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Messages by diletDis


versus mode match counter

 November 10, 2018, 02:02:27 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in versus mode match counter (Started by diletDis November 10, 2018, 02:02:27 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

i wonder if there is some way to add a "match counter" similar to the one present in arcade mode in mugen 1.1
since i play a lot in vs mode and sometimes we lost the count or we dont know who ended up winning the most :D
btw i added a sort of "fill bg" image in the "versus" screen so i dont know if im missing something or if its there and its covered up by the "fill bg"
or in the victory screen maybe??
any input is welcome thx in advance

Re: Mugen 3D, 2.5d Avengers vs X-men Project Official Post

 October 27, 2018, 02:55:51 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in AVENGERS vs X-MEN Project Official Post [New Mugen in 3D, 2.5d style] (Started by Ramon Garcia October 19, 2018, 05:11:10 pm
 Board: Projects

looking good so far (to be a just 3 months project) you have done a lot of things like the screenpack and the battle announcers stuff
about the characters i suggest you using a better "shader" to style it up or make some "actions" in photoshop if you wanna post process the pre rendered sprites to every char so they look more alike visually
about the animation part i imagine that is being worked on (and to be honest is really  difficult to get them from 3D to 2d and make em look good and fluid)
but imo i would focus on having few characters  at first then work on others like.. complete an entire character visuals to have it fully coded and use that one as a template for the others (this is to avoid having to re-code complicated stuff like damage dampeners or whatever "fullgame" function you are gonna be using)

i did prototipe 2.5D fighting game using mugen 1.1 and it was really good experience you will learn a lot so keep up the good work :D

Re: Simulating motion blur?

 September 12, 2018, 05:09:46 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Simulating motion blur? (Started by GDPenguin September 12, 2018, 07:35:13 am
 Board: Idea Engineering

yea is possible to simulate motion blur with explods

i used the same pal from the character to paint the motionblur fx, u can do that in photoshop indexing the sprites of the fx to the character pal
then in Fighter Factory pal editor adjust the "transparent" bg color and use them with "add" transparency

Re: Would you pay for a commercial mugen clone? ShugenDo

 August 29, 2018, 04:33:38 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Would you pay for a commercial mugen clone? ShugenDo (Started by SakirSoft August 20, 2018, 07:05:47 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

i followed some of what shugendo and what u did after that looking for a release xD
but imo if u wanna go commercial you shouldnt take "mugen" content into consideration because most of already created "mugen content" cant be selled anyway
is very little the ammout of original works and if you are gonna make an engine that is mugen like but has better capabilities due to being modern. is a total go to me
atleast small indie teams would like it. and a lot more if they can "sell" their creation afterwards, so paying for it would not be an issue

Scroll / Tile background loop

 August 13, 2018, 12:23:59 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Scroll / Tile background loop (Started by diletDis August 13, 2018, 12:23:59 pm
 Board: Graphics

text and sample image included in the asset folder for quick view


Re: Unity3D next-gen Mugen like clone

 August 12, 2018, 07:35:13 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Unity3D next-gen Mugen like clone (Started by diletDis August 12, 2018, 06:34:50 pm
 Board: Off-Topic Help

thats really cool to read
ive personally tried UE4 and its was a nice experiment but found that it is too much of a task for a single dude
i got nice results with the graphic side of it and other than that i used stolen blue prints to get some basic funcionalitys
i can see why Unity3D has lot of failed project when it comes to fighting genre but that is on a general level it has lot of projects failed on all genres.. so its not really a fighting game thing... atleast to me UE4 is the best shot if u wanna go full next gen but is far from realistic when it comes to a single person tryna do it
i still think that unity3D is best because its main focus is for small teams i dont blame the engine for the failures ( just look at mugen is dated and all but ppl still manage to pull either totall garbage or really amazing stuff) besides the modular aspect of it could make it so ppl could gather stuff from it and make something totally different .. what i mean is like if u got a statemachine player (mugen like) you could easily make a metroid'vania game (wich is a quite popular dream among indie gamedevs) or megaman like game where u scroll stages up and have boss fights. the basic mechanics are still the same the player the environment and such..
ill have a look on godot..
would be much to ask for a picture or a video of what you have on such engines? sounds interesting

Re: Any way to make Intro unskippable?

