The Mugen Fighters Guild

M.U.G.E.N Central => M.U.G.E.N Discussion => Idea Engineering => Topic started by: Basara Bogard on August 17, 2011, 09:32:18 pm

Title: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on August 17, 2011, 09:32:18 pm
Hi people, I wanted to create this section only for these creations I planned to make and probably won't be major chars as those ones on my actual WIP threads. And I started with these ones:
-. Genma Saotome
Ranma's father and one of the funniest characters from Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2 series. Just converted by KGenjuro many years ago, this has been one of my secret projects from a time until now (unless you saw some of my screenshots I posted in sshots thread). Originally Genma has a big size, but it was shrinked for videogame incarnations. Thing I've to fix it once for all, making it at 2X. Probably the only of these characters will see the light during this year :P

-. Shuma-Gorath
One of the most powerful monsters from Marvel universe and another of Dr. Strange's nemesis, as well some of the fearsome creatures Capcom adapted for their Marvel vs. games. Since the existing versions are just awful and tired/bored of waiting a good one, I started him using SDB's sheet that has all his sprites. And I won't use any MVC-related, the gameplay will be just the default one ;)

1. Mega Man
The hybrid and rancid version of Megaman character based in MM1's US artwork made by GMSpectre for his KOF20XX fullgame. Since there're already made Captain Falcon and Mario from this game, I wanted to adapt this character (and possibly more from that game) for MUGEN, since it's so fun to play in KOF20XX

And that's all for now, I've many projects for this thread, but that will be soon. For now, just imagine what I should make next :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Balthazar on August 18, 2011, 12:50:45 am
Box Art Megaman...let's go :) We need him!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on August 19, 2011, 08:24:04 pm
Sure thing, Balt ;) now working with the sperites to make a palette for them. Oh, and I forgot another possible char for the future:

2. Agito
The main protagonist from Axel City doujin-game, and I think will be the first AC char for MUGEN. And my first HR character, too. Just adding the first sprites, nothing advanced. Also I'm thinking to make Midnight Bliss Ken Masters Maria from the same game in the future :P

For Genma, I'm making the supers. For Shuma-Gorath, I made some of the first basics, but I still need MSH and MSHvsSF roms to play with him again :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Blue Monkey on August 20, 2011, 11:55:06 am
I gather that you were finally able to play Axel City hehe, i vote for Agito, you know im a fanof those  games and im happy you decided to convert him, my second option would be for an accurate MVC Shuma Gorath, good luck on any of this projects Basara!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on September 02, 2011, 08:13:24 pm
Well, I've another possible project to do:

-. Retro Ken
Just imagine this: CVS2 Ken Masters + SFII stuff (palettes, sounds, sparks, voices, etc), that's basically what Retro Ken is. Originally I wanted to convert him in one more of the B-kun a la POTS ( chars, but seeing a lot of Ken releases related to CVS/POTS style (Jmorphman, Lost_Avenger, etc), I prefered to make this instead :P Using Parker's CVS3 Ken as base for Retro Ken, of course ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Werewood on September 03, 2011, 11:04:12 am
K9999 sitting on Shuma-Gorath fighting in a Golden-Axe style itself is already a very interesting idea................ :o

on topic:

Your "the main protagonist from Axel City doujin-game" choice is very welcomed!  Finally a mugenzied version sees some light!  :sugoi:
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Toshio Tenma on September 05, 2011, 03:20:16 pm
I vote for Agito, if you wish a beta-tester, then I'll do my best^^
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 20, 2011, 09:04:07 pm
Well, I got some news: I got 2 of my possible project finished... I'll make you a little gift for these X-mas ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 26, 2011, 08:59:07 pm
Retro Ken and Genma Saotome has been finished and released!! ( Also, Shuma-Gorath and Bishamon are my new official WIPs (at least in my website, soon I'll post in my official WIP thread)

Also, there's a new possible project for 2012:
. Little John (formerly called as "That Big Fucker" as you can see in the pic)
A Blazblue parody using Iron Tager sprites to make something different... and probably using old and pixelated 2D sparks with 2X as mocking of flashy HD sparks are used in the game ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Meldo on December 27, 2011, 02:33:53 pm
LOL nice idea Basara, what else are you gonna put in That Big Fucker?
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 27, 2011, 10:21:10 pm
I've to see all the sprites to get an idea about the possible moves, but in the other part, he'll have pixelated sparks (probably NES graphics or something like that) and a high pitch voice maybe :P for now only have standing and crouching sprites added
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Meldo on December 27, 2011, 10:32:01 pm
The high pitch voice is a great idea. Is he gonna be a novelty/joke character or something?
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 27, 2011, 11:10:59 pm
Yes, that's the idea. But it could be more funny if it plays better than the other "accurate" BB chars on the net ;D
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Meldo on December 27, 2011, 11:59:22 pm
How better?
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 28, 2011, 12:34:10 am
Well, I read a lot of feedback about misaligned sprites, basic debug and that kind of stuff, apart of "don't play anything like in BB". But well, let's see what happens with this char in the future :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 24, 2012, 12:21:32 am
Reviving this speculation's room with some stuff:

-. SFIIM Cyborg
I loved the Enscripture's rips of him and quickly it was converted by Zion and Kamekaze. But there're something on them don't like me at all. So I'm working on a own version of Cyborg based on SFII (using Retro Ken as base) with some typical MUGEN stuff like supers and scale and stuff. Not enough to consider it a real WIP of mine :P FINISHED AND RELEASED

3. Rick Strowd EX
Many of you shouldn't know, but Rick was one of my first WIP I made, but never was finished at all. Now, these last weeks, I realized I could make him like my EX characters (Rai, Yuki and Ryu) with KOF-like gameplay and some stuff I wanted for him. Remaking him, but with very few made, just like Cyborg

Also, I think I should add Bishamon to this section, since it doesn't have enough to be called a WIP, what do you think??

