
So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still? (Read 9338669 times)

Started by vyn, June 06, 2019, 12:14:40 am
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What mugen version do you use the most??

39 (41.9%)
54 (58.1%)

Total Members Voted: 92


So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#1  June 06, 2019, 12:14:40 am
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    • Mexico
From a creator point of view, i like 1.1 better, but id like to know what is more used out there.

Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#2  June 06, 2019, 12:19:46 am
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 From my experience, MUGEN 1.0 is more commonly used because of how a lot of characters have already been made for 1.0 and a good chunk of them require updating their codes to make them work better in 1.1. A good example is that addalpha in explods and removeexplod don't function reliably in 1.1 even though they work perfectly fine in 1.0, so, that can mess up FXs for a lot of characters. Another example is that a lot of 1.0 characters do not take zoom into consideration, so, expect the scale of their HUDs to be thrown off pretty commonly. As for me, I stick to 1.0 mainly for reliability, but I try to make my creations compatible with both 1.0 and 1.1 as much as possible.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#3  June 06, 2019, 03:23:52 am
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    • Canada
I personally prefer 1.1, but I'm a graphics slut.

Once you've started using 1.1 screen packs and portraits using .png images there is no going back to 250 colour indexed sprites.

and converting characters really isn't that much work.

Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#4  June 06, 2019, 04:16:10 am
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Everyone was excited for the zoom sctrl, but to me it's just neat fx. What's actually great are the screenwidth and screenheight sctrls which make relative position for bars according to 16:9 or 4:3 much easier than having to use and ifelse to determine the game dimensions.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#5  June 06, 2019, 07:42:20 am
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Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#6  June 06, 2019, 07:44:40 am
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    • Canada
I meanly use 1.1 since I have an actual graphics card (well integrated anyways) which when I was using my old laptop it's 512mb of VRam made 1.1 hell to run, especially if you wanted to record with it. Though pretty mugen 1.0 is more stable than mugen 1.1 from my experience
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#7  June 06, 2019, 08:58:29 am
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I have to figure out localcoord but once I do I will switch to 1.1

I largely prefer 1.0 atm cause of its compatibility
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#8  June 06, 2019, 09:19:56 am
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    • USA
I mean as much as i LOVE mugen 1.1, it would a hassle trying to switch considering i have over 8000+ characters lmao
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#9  June 06, 2019, 03:30:36 pm
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I'm sticking with 1.0 because I was under the impression that 1.1 has a few stability issues that were never resolved as of right now. Stability is king in my mind.

As soon as those stability issues are resolved, I will be glad to make the jump. Until then, it is 1.0 for me.
Hug the Pikachus!

Hug A Pikachu Today!
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#10  June 06, 2019, 04:00:32 pm
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I was using 1.0 for my project initially, but I noticed that my .pngs (using as sprites) weren't coming out all that well.

1.1 saves me a lot of work when it comes to fiddling with the .pngs and getting them to look proper, and it even deals with glow effects more efficiently than 1.0 IIRC.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#11  June 06, 2019, 04:21:44 pm
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I ahve not used mugen in a long while, but the one I used was 1.0; I tried 1.1 but it felt off for a lackof a better description.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#12  June 06, 2019, 04:49:41 pm
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    • Philippines
Are casual gamers and new to Mugen who aren't tech savvy (most likely not using powerful PCs and laptops) better off with 1.0?
sailormoongalaxy said:
I had read on Wikimoon, and I found it grotesque it was so wrong.


Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#13  June 06, 2019, 05:18:53 pm
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To the above post I'd say yes. I am one of those people. I can run 1.1, just not opengl only directx. Which excludes me from most things i.e zoom/png compatibility for sprites, etc. Theres a 4 GB patch update out there for directx mode that still didn't do me any good. So the perception to me is like I'm beta testing the engine and that's as far as it'll take me. So I stick with 1.0 for those reasons alone. If I had a little better of a laptop (or even just a better video card) I'd make the permanent switch. As a stage creator, 1.1 literally does more than half the work for you. And stage makers like ExShadow or MOTVN could have really benefited from the lack of color limitations.
Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 05:22:29 pm by GLB


Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#14  June 06, 2019, 05:22:18 pm
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    • Mexico
Figured i would add a poll for the giggles.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#15  June 06, 2019, 05:27:18 pm
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Right now, I'm using 1.1, but it's on the 480p resolution, meaning I can still run into some characters that only works in widescreen.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#16  June 06, 2019, 05:27:31 pm
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Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#17  June 06, 2019, 05:42:20 pm
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    • Vietnam
I don't know where "1.0 is more stable than 1.1" myth comes from but from experience, I no longer suffer crashes since I switched to 1.1 completely. Also, a lot of characters have their Explod and Helper being misplaced in 1.1 only due to lazy coding from the authors (they could have just set postype = p1 ffs, it wasn't that hard). Other than some random occasions where RemoveExplod doesn't work, 1.1 is the superior version due to the stability, more flexible coding, color-support from OpenGL as well as zoom function. Unless you can't use OpenGL for whatever reasons, 1.1 should be the way to go.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#18  June 06, 2019, 06:41:02 pm
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  • CPU Purple Heart
    • USA
Also, a lot of characters have their Explod and Helper being misplaced in 1.1 only due to lazy coding from the authors (they could have just set postype = p1 ffs, it wasn't that hard

 It's a little more complicated than that actually. From my experience ever since I've worked on my first character, certain values can get messed up in 1.1 that works just fine in 1.0 because of zoom. While I found there is relatively easy fix using screenpos and gamewidth/gameheight (extra calculations needed to be done notwithstanding) to make the character work in both versions, some characters were made by authors who retired before 1.1 became a thing and therefore it wouldn't really be there fault if this kind of incompatibility happens. While you can say this is easily remedied by editing the character, let's be real... most people who play MUGEN don't even understand character coding, let alone know how to use it.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#19  June 06, 2019, 07:53:18 pm
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1.1 all the way, been using it since I started with mugen.
Re: So, is mugen 1.1 general use now?, or do most people preffer 1.0 still?
#20  June 07, 2019, 06:41:20 am
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I like 1.1 mostly because I can set the Arcade mode fight up to 30 opponents and pressing esc key during arcade mode allows player to get back to select screen instead of the main menu, but a pity that my computer has issue with open gl after reformat it, even updating my graphic card doesn't works  :'( now I am currently either 1.0 and 1.1 without the open gl function

My real life is coming soon........!