 August 12, 2018, 06:44:08 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Any way to make Intro unskippable? (Started by Trololo August 09, 2018, 05:20:52 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

yes there is a way to do it but is somewhat complicated.. you can look for "rednavi" work,  he did some unskippable intro in some of his stuff and explained in some posts
arround mugenguild so yeah.. if i had the link's ill send them but hit google it should appear or atleast give you clues

Unity3D next-gen Mugen like clone

 August 12, 2018, 06:34:50 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Unity3D next-gen Mugen like clone (Started by diletDis August 12, 2018, 06:34:50 pm
 Board: Off-Topic Help

Hi! everyone
this is mainly a question.. if coders arround here would would be interested to work on a "mugen" like clone made in unity 3D
i know there is a fighting "engine" for unity but it aint noob friendly as mugen and to be honest there is really no fighting game engine out there to compete with mugen

there are a good bunch of reasons about why this could be really cool (names all unity3D fancy stuff)
and also one could expand the code if needed (ej get online working. gamemodes. or funky it up and get platforms or whatever one may think of)

i know there are "asset packs" with codes and stuff that one could use but in my experience i found that they dont work out of the box and it would be better to do it from scratch

there is some game called "punch planet" that is made with unity and it was showcased at evo
so this thing is possible... but again there is no engine released
and to be honest that sucks since if we had a modern mugen-like solution mugen community would be kickin' fighting games companys ass..

well the idea is quite obvious i mean.. make a unity 3D mugen based on "standars" as mugen does and keep improvin it til its a sort of basic "engine" to work with.  mainly like what Kung Fu Man is to mugen. a working game template with the features needed to make the stuff u want

personally i started to work on a "port" of the mugen i maded and is really dope to work the stages and graphics out in unity
but since im noob at coding it sucks cuz i either go really slow or usually make mistakes and it just bugs xD
in my opinion if multiple "mugen users" worked on this, this could turn out really cool and useful for everyone wanting to make something simple
the goal being a "next gen" mugen based on unity3D that is simple and user friendly
what i was thinkin was a sort of "hive" game where ppl could get his fighter in and play with others ppl creations or just compete online
or a solution for small indie fighting games that dont require much...

hope u guys give it a thought and reply and get a discussion going

Re: Creating something simple, K.O CG

 August 12, 2018, 05:58:16 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Creating something simple, K.O CG (Started by Plum August 12, 2018, 12:09:20 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

to explain a bit more what odb718 wrote
[State -3, Super bg]
type = explod
triggerall = Stateno = [3000,3999] ;<--- range of states that could activate "K.O" effect, 3 to 4k is standar but if u have a different super (lets say 2500 include it)
trigger1 = (Roundstate = 3) && (NumExplod(9999) < 1) && (P2Life <= 0) && (Life > 0)
; "roundstate= 2 is when the fight is active so "3" is when it changes to next phase (aka match over. see the docs)
;  (NumExplod(9999) < 1) this is to instantiate the animation with the ID only once (lets say there is an animation using that ID it wont show up)
ID = 9999 ;ID of anim
anim = 9999 ; animation to display
postype = left ; read the docs for more info on how to use the new features in mugen 1.0 or 1.1 in case this "fit" doesnt work for you, there are various ways of positioning
pos = 0, 0
bindtime = -1
removetime = -2
supermovetime = -1
sprpriority = -4
ownpal = 1

[State -3, Super bg] ; this removes the stuff displayed with the ID
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = Roundstate = 4
ID = 9999

generally is good to use the same animation Number as ID Nº of the "explod"
other people put this inside a "helper" and then "spawn" the helper, if u do that u can use the same triggers (NumHelper(HelperID) < 1)


Re: Remove Helper-typed super armor?