OMG, I totally forgot about this...
-. Bobby Nelson
The last fighter from AODK who needs to be converted, I wanted to make someday the lil' basketballer. Just starting to rip the sprites... unless Kong would make the magic and rip all AODK sprites and I would add automatically to my WIPs :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: XamΣeta on April 24, 2012, 12:50:35 am

Basara, are you revamping the SFII Cyborg sprites set to match arcade character's scale?

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 24, 2012, 01:05:21 am
That would be great, but I don't know about the real scale for it. For now, I was thinking to make the same scale than Dean and Lucia: 1.2X, that's the scale it seems in the shot, and it looks good :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: XamΣeta on April 24, 2012, 03:07:12 am
Yes it looks fine like that.

Just for reference I did the following:


- Ryu sprite in native arcade ratio
- SF2 Cyborg in native PSX ratio
- SF2 Cyborg Scaled and somewhat Pixel corrected to match Arcade Ratio (still needs work but you get the idea)

Like I said, its just for reference and I really wish someone would pick it up.

Anyways, I look forward to your Shuma and SF2 Cyborg.  8)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 25, 2012, 12:49:31 am
Thanks ;)

People, I need some words about this:
Also, I think I should add Bishamon to this section, since it doesn't have enough to be called a WIP, what do you think??

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: walt on April 25, 2012, 01:37:08 am
come on, what do you want from us?

only you know how far along is he
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Garuda on April 25, 2012, 11:13:23 am
Rick ex... OMG!!! I hope to try him out soon! I was waiting for sonething like this since forever!!!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 25, 2012, 09:50:33 pm
As Shuma-Gorath, but in backward. Now it's just one more of my speculations room until I get real advances for him...

-. Bishamon
Searching for DS characters for MUGEN, I found there's no Bishamon for MUGEN. I mean, there're 2-3 Oboro Bishamon, and the only one that can be called as Bishamon is 3ha's, which is custom. So, after playing a lot in emulators (and some arcades of my town) with him, I decided to make a decent version of him. My main inspiration is Bishamon from the first 2 games, but maybe I could make a Vampire Savior 1-2 mode for him... or even an Oboro mode, but for now I'm basing in DS1-NW games for him. Using Renzo's Talbain as base, TDS's NW sprites and Felineki's NW sparks. Now just have some basics like stand, crouch and walk, very few advanced for now...
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: oraora? on April 26, 2012, 04:02:35 pm
Bishamon is my favorite Vampire Saviour Character, highly looking forward to him 8)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: FeLo_Llop on April 27, 2012, 11:21:36 am
Basara, if you're going to do Bishamon, make me a BIG BMP as with Adon. I'd like to try something ;)!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 03, 2012, 04:52:57 am
-. Roxy
I got the idea about making a Poison using Dampir' spriteset, but since there're a lot of Poison out there (the last one by DivineWolf is the best), I thought in this other option, since nobody has made her before. Yeah, the moveset probably will be similar than Poison, but will have original stuff and the voice of Rina-chan (got her adult woman voice samples), as well probably will have SFA gameplay (I'll use Eagle Zero as base).
Posted here since I got this idea from time ago, but I didn't start well on her, just ensembling her SFF right now :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: FeLo_Llop on July 04, 2012, 06:10:29 pm
Finish Adon, Bishamon and Rose first!! :P!!!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Moon Girard on July 04, 2012, 06:46:01 pm
Sweet Roxy finally get some love looking foward to this.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: HadeS on July 05, 2012, 02:30:44 pm
Finish first the CVS chars with the PotS style and Rose too >:(
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 06, 2012, 08:45:49 pm
Sweet Roxy finally get some love looking foward to this.
Yeah, I wanted to see her, too, and it's a good way to use Dampir sprites. Thanks man :)

Finish Adon, Bishamon and Rose first!! :P!!!
Finish first the CVS chars with the PotS style and Rose too >:(
Hahahaha, I know, I know :P this thread is for possible/future projects I've in mind, nothing serious (except a bit for Bishamon, which I'll move to my WIP thread when I get something more advanced). I'm still working on them and soon I'll show you some advances, especially for Rose ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 13, 2012, 12:24:36 am
Guys, I'm adding a new possible project to make, not because I've to start it, but I'm waiting for an answer. So, here it is:

. Scaner-2012
The brazilian creator Scaner ( made this char in 2000 called as Scaner-EX, an edit of Sogetsu Kazama with a lot of water moves and stuff. Personally I always liked this character, but it has a lot of flaws, like bad clsns, wrong palettes, clashing FX, weird commands for moves and so on. The main idea is great, but the execution was poor, IMO. So, I wanted to take this character and practically remake him with new AIR, new palettes, reaconditioned moves, new specials and supers and some more stuff I've planned for him.

