also put in him all the features has in the game, or at least all I can do. Here's what I've planned for him:
-All his poses, Command Moves, Specials and Supers
-All his voices and sounds from CF63 1/3
-Combo system (copycat/parody of KI2 system)
-Claytalities (now capable to do thanks to Juano16's tutorials)

And now, the shots:

I'm still ripping the sprites, but now I've some of basics ready, like stance, jump, crouch and block, and some of his normal hits (and as you see in 4th pic, also I can make palettes).
And before you asked, also I'm working in CF63 1/3 lifebars, I hope to get finished them soon...

That's all for now, soon I'll update my page with the new WIP (and that doesn't mean I won't still working in the others). Comment here if you want ;)
Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 01:46:45 am by Basara Bogard


Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#2  April 16, 2010, 09:07:35 pm
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The quality of the sprites doesn't look too amazing..but I'm assuming thats just how they look in-game?

Either way, this shall be awesome. Good luck!
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#3  April 16, 2010, 09:38:14 pm
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Thanks ;) Sadly, it's true... the 2 N64 CF games instead sprites, characters are JPG animated in 3D backgounds. That's the reason so many years ago I tried to "rip" some of them with fugly results... until now
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#4  April 16, 2010, 09:40:36 pm
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This makes me such a happy man
Hell you've even ripped the lifebars :D
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#5  April 16, 2010, 10:48:45 pm
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Thanks... Yeah, I noticed the lifebars are easier to rip than the characters, so this is also my first attempt in make lifebars (with PI1 ones, which I get back to work, too)

Here's a video of Earthworm Jim in action in CF63 1/3, I hope can emulate in MUGEN like he appears here ;)
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#6  April 16, 2010, 10:51:32 pm
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Thanks ;) Sadly, it's true... the 2 N64 CF games instead sprites, characters are JPG animated in 3D backgounds. That's the reason so many years ago I tried to "rip" some of them with fugly results... until now
A year ago, I also tried ripping the sprites of Earthworm Jim as well but couldn't get it to work right due to the lighting in the game would change EWJ's pallete every time I ripped and also I would rip it and still get some parts missing.

My question is this: What programs did you use to rip the character and how did you get it to such a clear resolution?
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#7  April 16, 2010, 11:30:19 pm
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Just 3 programs:
-Project64, to emulate the game (the best emulator on internet, even when it suck in certain way)
-AnimGet, to get the shots when you're playing
-Paint Shop Pro or any other image edition program (I prefer PSP since it's better with pixels than Photoshop, IMO)

Basicly you've to get the screen in Project64 at 640x480 res, then take the shots with AnimGet and then edit them in PSP (or you fav editing program), crop and clean them like MAME games (deleting the background) and after that resizing at 50% (320x240 if you do it with the entire shot). After that, adjusting brightness/contrast and then making a palette with the sprite (I used less than 100 colors, like 50 + or -), and that palette you uses for the next sprites

I hope this can help to make more ClayFighter characters for MUGEN :D
Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 11:35:41 pm by Earthworm Basara
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#8  April 17, 2010, 12:01:06 am
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So the lifebars aren't going to have the combo announcer, are they? I think it might be impossible to have the announcement systme like that in mugen. :'(
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#9  April 17, 2010, 06:09:18 am
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Announcer wise, yes. Now if he were to code the said combo announcer for the character itself, it might be possible. In any case, good luck Basara.
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#10  April 17, 2010, 06:42:50 am
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I think I just came a little, great job. ;)
I'm honestly looking forward to this, maybe a Clayfighter: Sculptor's cut Screenpack in the future?

fucking bad poster asshole that home32 bitch
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#11  April 17, 2010, 12:52:57 pm
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Ripping these sprites look like a very long (and boring :P) process. I'm happy somebody has the dedication to do such a work.
Good luck with the character.

