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Re: Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread

 January 29, 2024, 11:21:01 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread (Started by Steel Komodo January 28, 2024, 05:34:18 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Gonna be blunt and say I didn't know anything about Strider's lore until you said it just now :P. In that case, I feel the only way to square that off would be to say that the Strider organization started by Zeku isn't the same one from the main Strider games. It's just that world's version of Strider, not the Strider, if you catch my drift. Same as what I was talking about with Edward Falcon earlier - it's not the Edward Falcon, but it is a version of Edward Falcon.

...did they ever explain how Fou Lu ended up in the Street Fighter world, by the way? I always assume it's portals until told otherwise.

Also, I have to respectfully disagree on the subject of "fatalities". As I already stated in the first post, one of the things I don't like about the original concept is the weird, dark grungy tone that's reflected in the story and visuals. I'd like to try and move away from that as much as possible, and giving Capcom villains violent fatalities would be the opposite of that effort, in my opinion.

Re: Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread

 January 28, 2024, 09:38:58 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread (Started by Steel Komodo January 28, 2024, 05:34:18 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

I feel like the declaration of victory thing could be done if it were the other way around, the user surrendering to their opponent and getting a full meter for the next round (like a samsho suicide). I don't feel like instakills are as interesting as making a taunt stop the flow of a match, although maybe that's just me getting tired of arcsys conversions and some astral heats trying way too hard to be flashy.
The roster is probably the part I'm most willing to talk about but I didn't see the entire roster of the original CFAS so I don't really know how well things were represented. I like the idea of playing with the "Street Fighter extended universe" idea but I feel like a Capcom crossover fighter would have to represent much more than that.

I just mean in terms of wherever Declaration of Victory could even be done in MUGEN on a technical level. I'm kind of leery about putting it in at all anyway, since it sounds like one of those mechanics that was geared towards the arcade audience and would frustrate players on home consoles/PCs or whatever.

The roster for the original CFAS was oddly conservative. It was only 16 characters, inclding the four original characters and the guest character, and it consisted of:
  • Ryu (Street Fighter)
  • Chun-Li (Street Fighter II)
  • Alex (Street Fighter III)
  • Charlie (Street Fighter Alpha)
  • Mike Haggar (Final Fight)
  • Poison (Final Fight)
  • Batsu (Rival Schools)
  • Akira (Rival Schools)
  • Strider Hiryu (Strider)
  • Demitri (Darkstalkers)
  • Akuma (Street Fighter II)
  • D.D. (Capcom Fighting All-Stars)
  • Rook (Capcom Fighting All-Stars)
  • Ingrid (Capcom Fighting All-Stars)
  • Avel/Death (Capcom Fighting All-Stars)
  • Kyo Kusanagi (King of Fighters guest character)

So... yeah. Very focused on the "shared universe" of Street Fighter, Final Fight and Rival Schools, very little representation from other franchises. That's not to say a more "grounded" crossover couldn't work - Street Fighter V literally confirmed Strider to be part of the larger SF universe, so Strider being here is kind of hilarious in hindsight. But still, even I think there's wiggle room to get some more weird characters in there.

Say, for example, Edward Falcon from Power Stone is in. We can easily say he's from England, since the original world of Power Stone is literally just a fantastical version of Earth. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to just retailor his story and plonk him into this shared universe we're cooking up. And since Darkstalkers characters keep creeping in, who's to say that Makai doesn't exist in the world of Street Fighter? It's no crazier than literal oni or robots walking around. And if we have robots like Seth, then what's stopping us from saying a version of Tron Bonne or Mega Man exists here? That last one's a bit of a stretch, but you get what I mean, right?

Also, I would have just not bothered with the original characters myself. One or two, maybe - one for the final boss. But they were generally lame overall, and I wouldn't have given three whole slots over to them.

Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread

 January 28, 2024, 05:34:18 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Recreating Capcom Fighting All-Stars - An Idea Thread (Started by Steel Komodo January 28, 2024, 05:34:18 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Been a long time since I was active on here. And starting since last year, I've been getting the itch to go into MUGEN stuff again. Recently, I was looking at Capcom Fighting All-Stars - take a shot for every time somebody brings that up :P - and I was thinking to myself "could we adapt this to a 2D game at all"? There's obviously a lot of flaws in the concept, but I think there could be something fun if we sat down and gave some thought to the mechanics and how they'd work. So I sat down and began thinking in terms of what I'd want to keep, change and remove.