I sent a mail to Scaner for permission to use his character, but I'm not sure if he's still got the same mail or if he knows english (the language I used for the mail). Also thinking about post this better in MUGEN Discussion if some brazilian creator (mostly O Ilusionista) can help me contacting him in some way...
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 20, 2012, 08:37:45 pm
Guys, 2 of the possible projects posted here will become real WIPs, soon you'll know about them ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 23, 2012, 04:30:05 am
Cyborg and Scaner now are added to my official WIPs list. See about them in my WIP thread in Projects ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on September 26, 2012, 08:46:16 pm
Cyborg has been released!! (
When I finish more chars (I've various on list), I'll add some chars from here to add my official list. Which one would become my new WIP?? Who knows :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Garuda on September 26, 2012, 09:32:42 pm
I hope to see a char "a la PotS" like Rose, K', Adon or Rick!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new stuff to see)
Post by: Basara Bogard on September 28, 2012, 07:48:32 pm
Don't worry, soon you'll see advances of them in my other thread ;) only I can say Rose and K' are my advanced ones :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 17, 2012, 10:13:34 pm
Reviving this wishlist-to-do thread with a news I'm glad to say to you. Since always I'm a fan of Variable Geo series and I wanted to make a character from this series, but since I don't have sprites or how to rip them, I never concreted that. Now that Aokmaniac ripped VG Custom sprites ( and DivineWolf made his own version of Yuka (, that inspires me and gives me the "start the project!!" now, so finally I can start with these 2 projects:

-. Chiho Masuda
My favourite girl from VG series, I love her since always. The ninja of the roster and one of the 6 original characters from the first game (along with Yuka, Jun, Manami, Kaori and Reimi), finally I can made her based in her appearances in AVG2 and VGC. She'll have her 6 palettes from AVG2, but also will have from all her other appearances (1, 2, Max, Super VG, etc) and some other surprises ;)

-. False Yuka Takeuchi
A clone made by Miranda Jyahana just like Keiichi, Keini and Material, who differences of Yuka for his purple hair and pink dress, instead the brown/orange of the original, apart of being more powerful than her. From Advance Variable Geo 1 (from Saturn), there's no adaptation of False Yuka yet, until now that I'll make her. I'll base her moves in first games (she has a beam as super version of his fireball in VG2) with a touch of her new appearances. And of course, she'll have new palettes to difference her from normal Yuka.

But don't get illusions about this too much, both now are in stage of ensembling SFF and making palettes. I hope one of them get the light as a new proper project soon (but first i've to finish some of my pending stuff, of course) ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: Roman55 on October 17, 2012, 10:21:41 pm
False Yuka sounds pretty interesting, and it would be nice to have a more up-to-date Chiho. I'm hoping at least the former comes into fruition.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 18, 2012, 06:52:04 pm
And well, finally I got those precious Chiho sprites, starting with the SFF last night, maybe I'll ad her as one of my serious projects in a time after finishing some of my stuff (like Saizo and Larry)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: DivineWolf on October 18, 2012, 07:10:04 pm
I don't know anything about the series, but the chars I have/had were all cool. I had Satomi, but when my com crashed, I lost a good amount of my chars. :( Haven't gotten around to getting her back. Chiho looks cool and if you make a False Yuka, be sure to let me know so we can implement a custom intro against the 2. ;) Looking foward to them. Also still waiting on Rose. :P Give her to me!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: FeLo_Llop on October 18, 2012, 07:20:01 pm
Also still waiting on Rose. :P Give her to me!

+1!!! There's quite a bunch of lolis in Mugen, give mature women a chance! Matures have EXPERIENCE ;)!!!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (enter Variable Geo!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 19, 2012, 06:15:22 pm
I don't know anything about the series, but the chars I have/had were all cool. I had Satomi, but when my com crashed, I lost a good amount of my chars. :( Haven't gotten around to getting her back. Chiho looks cool and if you make a False Yuka, be sure to let me know so we can implement a custom intro against the 2. ;) Looking foward to them. Also still waiting on Rose. :P Give her to me!
The games are so cool, originally it was one of those games made with the excuse of see girls having sex (oh Japan), but later was focused more and more into fighting and it was converted in one of the classics of fighting games (AVG2 is one the best fighting games for PSX), and the reference for all-girl fighters :D see VG Custom and VG Max, both are PC games (abandonware actually), take a look. As you can see, I'm a fan of VG, you know :P

Also still waiting on Rose. :P Give her to me!
+1!!! There's quite a bunch of lolis in Mugen, give mature women a chance! Matures have EXPERIENCE ;)!!!
After finishing Saizo, we've to see her, so stay tuned to FB to talk about her, Felo!! ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 09, 2012, 07:06:14 pm
4. Yamato
When I started creating chars, I proposed myself to make the protagonists of those games which not much (or none) characters for MUGEN. First it was Reiji Oyama and later were Joe Kusanagi, Keiji Thomas and Scott Pilgrim. This time isn't the exception: I choose Yamato, the protagonist of Dragoon Might, which I'm still in ripping process, I got some few basic sprites but nothing to get an alpha or something. I like to rip sprites, it's one of my MUGEN hobbies apart of making SFF & AIR and creating palettes, so I'm still in work on that. So by now I let you with this shot spoiled time ago :P

Oh, and I made a poll. After releasing Shuma-Gorath and/or Larry Light (maybe releasing both chars at the same time, not bad :P) I'll get spaces for one (or two) more of these possible projects I made for this fictional section. So let's vote to know your tastes about this, maybe I could get some interesting and tasty news for you in next weeks ;) seeya!!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Roman55 on November 09, 2012, 07:29:34 pm
Yamato or False Yuka.