 May 18, 2018, 11:44:28 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Remove Helper-typed super armor? (Started by Mr. Giang May 18, 2018, 03:08:55 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

here i got a armor helper code that i  use. it Works everytime (but only resist one hit) guess you could rework it a bit
but the cool thing is that is one helper and you can call it on different states and it will work (it requires you to add the anims in the  helper code and thats it )

;please note that in order for this to work u need to duplicate your "armor attack" animation and delete the sprites from it leaving only the collision box data in the frames that u need armor (may take few minutes but does the job) (please read the code so u get the idea)

<put this on your attack state that need an armor>
[State Reversal]
type = helper
trigger1 = !time
stateno = 9100
name = "Detection"
pausemovetime = 65535
supermovetime = 65535

<this is the helper code>
;<Reversal Detection>
[StateDef 9100]
physics = N
sprpriority = 0
anim = 9741 ; empty anim with a -1 so its infinite

[State NotHitBy]
type = nothitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA

[State Bind]
type = BindToRoot
trigger1 = 1
time = -1

[State Anim]
type = varset
trigger1 = 1
var(0) = root, anim    ;gets the player current anim
ignorehitpause = 1
[State Elem]
type = varset
trigger1 = 1
var(1) = root, animelemno(0) ; gets the player current frame of the anim
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 7360, anim] ; <HERE you specify the animation that containts the "collision data" for the frames that u want armor (in my char the attack is 230 and the collisions
for the armor is 231 so..) (also the collision animation is a "clone" of the attack animation withouth sprites just collision boxes when u need them. also delete collision boxes from the frames that u dont want armor. lets say u want armor from frame 4 to 8, leave the collisions in those frames and erase from 0-3 and 9 and on)
type = changeanim
trigger1 = root, stateno = 230
value = var(0) +1 ;notice that the armor helper animation is next to the attack in the anim file .. hence the +1
elem = var(1)
ignorehitpause = 1
[State 7360, anim]; same here but if u want to add it to a different attack repeat the procedure
type = changeanim
trigger1 = root, stateno = 220
value = 223  ;but here i used a specific number in case u have the next slot taken and u want to use a different number for the armor anim
elem = var(1)
ignorehitpause = 1
[State 7360, anim]; same thing here
type = changeanim
trigger1 = root, stateno = 3100
value = 3101
elem = var(1)  ;<----- this is whats more important because it keep it on sync with the char anim 
ignorehitpause = 1

[State Disable]  ;add your anims and states here
type = varset
trigger1 = anim = 231
trigger1 = root, stateno != 230
trigger1 = anim = 223
trigger1 = root, stateno != 220
trigger1 = anim = 3101
trigger1 = root, stateno != 3100
var(2) = 1

[State Disable]
type = changeanim
trigger1 = var(2) = 1
value = 9741

[State Reversal]
type = reversaldef
trigger1 = !var(2)
reversal.attr = SCA,AA,AP
p1stateno = 9101   ;< pay attention to this . this does the changestate instead of a changestate ctrllr
pausetime = 0,0
sparkno = -1
numhits = 0

[State Disable]
type = ReversalDef
trigger1 = var(2) = 1
reversal.attr =
pausetime = 0,0
sparkno = -1
numhits = 0

[State 9100, End]
type = destroyself  ;prevent helper from existin if ur char gets  out of the armor time or if he gets hit  (add your states)
trigger1 = anim = 231
trigger1 = !animtime || (root ,animelemtime(10) >= 0) || root,stateno != 230
trigger2 = anim = 223
trigger2 = !animtime || (root ,animelemtime(11) >= 0) || root,stateno != 220
trigger3 = anim = 3101
trigger3 = !animtime || (root ,animelemtime(25) >= 0) || root,stateno != 3100
trigger4 = var(0) = 1

[StateDef 9101]
movetype = I
anim = 9741
ctrl = 0

[State Pause]
type = pause ;custom FX  when it worked  remove or tweak if u want
trigger1 = !time
time = 15
movetime = 15
pauseBg = 0