And yeah, maybe you could add the announcer system to Earthworm Jim himself, as creators do with their MVC characters.
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#12  April 17, 2010, 01:39:27 pm
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Just 3 programs:
-Project64, to emulate the game (the best emulator on internet, even when it suck in certain way)
-AnimGet, to get the shots when you're playing
-Paint Shop Pro or any other image edition program (I prefer PSP since it's better with pixels than Photoshop, IMO)

Basicly you've to get the screen in Project64 at 640x480 res, then take the shots with AnimGet and then edit them in PSP (or you fav editing program), crop and clean them like MAME games (deleting the background) and after that resizing at 50% (320x240 if you do it with the entire shot). After that, adjusting brightness/contrast and then making a palette with the sprite (I used less than 100 colors, like 50 + or -), and that palette you uses for the next sprites

I hope this can help to make more ClayFighter characters for MUGEN :D
Interesting. I'll keep this mind when I rip sprites from the game later in the future.

And yeah, you may want to rip the announcer or I could rip or voice act the voices myself.
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#13  April 18, 2010, 12:24:28 am
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oooh nice!

hopefully you'll incorporate the combo system from 63 1/3 (including insane combos) and Claytalities
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#14  April 18, 2010, 01:44:22 am
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Oh man, getting those sprites sounds like a very tedious and painful process, which makes me love you all the more for actually doing this.

I am also quite interested in how you are planning to do the announcer for the lifebars, since they are quite different from the norm.  I guess you could have round 1 be LETS GET READY TO CRUMBLE with a long enough space, and perhaps round 2 could be OH I LOVE IT or something.

Good luck. 
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#15  April 18, 2010, 02:13:30 am
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Announcer wise, yes. Now if he were to code the said combo announcer for the character itself, it might be possible. In any case, good luck Basara.
Ripping these sprites look like a very long (and boring :P) process. I'm happy somebody has the dedication to do such a work.
Good luck with the character.

And yeah, maybe you could add the announcer system to Earthworm Jim himself, as creators do with their MVC characters.
Thanks guys ;) I think about adding some, like when announcer says Claytality! and stuff like that, but I think I can add it to Jim after all...

Oh man, getting those sprites sounds like a very tedious and painful process, which makes me love you all the more for actually doing this.
Well, that's the easier part. N64 CF games (63 1/3 and Sculptor's Cut) have in the option the volume for voice/FX and for music, so only I've to mute music and when appears the voice/sound, I recorded when I put pause in the game. The only pain-in-the-ass are the gethit sounds and the strong hit FX, since they are combinated when you hit a character, that's my only trouble for now...

Thanks to all for the comments, I hope soon I can make a video with some basics and stuff ;)
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#16  April 18, 2010, 02:17:32 am
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Please do add the combo announcer to Jim.
That game had one of the best announcers ever. :D
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#17  April 20, 2010, 07:12:40 pm
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I am also quite interested in how you are planning to do the announcer for the lifebars, since they are quite different from the norm.  I guess you could have round 1 be LETS GET READY TO CRUMBLE with a long enough space, and perhaps round 2 could be OH I LOVE IT or something.
Well, in the lifebars actually I put in first round the "let's get ready to crumbleee!" but in the middle it sounds the "fight!" and I don't know how I can make more time for the phrase, or if I can do it... so I'm thinking about just put the "fight" sound only

About the announcer in Jim's snd, I've to add it when he made certain kind of combos and stuff, since the lifebars aren't capable to do that...
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#18  April 20, 2010, 10:06:47 pm
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Finally, a decent Earthworm Jim will come to mugen. Those sprites sure are hard to rip it out and i thought the Genesis emulator was hard.
But you got skill man. Good luck with him.
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#19  April 20, 2010, 10:36:56 pm
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Wow, that is A cool mugen character.
Whats sup.
Re: ClayFighter 63 1/3 comes to MUGEN!! (Earthworm Jim+lifebars)
#20  April 21, 2010, 02:27:22 am
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I loved playing this game, even though I could never figure out the combo system.

This makes me want t pick it up again.