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: DivineWolf on November 09, 2012, 07:34:18 pm
False Yuka or Chiho

But what about Rose...? I want Rose first! >:(

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 09, 2012, 07:43:34 pm
Hahahaha, she's a WIP already, don't worry ;) also, Rose will be finished first than any of these possible projects :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: DivineWolf on November 09, 2012, 07:57:08 pm
Oh my bad lol.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 09, 2012, 08:38:51 pm
Don't worry man ;) also, keep voting, people!! :D
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: MellyInChains on November 09, 2012, 09:28:30 pm

i think most of the reasons why i choose this are obvious
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Erroratu on November 10, 2012, 06:31:02 pm
accidentaly voted for Rick instead of Bishamon.
These things can only happen to me
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Navana on November 10, 2012, 08:12:49 pm
Roxyyy! : D
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: oraora? on November 11, 2012, 01:58:37 am
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: WizzyWhipitWonderful on November 11, 2012, 02:01:59 am
I voted for Roxy;

I've got a theme for her in the works...
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: FeLo_Llop on November 11, 2012, 06:03:04 pm

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: derpherp on November 12, 2012, 02:47:47 am
as great as NHK's version is, my vote goes to Rick Strowd ex
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (new character + poll!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 12, 2012, 03:29:50 am
Wow, a lot of votes!! Until now the winner is Bishamon, with a huge distance from Rick Strowd EX and Roxy and all the others. I like to make that kind of polls, you know?? :P keep voting people ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 23, 2012, 03:33:46 pm
5. Grifter
The red-masked marksman and badass guy from WildStorm Comics era (WildCATS, Team 7), actually part of DC's big reboot called "The New 52", design I took for this edit and obviously based on ROTD's Jimmy Lee. It was just a simple edit because I like this character, but later I got the idea of making more sprites of him and maybe convert him in a real character for MUGEN. Until now just ideas on my head, this edit and Kong's Jimmy spritepack, but since this is Idea Engineering and this thread is just for speculations, let's keep it here by now :P and no, before you asked, he won't get the MVC treatment... if you would see advance of him, take for sure it will be in Graphics subforum ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Blue Monkey on December 24, 2012, 06:24:05 pm
 i know iots not a voting matter but i would vote for Bishamon, Yamato and Bobby Nelson as your new conversions
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Erroratu on December 24, 2012, 06:41:37 pm
Were you ever planning on converting Basara btw?
About Grifter,i like the idea.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: metamutant on December 24, 2012, 08:01:04 pm
About Grifter,i like the idea.

I second that.

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: rgveda99 on December 24, 2012, 09:08:00 pm
About Bishamon.  Is his gameplay will be more similar to DS2, DS3 or a combination of both including O. Bishamon?

Nevermind.  Just reread the thread.  His base on DS1 version.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 26, 2012, 10:38:07 pm
About Bishamon, basically DS1+NW is what I planned (no Oboro version by now, there're some versions of him on MUGEN already), I'm still making his SFF so he could be soon to be playable as well :P

And yeah, about Grifter probably I'll make a thread in Graphics if I make some other sprites for him, by now he's just an idea (a good one IMO)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Synck on December 28, 2012, 11:32:05 am
on that picture I saw bad megaman by mouser,what that means what you post?
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 28, 2012, 05:34:49 pm
MM1 Boxart Megaman is based on the character appeared in GMSpectre's KOF20XX fullgame ( Mouser used his sprites to make his own version more based in Fat Megaman from SFxT (here's a video of MM's gameplay ( My version will be more accurate to GMSpectre's, still managing those sprites so that's the reason why it appears here :P also, there're other characters from this game that appeared in MUGEN, like Captain Falcom (converted by Kamekaze) and KOF Super Mario (converted by 119way)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Synck on December 31, 2012, 12:49:09 pm
MM1 Boxart Megaman is based on the character appeared in GMSpectre's KOF20XX fullgame ( Mouser used his sprites to make his own version more based in Fat Megaman from SFxT (here's a video of MM's gameplay ( My version will be more accurate to GMSpectre's, still managing those sprites so that's the reason why it appears here :P also, there're other characters from this game that appeared in MUGEN, like Captain Falcom (converted by Kamekaze) and KOF Super Mario (converted by 119way)

yeah I saw the game video it's like a some "PIRATE COPY" and that game is also have bad edited moves and hypers on charachers,and what that game is on which console?
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 31, 2012, 04:35:24 pm
The game was made under UFGE, a fighting engine similar to MUGEN and Fighter Maker. GMSpectre made all his games using this engine, which isn't so fluid like MUGEN, it has other great options that MUGEN hasn't, like codes for tricks and unselectable/secret characters. This Megaman is one of the joke characters from this game, considering the game itself is a parody to KOF series
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
Post by: Ness on January 16, 2013, 01:02:57 am
So, I love the character Segalow ... Rugal's sprites ... slightly modified ... with new attacks and gameplay ...

Then I started thinking ... I'de like to see the same thing with M. Bison.

I was playing Metroid Fusion ... and looking at Samus's attacks, and animations ... as I went throught the game ... and it hit me ...

A M. Bison, with Samus Aran like gameplay ...

Now of course it would based off of Smash Brother's move sets since Metroid isn't a fighting game obviously ...

But like ...

Her change gun attack ... would use bison's CvS charge animation then like the psycho shot ...

screw attack would be obvious ...

Bombs ...

Dark Bison mode like Dark Samus ...

If anyone would like to help me start this character let me know ...

I know very little about coding but the none's segalow has inspirted me ...

It's be like ... Rajaa Mech-Hisui meets P.o.t.'s Vega meets Segalow meets Samus Aran ... here's an incomplete move list and system plan ...

