
Can't adjust one character's jump height (Read 11787 times)

Started by marioplease, October 09, 2024, 05:56:23 pm
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Can't adjust one character's jump height
#1  October 09, 2024, 05:56:23 pm
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    • USA
Hello everyone, I was able to effectively edit Black Panther and Leon Kennedy's jump height - but I have tried for hours to edit Apocalypse's (version by RobiWanKenObi and MMV forum) jump height with no success.

I'm pretty new to character editing but I tried everything I can think of. Adjusted yaccel, neutral jump height, the y info for the Super Jump velset. Still no luck. I even tried running Apocalypse in debug mode to see if I could get more info and couldn't find out the problem. If anyone is willing to help it would mean a lot - This has been my toughest roadblock yet with Mugen so would really appreciate any help, thanks for reading!
Re: Can't adjust one character's jump height
#2  October 16, 2024, 11:43:41 pm
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  • Shame on you!
    • USA
I just downloaded Apocalypse 1.1 by RobiWanKen0bi & MMV Team
jump.neu = 0,-4    ;Neutral jumping velocity (x, y)
worked? Are you trying the super jump? If you use debug you can see it's like state 7000.
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