[State Sfx]
type = playsnd ;custom FX  when it worked  remove or tweak if u want
trigger1 = !time
channel= 2
value = F3, 3

[State Shake]
type = envshake
trigger1 = !time ;custom FX  when it worked  remove or tweak if u want
time = 1
freq = 0
ampl = 0

[State Flash]
type = explod
trigger1 = !time ;custom FX  when it worked  remove or tweak if u want
anim = 9100
ID = 1
space = screen
pos = 0 , 0
scale = 4,4
sprpriority = -5
supermovetime = 9999
pausemovetime = 9999

[State End]
type = destroyself  ; here the same as in the previous state add your triggers to terminate the armor helper
trigger1 = root, anim = 230 && root , animelemtime(11)>= 0
trigger2 = root, anim = 220 && root , animelemtime(11)>= 0 
trigger3 = root, anim = 3100 && root , animelemtime(25)>= 0

and thats it ... it does the job pretty well and also is easy to add or extend  just call the helper and add your anims and triggers :)


Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)

 April 21, 2018, 03:25:50 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.3 (UPDATED June, 16) (Started by VirtuallTek April 04, 2018, 02:43:30 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

HI! i was just testing this new version and is looking really great so far!
but i cant save any changes made because it warns me to fix all erros before saving..
i mean the chars already run in the engine (some debug log stuff.. no popup when starting tho) but i should be able to save if the chars run...
or where i can find the "error list" to fix em .. it says that i have 11 erros to fix in one char and the other saves just fine..

request mugen 1.1 fight.prototype

 April 15, 2018, 02:35:30 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in request mugen 1.1 fight.prototype  (Started by diletDis April 15, 2018, 02:35:30 am
 Board: Requests

i uploaded this mugen a few months ago and i had hdd problems these days so i lost all source..
can someone who downloaded this please upload or send me a copy??

Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)

 April 14, 2018, 12:46:44 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.3 (UPDATED June, 16) (Started by VirtuallTek April 04, 2018, 02:43:30 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

nice virtualtek!!
this gonna be cool

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 April 10, 2018, 01:02:17 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

no puedo pasar el captcha para buscar en google . le pusieron nivel 40

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 April 10, 2018, 12:30:41 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

va.  alguien se bajo el mugen que subi ese f1ght.prototype.1
podria alguien mandarmelo de alguna forma ...

Re: Chalenging players to a ikemen game

 April 10, 2018, 12:28:26 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Chalenging players to a ikemen game (Started by Mistah Jorge April 09, 2018, 10:49:29 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

i will play with you
tell me what character i must have in order and what to download .. i have not tested ikemen before

Re: Mugen 1.1 OpenGL Problem after new Win 10 Update

 March 19, 2018, 08:05:19 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Mugen 1.1 OpenGL Problem after new Win 10 Update (Started by argyone December 19, 2017, 08:45:16 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help


Re: Reshade causing crashes now

 March 08, 2018, 10:25:51 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Reshade causing crashes now (Started by Azul Crescent February 09, 2018, 08:38:38 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help


Re: Handling Multi Strength moves in ONE state

 January 29, 2018, 08:15:49 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Handling Multi Strength moves in ONE state (Started by Yoshin222 January 29, 2018, 05:51:19 pm
 Board: Code Library

cool stuff  but is a bit more time consuming that just spend one Var to do that like in PotS gouki hadouken...
u can reset that var and use it on another move later..
what im sayin is that if u got a few moves that are like this it would be faster to just waste a var slot on that xD but still pretty cool stuff

Re: Parry + Dodge Rolls

 January 27, 2018, 09:21:52 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by diletDis  in Parry + Dodge Rolls (Started by DingusMB January 27, 2018, 03:25:42 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

i suggest u to experiment ... if the character u makin is up to it and can amp the shit up u gonna need some of those 3
or an armor like move or  a blend ... stilll those mechanics are gettin  too old now