Things I'd keep
  • Four-button gameplay. Capcom games have done that before to some success, so I don't see why it can't work.
  • Finishing moves. That's not a thing Capcom's done, and it'd definitely be a unique selling point of nothing else. We'd obviously need them to be cool and flashy and not out of character for the Capcom cast.
  • Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Supers. I point at Street Fighter 6 and say no more.
  • The Sidestep button. That could easily be reworked into a Dodge button, which I will go into in more detail.
  • The game is obviously trying to create a consistent "Capcom Universe" featuring characters from all their franchises but grounded in the existing Street Fighter/Rival Schools/Final Fight world. I think that's interesting, so we can expand on that as we consider the roster.

Things I'd change
  • The roster is my first concern. Only 16 characters overall and not that much female and/or villainous representation. Also,  for a game called Capcom Fighting All-Stars, there's hardly any all-stars in it at all.  Let's bump that up to a nice, round 20 so we can get more fan-favourites in.
  • On top of that, some characters could be potentially swapped out for more interesting ones. Not a huge fan of Alex, so Ibuki, Makoto, Dudley or Urien could replace him. Also, Akira could be swapped with Tiffany, depending on preference.
  • Now, onto mechanics. I don't know what the combo system in the original game was like, but I would personally prefer something close to Rival Schools. Maaaaaybe put in air combos?
  • The sidestep button being a dodge button is a given. Dramatic Counter could be closer to V-Shift, IMO - spend a bar of meter to counterattack if a dodge is successful.
  • The way rounds work in the game isn't really possible in MUGEN, so that'll obviously be different.
  • Since Declaration of Victory is obviously something we can't do in MUGEN, I'd want Finishing Moves to be closer to something like Guilty Gear's Instant Kills, with extra caveats to make them not too easy to pull off.

Things I'd remove
  • I really don't care for the tone of the original game. The story's melodramatic, edgy and cringeworthy in that unique early 2000's way and the visuals are not what I associate with Capcom. I'd want to go for something lighter in tone and more colourful than that.
  • Most of the original characters are lame as shit. Maybe you could salvage Ingrid, but Rook and D.D. can go. Avel/Death kind of needs to be there as a final boss, but I don't care much for him either, so if there was any excuse to take him out, I would.

Here's the thing. I'd like to do this in Ikemen, because of the extra features it has, and I would love for people to be able to play this game online. But I don't know shit about how to program for it and I kind of don't trust myself to with how long I've been away from doing anything related to MUGEN. My best bet, honestly, would be to do everything in MUGEN to start, and then maybe later port it to IKEMEN, or have some other brave soul do it for me.

So here we are. I don't know how any of this would work in execution, honestly. Maybe the problem with Fighting All-Stars was just that it was never any fun to play to begin with, so trying to salvage anything from it would be like trying to polish a turd. I'd love to see something like this come about, but maybe the effort trying to recreate and upgrade a decades-old cancelled game would be better spent in actually coming up with interesting new mechanics and gameplay instead. I do have a backup plan on similar lines to that, but I want to know what people think of this idea first before I go into detail on that.

Let me know what you all think about this. I'll go away and ponder this some more, and then when I come back I'll share my other idea on the system and see how people think compared to this one.

Re: Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/New patch 3/21/2022)

 March 22, 2022, 12:37:44 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/New patch 3/21/2022) (Started by Sean Altly February 23, 2022, 06:27:06 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Damn it, I was too late to bring up another issue I found. One of Zico’s supers in the movelist has the same error as Sasuke’s - the command is listed as a kick when I believe it’s a punch.

Oh, well. I’ll download this update when I can and get back to enjoying the game. Looking forward to the DLC, but take your time on it! :)

Re: Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/MAJOR patch 3/15/2022)

 March 19, 2022, 01:08:16 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/New patch 3/21/2022) (Started by Sean Altly February 23, 2022, 06:27:06 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

So after mucking around in this game a bit more, I have some thoughts. Make of them what you will.

  • Comboing feels really weird to me. I confess that I’m biased and prefer a “magic series” type of game or KoF-style combos, so this probably won’t mean anything coming from me. But outside of the usual LP/LK mashing, I gravitate to Bryce and Atleif because they have the closest to a “magic series” I can reliably use through their target combos. I understand the motivation behind limiting combos like this, but I keep resorting to a character’s target combos to start a combo. Is that intentionally part of the design, or am I just playing it wrong?
  • Speaking of combo starters, jump-ins and cross-ups don’t seem to really be a thing. Characters jump so high that it’s tough to time a jump-in correctly and I struggle to start a combo that way. Maybe a KoF-esque short hop would help in that regard?
  • I feel like it’s way too easy to turtle in the game. You have the guard breaker move on Z, sure, but that costs meter, and if you don’t have any then the AI can guard all it wants. I guess the fact that meter builds quickly negates this issue (and also you can just get free meter through Bryce’s Ego Drive), but it can get really frustrating sometimes.
  • On the subject of Bryce, I vaguely remember a preview where he had a high fireball as well as a low one. What happened to that one? I also remember you were trying to code in a “custom combo” Level 3 for him - I guess that got scrapped because it was too powerful or tricky to code?
  • I really wanna play Siege but I dunno what I’m doing, help D:

If any of what I just said is off-base, I apologise - it’s midnight for me and brain no workey. Kinda wish I’d partook in the beta testing beforehand now, but oh well :P

Re: Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/MAJOR patch 3/15/2022)

 March 16, 2022, 10:38:41 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/New patch 3/21/2022) (Started by Sean Altly February 23, 2022, 06:27:06 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I think there's a movelist inconsistency with Saito. One of his moves is listed as QCB2xK when it's actually QCB2xP. I tried getting it out with K multiple times before I found out it was actually P. Either the command needs changing to match the movelist or the other way around, but that really threw me.

Other than that, really enjoying the update! Did an arcade run with Bryce some time ago, and I think he, Atleif and Quavon are becoming my favourites so far.

Re: Next Two Character Possibilities

 March 04, 2022, 11:25:02 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Next Two Character Possibilities (Started by Sean Altly March 03, 2022, 10:08:26 pm
 Board: Last Bout: Styles Will Clash

Honestly torn between Moritz, Camila and Boyo. They're all really cool concepts and I'd love to see any one of them fleshed out more.

Also, I kinda had to stifle a laugh at El Demonico. I dig the idea of making the "Akuma" of the game a grappler instead of a shoto. Dunno how on the money I am with this interpretation, but I get the idea is that his big, scary personality is all bluff and he's really a big goofball under the mask. Can't wait to see him in action and wherever I was right or not :P

Re: Last Bout: Styles Will Clash

 February 25, 2022, 08:04:07 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Last Bout: Styles Will Clash (Updated w/New patch 3/21/2022) (Started by Sean Altly February 23, 2022, 06:27:06 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Downloading now. Honestly, this has been the only fighting game-related thing I've been looking forward to, so I'm eager to try it out! :D

UPDATE: Honestly having a blast with every character, but Bryce I just clicked with immediately. Love how he has the closest things to a "magic series" chain in the cast - makes him easy to pick up for someone like me who prefers those.

One question - I thought Elle was British? At least I remember her being referred to as such in SHADEs 3. So how come she's under the French flag here? Or have I remembered wrong all this time?

Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 April 26, 2021, 09:09:55 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Just some small updates so people know I'm not dead.
  • I'm currently dealing with a bunch of other creative/personal commitments at the moment, as well as dealing with being back in the office. So I've had to basically put CFH on hold until they get done, or until at least I've cut down the pile to be more managable. That said, it's given me time to consider the mechanics/roster a bit more.
  • The roster, aside from about one or two gaps, is pretty much decided upon now. I'm not gonna reveal anything until later, when I can get back onto this topic. Suffice to say, it's not the most creative roster in the world, but I'll deal with complaints and make changes when I reveal it for real.
  • Hero Powers have been changed up significantly. They now work like the Magic system from Them's Fightin' Herds, with each character having unique abilities and ways to use the Hero Meter. This will be elaborated on when I return and make more headway.

Keep an eye out here, I'll post something when I get back to work on this.

Re: what game are you playing right now

 April 09, 2021, 06:09:38 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in what game are you playing right now (Started by Shunu December 09, 2009, 09:37:27 pm
 Board: Gaming

Been getting into Spellbreak on XBox. Probably should play it on PC because of mouse controls but honestly I don't know if my laptop could keep up.

It's pretty good. I like how the focus isn't on guns, but on combining the different elements together and the benefits your primary element gives you. Also, the trimmed down equipment system is refreshing when most Battle Royale games swamp you in different hats, shoes, gloves etc. Currently my fave combo is Fire + Wind because flaming tornadoes, occasionally swapping wind for Earth or Poison.

Dunno how long this game's going to last, but I hope it gets some life breathed into it. The devs keep talking about adding extra modes outside of the Battle Royale stuff, so I'm curious to see where that goes.

Re: Template?

 April 06, 2021, 05:21:54 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Template? (Started by Steel Komodo April 06, 2021, 04:31:04 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

So the best thing for me to do, it seems, would be to just develop a character, then strip them down to use as the template for future characters. Makes sense. I'll try that method and, if it works out, I'll stick with it.

Thanks :)


 April 06, 2021, 04:31:04 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Template? (Started by Steel Komodo April 06, 2021, 04:31:04 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

This might sound like a stupid question, but when people talk about making a "template" for their full games, how do they go about it? I'm trying to construct one myself, but I have a bunch of unique animations for effects in there that aren't going to carry over when I swap out SFF's and whatnot. The only other option for me is to do it by hand, but even then it would still involve importing all the sprites for the characters that I want to use, doing the alignment and animation by hand, etc. And that's a whole time-consuming process that I know can be avoided, but I don't seem to be able to.

Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated. I know that everyone is going to scream "USE KUNG FU MAN" at me, but that still doesn't solve my main problem, so anything that isn't "USE KUNG FU MAN" would be a lot more helpful in that regard.

Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 April 05, 2021, 03:34:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Okay, so... huge apologies for the lack of progress to report. The fact is, I'm still feeling indecisive about some of the major mechanics for this game, as well as the roster. This isn't something I can put into a poll, so I'm just going to make an open call for advice on this one.

Also putting things in spoilers because otherwise this post is going to be huge.

Spoiler: Problem #1: Mechanics (click to see content)

Spoiler: Problem #2: Roster (click to see content)

Any amount of feedback/suggestions would be of big help to me right now. I feel like I'm so close to getting this perfect, but there's always that insidious second thought that makes me second-guess myself, and it's really starting to frustrate me.

Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 April 03, 2021, 12:08:50 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Got some announcements to make in here:

1. I'm probably going to be ditching the concept of Rage Ultras. As much as I've wanted to include a mechanic like this. I don't really know if such a thing would fit a Capcom-stye game, especially with the other changes I'm considering making, and I don't know if I'll be able to conceptualize Rage Ultras for every character in the roster. Discuss.

2. I've decided that the fifth button will work akin to the V-Skills and V-Reversals of Street Fighter V. I'm also adding a new offensive ability to the button - a forward dash that works akin to Roman Cancels, resetting the juggle counter for the cost of one bar.

3. Got one more lifebar concept for you all.

Taking a break over Easter to try and figure out the roster and mechanics a bit more. Then, since I have the week off, I'm going to try and focus on getting the character template properly done so I can work on a character for real.

Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 March 21, 2021, 09:56:20 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Thanks to all for the kind words. I promise to do my best and not let you all down this time :)

Also, got a new lifebar concept here. This was originally for a CvS project I was mulling over, but when I switched over to this I changed them up a bit. The CvS influence is still there, but I hope you all like my own spin on it.


Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 March 21, 2021, 07:05:58 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Thanks for the words, Nestor! Glad to hear from you! :D

Do you know anywhere where I might be able to contact Li_Kun, if not on here? I'm still going to be helping to back the other Rouge sprites I mentioned, but if he does get Rouge finished in the near future, then I might switch to the sprites he made for them instead.

Re: Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread

 March 21, 2021, 01:39:01 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

UPDATE: First post updated with new details.

I just want to clarify that the project isn't stopping. The template I'm working on is still valid for this, as it has the same base gameplay. I'll still be working on Morrigan (because frankly she's more interesting than Ryu to me right now :P) and, again, will announce her when I have something to show.

Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)

 March 21, 2021, 02:35:20 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

This is going to be a bit tough for me to announce. Mostly because I know there’s people on here who were looking forward to this idea. But I feel it’s something that needs to be said now or it’ll never happen.

I was talking with one of the backers of Rouge on Discord about my general worries with the Capcom Heroines project. And they said something that made sense the more I thought about it and really put everything into perspective. The fact of the matter is, a lot of my frustrations with this project come from me essentially forcing myself to do something different. The weird mechanics, the all-female roster, the odd character choices... it was all me trying to be different for the sake of it, and biting off more than I could chew as a result. New sprites, new voice acting... It was all too much. And all of it born from a desire to not be “just another MvC project”.

Also, too many waifus :P

So I’m changing things up a bit. I’m not going to stop trying to develop for MUGEN - I still want to do that. But I’m not going to do it just because I want to be different and innovative. I want to make something that I actually enjoy making. Something where I’m not stressing out over expenses for anything or making everything match up in an aesthetic sense. And while I’ll be keeping the base gameplay (with some tweaks), the focus won’t be on the all-female roster or nightmarish-to-code grooves/abilities.

Capcom Heroines is dead. Long live...

Stay tuned for further announcements.

Re: Rouge WIP (Power Stone)

 March 18, 2021, 12:08:26 am View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Rouge WIP (Power Stone) (Started by 087-B March 17, 2021, 10:59:34 pm
 Board: Vs. Style Debuts: Tag Team Revolution

Loving what’s up here so far! Countgate did some real good work :D

Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)

 March 15, 2021, 09:18:00 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Steel Komodo  in Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Started by Steel Komodo February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Quick update - I'm pleased to announce that no1wammy is the major backer of making sprites for Rouge! He'll be posting progress at some point in the Sprite Projects thread, so keep an eye out for when he does!

As for progress on my end, it's... slow.  I'm back in the office, which means I've got less time to work on the template for the system. If I ever get the time to make any decent progress, I'll let you all know. Until then, stay tuned.