
Screenpack, common FX & Sounds (Read 34141 times)

Started by mr_bourrepalestick, May 08, 2017, 12:27:14 pm
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Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#1  May 08, 2017, 12:27:14 pm
  • **
    • France
As in current state, all the screenpack & FX stuff of the game isn't settled in stone.
Even some elements give me satisfaction, others still need to be worked on, some are even missing.


System.sff  stuff

- currently no game intro storyboard
- currently no "credits" storyboard

Main menu

- that red moon sky & golden field backgrounds ... that samsho2 universe ! Gorgeous !
- "Another Blade" title is quite fine ... could be polished on some border pixels
- Maybe trying some "grunge"-esque font for menu elements ... ?
- @  ExL remark :
that fatboyslim font needs a dot on it's "i" character
-->will need to be tweaked for .ttf , .sff and low res .fnt formats (for Mugen & Ikemen consistency) Fixed by ExL. THANKS !!!

Select screen

-  frames/grid for small portraits, currently mugen default, placeholder
-  player1/player2 cursors, placeholders --> have a consistency between Mugen & Ikemen versions (low res)
- Keep Fatboyslim font for player names , change "Versus mode" font for grunge-esque one ?

Versus screen

- the entire "Versus screen" is just a placeholder based on Mugen default + small tweaks.
- Keep Fatboyslim font for player names , grunge-esque font for "Next Duel" / "Chapter #"  elements ?

Hey there, bro! How are you doin'?
Kinda all of a sudden, but just got idea for VS screen, it kinda suddenly fell on my head, lol
You see, I like how you made moving light source, it's very neat effect and I didn't want you to take that out, but you wanted to remake VS screen so it's not that bland and might've took that effect out. I was thinking on how to justify effect and make rich atmosphere and... eureka!
Imagine wooden table, there's 2 portraits in frames(like AOF intro, where portrait of Ryo, Robert and Yuri shatters, but but more royal-like frame with ornament, maybe golden), on those portraits are labels(simple rectangle white paper pieces taped on glass with transparent duct tape not so accurately) on which names are written in your favorite FBS font, it's all in darkness and in-behind there's window with current bg shown(night scenery with big moon) and in foreground somebody moves chandelier so frames cast shadows on table... Maybe some pappers are laying on table, inkstand, cassette player(kinda like in Guardians of Galaxy) like someone is was writing stories about true samurai while listening to funky music ;)
Hope you got the idea I caught before I lost it :D

- currently no "Victory screen" with character quotes

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 10:50:22 am by mr_bourrepalestick


Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#2  May 08, 2017, 04:17:56 pm
  • **
  • 1-800-SUICIDE
- @  ExL remark :
that fatboyslim font needs a dot on it's "i" character
-->will need to be tweaked for .ttf , .sff and low res .fnt formats (for Mugen & Ikemen consistency)
"Fixing" .ttf isn't a big deal, can do either way - you draw fixed "i" and I'll insert it or I'll try drawing myself. Just send me .ttf in PM. It's simple dot over "i", but it's still preferable for you to draw. Can do other font changes if you need to, replacing characters, making thinner/wider, skew, outline.
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#3  May 08, 2017, 09:17:20 pm
  • **
    • France
Maaate !  I PM you asap !
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#4  May 14, 2017, 10:49:15 am
  • **
    • France
Thanks to ExL, those fatboyslim fonts are fixed now ! 1st post edited.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#5  May 16, 2017, 08:48:00 pm
  • **
    • France
A little post to share some previous sketches which I made when testing things for the title screen.
Obviously I went for something easier with Genjuro's stage as Title screen background, but there was still some experimenting behind the curtains.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get this kind of stuff with lowres images on Mugen 1.0 , so I've sticked with the samsho2 stage as a background.

Spoiler: similar to the previous one (click to see content)

An obvious reference to samurai champloo stuff, but very very simplified.

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#6  May 16, 2017, 09:15:54 pm
  • ****
  • Pixels are atom's of resolution,Low-res or Hi-res
    • Turkey
looks good,last 2 looks quite easy to make it happen,can you send me the fonts you showed in first one as files,I can build something.
Re: Screenpack, common FX & Sounds
#7  May 16, 2017, 10:28:15 pm
  • **
    • France
looks good,last 2 looks quite easy to make it happen,can you send me the fonts you showed in first one as files,I can build something.
Glad you like it !!! I'd love to see what you could do with it.

When you say "in the first one", do you mean this one ?
Spoiler: sketch title screen (click to see content)
If that's the case, I'm afraid i can't send you any font file : it is handwritten.
In case you're still interested, here's a link for .png & .xcf  files of it.
>> another blade title image files (zip folder) <<
That's the one I've used in the current title screen btw.

Or else, did you mean fonts for the menu elements of this one (which is the 1st image of the 1st post) ?
Spoiler: current title screen (click to see content)
In that case, it is the "fatboyslim" font we're talking about. Below, a link for a zip file containing :
1- ttf format folder
2 - sff format folder
3 - lowres fnt (for ikemen) folder
4 - ExL fixed version for the 1&2 folders
>> fatboy slim font files (zip folder) <<

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade