
How i make May Lee's Hero mode "permanent"? (Read 8972 times)

Started by snowy997, November 28, 2024, 07:28:52 pm
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How i make May Lee's Hero mode "permanent"?
#1  November 28, 2024, 07:28:52 pm
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So, i would like to edit KoopaKoot's May Lee, so that she doesn't lose her Hero mode after being hit. I know it's source accurate, but i always have found this pretty dumb to begin with in KOF, that makes it pretty hard to use this mode. I want it that you can only switch to her regular mode if you want to.
Re: How i make May Lee's Hero mode "permanent"?
#2  December 07, 2024, 04:53:27 pm
  • *****
  • Shame on you!
    • USA
It's probably a Variable, Var, you need to track down and remove it being reset to 0 on hit in Statedef -2.

First, You can track down the State that activates it pretty easy using debug, or reading the CMD file.
Debug, press ctrl+D and you'll see information in the bottom left of the screen. Input the move and when P1 switches to the move you'll see it's value.

You could read the cmd list of commands to see which one you use to do the move, then use ctrl+F in fighter factory to bring up the search bar. You'd search for the command's name. You should see a ChangeState with the Value = 718. 718 will NOT be YOUR value. It'll probably be in the thousands.
You might get lucky and the ChangeState might list a triggerX = Var(X).

ONCE you find the state, look in the CNS file for that stateno. I'd search for 718] and it could take me to
[Statedef 4718]
Well I'd hit search again until I got to [Statedef 718]. If you search for 718, it'll go through EVERYTHING that's got 718 in it.

But inside "Statedef 718" or whatever YOUR statedef turns out to be, you need to find either a VarSet or a VarAdd. There might be a few of them.

Once you find out all the vars you need to remember them, and then scroll to Statedef -2. You're looking for that Variable. You'll probably see
triggerall = movetype = H
or something similar in the chunk of code with the variable. It should be a VarSet or a VarAdd. This is checking to see if P1 is being Hit.
When you find the varset in statedef -2, comment it out by putting ; in front of all the lines of that chunk of code.

So it'd look something like
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Test it out. Do the move and have P2 hit P1. If the effect IS NOT what you want, delete the ; in front of the VarSet you just commented out.
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