
MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread (Read 684558 times)

Started by MT7 「双蓮の隻眼」, June 11, 2023, 10:35:25 pm
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Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#41  March 08, 2024, 01:14:15 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
OH BOY It's done! Baiken's CS is finally completed. I actually enjoyed doing this, it was fun doing this. As I mentioned before I've already mentioned who I want to work on next, I'll drop a preview of what it will look like, I've already posted it on discord but it isn't final.

The release thread has been updated so make sure to check it out
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#42  June 28, 2024, 04:28:13 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
Okay so I'm gonna cut to the chase, yes my new Color Separation is Jedah from Darkstalkers. So why did I choose him of all people and WHY am I doing a Darkstalkers character in the first place? Well I've had thoughts of CS him for quite a while but never went with it cause of how awful his sprites are mainly due to the insane amount of outlines he has which made me sideline him but after seeing Obby's CS on Talbain which is fucking amazing, I had a second thought and maybe just maybe I should give myself a challenge. And well he has a badass design. I'm gonna be so real, Jedah is gonna take a long ass time to complete cause I want to take my time with him and carefully work on him so I don't fuck up anything and I'm gonna work on parts of him instead of the entire sprite due to the outline and color sharing stuff. Now as for Jubei of course he's still getting worked on, he has some sprites done due to boredom but he will get a focus when we get a completed version of him. So in short, we are so fucking back bois!!

Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#43  July 03, 2024, 08:08:25 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
300+ sprites are CS'd for the head and hair

I never showed what his CS would fully look like, this is a draft of what I want it to look like, the image isn't indexed cause this was done in paint lol but this could change if I wanna take it further to expand his separation
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#44  July 06, 2024, 08:43:35 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
I'm back for a update, I have completed the head and hair for Jedah so now the next parts to separate are his eyes, face and teeth. It's a good thing I'm not doing the outlines cause that would kill me lol
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#45  August 31, 2024, 08:22:48 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
So, it's been a month since I last updated here.
I haven't worked on Jedah in the last month due to motivation, but I am now back working on him and I got a lot done these last three days, his face/hands, teeth, mouth and collar lines are all fully separated and I have now just got to his coat and the weird bloody shoulders he has. I'm happy with how it's looking so far, a Template for Jedah might come out when I get close to the final stages. I have added some more candidates for my next Color Separation and there could be more as it will get updated with whoever comes to mind.

Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#46  September 06, 2024, 08:36:56 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
So I ended up doing this a lot earlier than expected, here's Jedah's pal template cause I wanted to get it out of the way. So I really would appreciate palettes made for him please!
I want to say the final finished cs would be either end of 2024 or early 2025 so byyyyyeeeee!!! :3

*btw if you change the blood to white, brown or yellow I ain't accepting those!! >:(
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#47  September 18, 2024, 08:29:33 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
Progress Update:
I've got A LOT done during the past two weeks, his Color Separation is at the final stages. Everything is about done except for the wings/scythe. I thought this would've taken me a lot longer but I could probably get this out during the end of the month! I've been posting some progress on discord for feedback. I'm really happy with how this has turned out so once I get enough palettes made, I can finally release Jedah's CS to all!

Here's some palettes I made and some from the discord

Palettes by me
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Palettes by others
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#48  September 23, 2024, 08:21:42 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
Jedah's Color Separation is finally completed!! He is now available to get in the release thread! I am really happy with how he came out and I like to thank people that contributed with there awesome palettes!
I will be coming up with a bunch of concept CS to show here and on the discord to decide on my next work.
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#49  September 24, 2024, 04:10:05 am
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  • Sr. Símio Enfermo
    • Brazil
Great work man!
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#50  September 26, 2024, 08:52:13 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
alright so I held a poll on discord to decide my next Color Separation, and Athena won the vote so she's my next CS, it's a nice change from Jedah so Athena will take less than a month to get out, Jyazu got second place in the vote so after Athena he will be worked on next. SSJ Goku and Sho were tied by one vote but I'll probably save them in the backburner.
Re: MT7's WIP Color Separation Thread
#51  January 27, 2025, 10:26:47 am
  • **
  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
hey, it's been a while hasn't it. I'm not gonna try and make a long post about this, but happy 2025 i know late but I wanna update some things.

Athena and Jyazu Color Separation
I did start working on them on the first month of October but I think what I shouldn't have done was try and working on both of them at the same time and it drained me, and I wanted to take a small break and getting back to working on them but I forgot about them for quite a while, and I only recently remembered them being in my PC and I ultimately decided to scrap them due to my motivation and irl stuff... but I didn't wanna let them rot in my PC so I decieded to share them onto Discord for anyone wanting to look at them or wanting to finish the CS themselves.

Blazblue Jubei Color Separation
Another backburner character but he hasn't been scrapped, I'm just playing the waiting game to see a fully finished version of him.

New Color Separation
So this was a character who funnily enough is also named Jubei, but this is the old guy from Fatal Fury and I was amazed by the sprites done by Rabano like they look really amazing almost like he officially appeared in CvS2 as a unexpected pick like Todoh, and with KarmaChameleon recently releasing him, I decided to choose him as my first 2025 Color Separation and got him completed. Instead of releasing the sff separetly, I sent the completed sff to Karma to add for a upcoming update.
I also have his template here to use

Going forward in the new year of 2025
So what's gonna happen? I'm still gonna do my thing I really enjoy what I do, but there's one thing I actually want to announce.
I'm going to be helping KarmaChameleon with upcoming future characters down the line, as I've been a big fan of there work for a long time ever since I did my CS of Ryu using the original CvS2 Sprites cause most Ryus use POTS sff with the funny dots from the gloves removed. I'm especially excited for Shen and Leona as Rabano is doing the sprites for the both and they look so so amazing as I really liked Shen in KOF XIII and how Karma is a big fan of Leona.
So yeah just wanted to post this update and I'm happy to say I'm back again.
And also as to my palette thread stuff I'm gonna come back to that stuff in early February