[Bison -X- Fusion] by NessTheAvatar


Dodge = x+a

Roll Forward = x+a+->

Roll Backward = x+a<-

Charge = y+b

Focus Attack = z+c (Can hold to charge, and make attack stronger; max is unblockable)

EX Moves = Variations of Special moves, come out faster; do more damage & hits.  More invincibility frames at the start.

Special Attacks:

Screw it!* = ->, V, ->+V, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will jump into the air and spin with an electric aurora around his body, damaging the opponent(s) from whatever direction the come into contact with him.  EX version will hover in the air for a few tics.

Charge Beam* = V, ->+V, ->, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will create a ball of energy and throw it at the opponent.  The attack can be charged, to do more damage and more hits.  EX version will dizzy the opponent(s).

Warp Speed Slasher = <-, <-+V, V, V+->, ->, a or b or c

Bison -X- Fusion will run at "THE SPEED OF LIGHT", and slash through the opponent.  This move can also be used as a teleporting move to manuver across the screen.  EX version crosses back and forward, putting you in the same spot you started in and setting the opponent up for a juggle.

Warp Speed Upper = <-, <-+V, V, V+->, ->, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will jump into the air at "THE SPEED OF LIGHT", slashing the opponent if they're near him on the ground or in the air.  EX version goes up and down, and sets the opponent up for a juggle.

Censor bombs = ->, ->+V, V, V+<-, <-, a or b or c

Bison -X- Fusion will set a motion censor bomb on the ground, if the opponent touches said bombs, they explode causing damage.  EX version will cause "burn", meaning that for a short period of time the opponet will take hits.

Let me know what you think so far ...


Hahah :-p
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (2 chars for my official WIP list!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on January 19, 2013, 10:53:28 pm
Sounds like a cool idea, MUGEN is not just about accurate characters. So I say go for it!! :D

Well, I got you a surprise right now. Check out the thread to see what's about that ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (My 2 secret Breakers chars revealed!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on February 06, 2013, 05:04:48 pm
As you can know, Bishamon and Chiho were added to my official projects few time ago ( But this update is to reveal you those ones who I spoiled you since a lot of time ago, I hope to resume them to make my official WIPS or just release them as a surprise (like various from this thread). So here you go the Breakers edits I've making just for fun and who appeared in various of my shots:

6. Karateka
An edit of Sho, a trained karateka without a known name who's working to master elements in his own way to become the greatest fighter of all. An experiment I was planning for further, basically his powers change depends of the button you use, he'll have powers of fire, water, ice, wind, earth, lightning and ki as others. And of course I'll use another voice and palettes than Sho, so it won't be a simple edit of him, I promise you ;)

. Shelly Tarlar
In Breakers series, when you fight against your clone, instead you fight with another character who looks like you but changes the name and story of him/her. In this case, Tia's clone is Shelly Lartar, a famous kickboxer in her town and even fought against Tia's brother. Also, this is Tia's prototype name in earlier stages of Breakers. Instead making her from scratch like Karateka, I'll use Nyo's Tia as base and remake her AIR and moves, she will be slighty different from Tia, with new palettes, new sparks and FX (I've SFA ones in my mind) and the voice of Rina-chan.

And that's all for now :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (My 2 secret Breakers chars revealed!!)
Post by: Roman55 on February 07, 2013, 01:21:01 am
As a Breakers player I'm quite interested in those edits.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Added one more... from Scott Pilgrim!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on March 11, 2013, 07:59:33 pm
Added one more to make in a future:
. Kim Pine
My favourite character from this series after Scott himself. Seeing my success to make Scott sprites, maybe in a future I'll make her for MUGEN, that's a dream for me to see her there (even made by someone else), so I'll add her here to take Kim in count. And maybe all the others like Stephen, Ramona and Knives... Stephen could be the next to make Sex Bob-Omb in MUGEN :c00l:
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on May 16, 2013, 12:57:54 am
Adding 2 more doable characters to add to this list, you never know :P

. Goku B2
After I did with SSJ2 Gohan (ex-Gohan Z2), probably I should do this, too. This special version of Goku sprited by Balthazar that maybe I should make a la B-kun in a future (maybe after I finish SSJ Gohan as a proper character). And before you ask, B2 stands for Balthazar+Basara :P

. B-Kung Fu Man
Yes, some of you should ask why my interest in KFM sprites recently. Well, this is the reason, it's time to make my own version of this iconic MUGEN character (I made a try with AGP's Kung Fu Fan). My intention is remaking the moves' code from scratch, as well AIR (clsns and times), make new palettes and using separate colors sprites made by Moon Girard ( and G.o.D. ( And yes, I'll add some of the stuff made for Kung Fu Fan (as well an intro between those 2 and vs Eric)

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: TrinitroRoy on May 17, 2013, 08:45:26 am
No intro for KFM vs Suave Dude?  :'(
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on May 17, 2013, 09:44:13 pm
Of course, I forgot about him. Yes, I'll totally do it, too :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: TrinitroRoy on May 17, 2013, 10:43:03 pm
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: DAN_HIBIKI on May 22, 2013, 05:20:54 am
KFM is classics of a genre. If i ever will develop my own M.U.G.E.N project, i will add him in. :P

If i were a developer, all of my characters were original + KOF based. Too bad i'm not skilled in painting(it requires for sprites), and nor a voice actor. Currently stuck on Chain Dog, i also have id... Sorry, i gave a vow to never write this word never else but "Idea Engineering", to not to give a chance for trolls to send me "back to "Idea Engineering", maaan!" and other ways... Sorry, but that troll guys starts ticking me off.

What i'm saying about. Ah, yeah, i also have "blueprints" for Tundra and some others, but these ones will be written to my thread(i have one in "Idea Engineering") later, once Chain Dog will be finished.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 22, 2013, 08:03:25 pm
. Alex
There's an awesome doujin game called "Super Cosplay Wars Ultra" made by Team FK (who recently made Chaos Code) made years ago for Fighter Maker engine, and it's about cosplayers that can change their outfit during the fight, a la Pocket Fighter (and even the gameplay is like that). There's almost no adaptation for MUGEN, only Rario by Moldredd (the Ryu-Mario mixture) has been made. So, I decided once for all trying to make another character from this cool game. And I choosed Alex, the Power Rangers cosplayer and one of my mains in that game (along with Sin, the terror movies cosplayer). I just started to rip his sprites a la old-school (shots with Animget + manual cleaning), I got stand and walk by now and will be my third HD char along with Akito (Axel City) and Little John (BB's Tager). Let's see what's happens in a future :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 16, 2013, 05:20:32 pm
Reviving this B-kun's ideas thread with this:
-. Kotaro Fuuma (AODK)
Apart of Joe, Leonhalt and Bobby, this is another interesting project I want to do in a future. Basically I'll edit Yoshi-OK's Fuuma to convert him into a more accurate AODK version than the actual one, adding FX from the game, sounds and voices, more accurate moves (Enryuuha without fire anymore)... and obviously interaction with my other chars from this game (the finished ones and the WIPs) ;) so, it's noted here to be stated as a future WIP of mine!!

Also, now that Cenobite finally ripped Yamato sprites from Dragoon Might, could be a big possibility of making him for real for MUGEN, so he would be added to my official WIP list very soon ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 29, 2015, 07:20:22 pm
Hi people, updating this with some few news about these wannabe projects I got here:
-Mega Man (MM Box Art): Untouched until now
-Agito (Axel City): Untouched until now (also I can't make work the game)
-Little John (Tager edit): Untouched until now CANCELLED
-Rick Strowd EX: Untouched until now
-Roxy: Just her basics until now, playable beta FINISHED!!
-False Yuka: Untouched until now... but I'm downloading AVG1 for PSX so I'll see about her soon, I guess FINISHED!!
-Grifter: Just one sprite made, I got no inspiration to make more :blank:
-Karateka: Just basics and palettes are made, seeing if I got inspiration to continue him
-Shelly Tarlar: Just basics until now, same as Karateka FINISHED!!
-Kim Pine: Boring of don't get screenshots of her, I'm looking into DA if someone made sprites of her... and I got something :P ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Goku B2: Untouched until now CANCELLED
-B-Kung Fu Man: Untouched until now FINISHED AS KFM 63 1/3

And about the projects that born here:
-Bishamon: All MUGEN basics are ready, now making normal punches and kicks... the lack of internet + back to play DS1 inspire me to work again on him :D FINISHED!! (sort of)
-Bobby Nelson: Bored of no adding sprites, I'll just use Shimon's SFF and start from there ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Scaner 201X: Frozen until now Back to here, I lost inspiration CANCELLED
-Chiho Masuda: All basics are done, probably I'm reinspiring again playing AVG1, same for False Yuka ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Yamato: Using DM sprites to make the SFF, still in very alpha state (and frozen too) Back to here, I lost inspiration
-Alex: Still in ripping state, I hope to complete basics soon (and keep working on Sin too) Finally got the sprites for both, restarting them
-Kotaro Fuuma: Same as Bobby, using SFF instead create a new one, in this case Yoshi-OK's ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP

I hope to update this very soon, I guess so :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Cenobite 53 on May 07, 2015, 10:58:54 pm
Finally I could get some of those games (Tough Guy, Body Blows), so maybe in one of these I'll use some of your packs ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on May 09, 2015, 05:12:16 am
Oh... yeah, I've to retake those games, totally :thumbsup:
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Shelly Tarlar is coming!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 03, 2015, 09:28:01 pm
9. Shelly Tarlar
In Breakers series, when you fight against your clone, instead you fight with another character who looks like you but changes the name and story of him/her. In this case, Tia's clone is Shelly Lartar, a famous kickboxer in her town and even fought against Tia's brother. Also, this is Tia's prototype name in earlier stages of Breakers. Instead making her from scratch like Karateka, I'll use Nyo's Tia as base and remake her AIR and moves, she will be slighty different from Tia, with new palettes, new sparks and FX (I've SFA ones in my mind) and the voice of Rina-chan.
Do you remember this possible WIP?? Well...

She's alive again!! i've been working on her since a few months ago (first in parallel with Taiga and Bishamon, but later just on her) and I got her almost ready for a release. As you can see, she'll have the same moves than Breakers' Tia but with various differences and a couple of Charlie's sparks (like this one, also her fireball is a Sonic Boom). The plans are the same: a recoded char instead just Nyo's fixed Tia, Capcom sparks and sounds (mostly from SFA) and Rina-chan's voice for Shelly.

By now she's at 90%, left a couple of supers and her throws, probably I'm releasing her this weekend, wait for it :thumbsup:
(More shots of her where I'm back at home)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: TMC55 on July 03, 2015, 10:43:09 pm
Sweet can't wait to play with her, I really enjoy your characters so I know she'll be fun
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 04, 2015, 04:40:54 am
Thanks ;) here're more shots:


Yeah, probably tomorrow or sunday she will see the light (I hope so) ;P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 05, 2015, 12:35:24 am
And Shelly Tarlar has been finished and released!! (

Well, let's back to work into my official WIPs, maybe later I would retake some of this possible projects in a future ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 14, 2015, 06:20:10 pm
Hi, I'm back here for 2 things: The first one is I lost inspiration for 2 of the projects born here, so I de-WIP them so now they're ideas only: Scaner-201X and Dragoon Might's Yamato. Both chars are very abandoned and I don't think I ever finish them (or maybe I could change my mind with Yamato, but not now). The second thing is this:

-. Blue Suede Goo
The other day I was remembering ClayFighter series and playing a bit the first game in my SNES, then I got the crazy idea of using my Earthworm Jim as base and make BSG with the 63 1/3 gameplay and sparks, make some new supers and even make some Claytalities and Insane Combos. Sounds cool so I put it here to remind me to do it in 2016, or I hope so to do it some time :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: R565 on December 14, 2015, 06:22:40 pm
OMG that sounds so good right now! Makes me wonder why some characters were not included.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 14, 2015, 07:21:36 pm
Yeah, BSG is a forgotten character from the first game, but he could come back for the new 2016 ClayFighter game along with Tiny ( (let's see if really Interplay comes back with a CF game after all of these years). Meanwhile, wouldn't be bad if BSG receives the 63 1/3 treatment and maybe give me inspiration to rip (or adapt Mr.C's) sprites to start Bad Mr. Frosty and Boogerman :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: TMC55 on December 15, 2015, 03:20:57 am
This sounds cool, sucks scanner won't be continued anytime soon, he looked interesting. But anyway I can't wait for whatever characters you have, I'm a big fan of your work so I know I'll enjoy him.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on January 06, 2016, 03:20:28 am
OK, reviving once again this thread for this:
7. Extreme Butoden's SSJ2 Teen Gohan
Seeing all the wonderful creations made from this game and the quality of the sprites, I've been tempted to make him, first as a spriteswap of my failed SSJ Gohan/Z2 Gohan and then modify him to make something close to this game. Just as Blue Suede Goo, making this to remind me of make Gohan for this 2016 (or 2017 maybe), let's see if this could works...
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 28, 2016, 10:22:30 pm
. Quint
More known as the "Evil Megaman" or the Megaman from an alternate future modified by Dr. Wily to stop actual Megaman. The only of main villains from GB Megaman games (Rockman World series in Japan) that hasn't be adapted to MUGEN yet, now inspired by Guild Database collections I made (just like Napalmman ver.Trump I made for AF) and coming for your MUGEN very soon ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Roxy is back, bitches!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 28, 2016, 05:09:18 pm
5. Roxy
I got the idea about making a Poison using Dampir' spriteset, but since there're a lot of Poison out there (the last one by DivineWolf is the best), I thought in this other option, since nobody has made her before. Yeah, the moveset probably will be similar than Poison, but will have original stuff and the voice of Rina-chan (got her adult woman voice samples), as well probably will have SFA gameplay (I'll use Eagle Zero as base).
Posted here since I got this idea from time ago, but I didn't start well on her, just ensembling her SFF right now :P
OK, I finally got inspiration this long weekend (monday was religious holiday here) and I just start her for real. And since SFF is a bored job, I just use SPAN's Poison SFF and Eric as base for her with a new AIR, SFA sparks and sounds like Shelly and gameplay based on Poison appearances, from MUGEN as well from SFXT and USFIV. Wait for some surprises soon ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Roxy is back, bitches!!)
Post by: Metal Warrior on June 28, 2016, 05:48:12 pm
Wow Shelly from Breakers proto. So cool!
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Roxy is back, bitches!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 29, 2016, 05:20:23 am
Yeah, an old project I got and that finally I could finish and release last year. You can get her in my website ;) She and Roxy are also part of my "Doppelganger Project" along with Variable Geo's False Yuka

Also, here's something for you guys ;)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Roxy is back, bitches!!)
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 04, 2016, 01:01:19 am
OK, decided!! Roxy is moving to my WIP thread (and not for much longer since she's close to be finished) :D
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on February 06, 2019, 04:03:28 pm
Hi people, just necroposting this thread to say Blue Suede Goo is in the works after all of these years ( Also, I'm interested to get back to Karateka (Breakers' Sho edit) further, since he already has all basics and some normal punches and kicks, maybe the inspiration is back and I could finish him in a future ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: oraora? on February 09, 2019, 04:20:03 pm
nice to see you back basara-kun  :truestory: looking forward to your anti-gouki project and bishamon (hopefully  :P)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on February 14, 2019, 06:29:31 pm
nice to see you back basara-kun  :truestory: looking forward to your anti-gouki project and bishamon (hopefully  :P)
Thanks man ;) I hope to get back with those projects soon (especially Bishamon, is on hold because I still got issues about coding him)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on March 13, 2019, 04:21:31 am
Well, I got a new idea it could work in a future... if I can get more sprites of him, of course...

. Klaymen
The clay protagonist of The Neverhood and Skullmonkeys and the other son of Doug TenNapel apart of Earthworm Jim. I was playing Skullmonkeys recently and it's a delicious game... so I found some Klaymen gifs on the net, I tested a sprite of them on MUGEN and maybe could work (in 2X of course, sprites are very small). In a beginning I was intended to use bigger sprites of him (from The Neverhood) but since Skullmonkeys has more moves for a fighting game (since crouching and jump to special attacks) maybe a MUGEN version of him from this game could be optimal. Maybe if I find a way to rip more sprites from this game I could make the magic to bring him to life for MUGEN, that would be wonderful :D

Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Cyberman on April 01, 2019, 09:55:34 pm
Wow, awesome projects bro!! I hope more of them can be done for real
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 30, 2020, 05:05:31 am
Now that I'm finishing False Yuka (spoilers), I got something in mind...

. Evil Satomi
The deuteragonist of Variable Geo, Yuka Takeuchi's rival and the Kyo Kusanagi of the series, Satomi Yajima is another character that could be remade in this way: in the OVA based on the game series, Satomi is captured and brainwashed to be the new body of Miranda Jahana (dead in the OVA with her consciousness in a machine). Getting this in mind, her adaptation could be similar to Violent Ken in SVC: Chaos that adapted brainwashed Ken from SFII: The Movie (the anime BTW).

If False Yuka got a good adaptation, I could make Evil Satomi with all her moves from VG series plus some from Miranda (final boss in AVG2). As the rest of this thread, I leave the idea here in case I decided to make her for real in a future :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 03, 2020, 05:16:49 pm
False Yuka was released!! (
yeah, I know all of you already know that, but since the character idea born here, it's fair to announce it here too :P and yeah, I still debt you Chiho, I hope to get back to work on her soon.

PS: I should post the thread in Old Releases but I made a mistake and I posted in 1.0 Releases XD but she's compatible with 1.0+ so whatever, hahahaha
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on July 19, 2020, 05:48:53 am
Working in the Neo Geo Pocket Collection in MFFA (, I got again the need of make something more for that collection, as happened in the past with the Classic Megaman Collection (where I made Quint and Sniper Joe from NES/GB games). So, since it's not a formal project per se, I post this here instead...

. Pocket Ukyo Tachibana
A character that wasn't one of my favourites in Samurai Shodown in first years, but I liked him with the time (especially when I cosplayed him years ago) at the point I learned how to play with him in SS games and in MUGEN (the ones by KGenjuro and intense_mc are my favourite versions of him). Saying this, there almost no SS chars from the NGP games (barely Haohmaru, but from SVC: MOTM), so with these 2 things said, I just started with him, thanks in part for the spritesheet by Brightview ( and the plenty of time I got for the quarantine. Maybe I'd make him official soon, but at least I wanted to post this here before I forget :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on September 11, 2020, 06:10:03 am
Pocket Ukyo has been finished and released!! (
I'm very tempted to add Taizan Morozumi from the same game to this list... or maybe not if I start him as a official project soon, who knows :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on August 14, 2021, 03:26:05 am
Hi, I got this idea recently, and since I'm not sure if I'd do it for real, I post this to remind me to do it eventually or not...
8. Lucia: the SFVAE edit
I became so happy when Lucia appeared in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, and I became happier when I discover she still have his classic costume from FF3 (as Nostalgia outfit) and that her moveset is similar to the invented one I did, which makes me proud to make her similar than official Capcom version.
With those things said, I was thinking to make an edit of her with her accurate moves from SFV, her (Japanese) voice in SND instead (modified) Cammy's voice, her paletes from Nostalgia costume and even a new portrait (the one above). However, I'll reuse the FF3 sprites instead some of the new SFA/CVS sprites out there of other Lucia in MUGEN (probably with my copy-paste coding) since none of them pleases me enough to change her, that's why I made an edit of what I did than start something new...
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on August 16, 2021, 10:58:00 pm
Oh, and I forgot to add these 2 to the list when I was making Ukyo and Morrigan, sorry for the late ;P

9. Miss X and Taizan Morozumi
Since both come from Neo Geo Pocket Color games, I decided to add them together in the same entry just as a reminder to make them eventually. I added them early as possible WIPs along with my Pocket Morrigan, but since I couldn't finish her yet (she's still on works BTW), I decided to leave both guys here to eventually make them in a future
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on September 13, 2021, 05:54:40 am
10. Juri Zero
Remember my Eagle Zero? The SFI character in CVS2 that I made with SFA gameplay? Well, I got this idea in mind since years ago and it's time to put it here before I forget it... yeah, I want to take Chuchoryu's Juri (or mostly, her SFF/sprites only) and convert her in this style too. I'm still not sure of doing it, so I posted it here instead as a reminder as most of my "projects" here :P
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 13, 2021, 05:37:56 am
And Evil Satomi becomes a reality... (
Yes, I added her as one of my new WIPs and I'll be working on her, as well coming back with Chiho and updating False Yuka. Expect advances in my Normal WIPs thread soon ;)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Momotaro on October 13, 2021, 11:28:43 am
Hi, I got this idea recently, and since I'm not sure if I'd do it for real, I post this to remind me to do it eventually or not...

13. Lucia: the SFVAE edit
I became so happy when Lucia appeared in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, and I became happier when I discover she still have his clasic costume from FF3 (as Nostalgia outfit) and that her moveset is similar to the invented one I did, which makes me proud to make her similar than official Capcom version.
With those things said, I was thinking to make an edit of her with her accurate moves from SFV, her (Japanese) voice in SND instead (modified) Cammy's voice, her paletes from Nostalgia costume and even a new portrait (the one above). However, I'll reuse the FF3 sprites instead some of the new SFA/CVS sprites out there of other Lucia in MUGEN (probably with my copy-paste coding) since none of them pleases me enough to change her, that's why I made an edit of what I did than start something new...

I just noticed again your possible Lucia WIP.
I would go with the SFA type sprites even if they are not perfect.
Of course FF3 are the more accurate ones. but I don't like the idea they are very small, less colored, and have a very limited number of frames.
Also, animation is a bit stiff in FF3.

I even thing the best base would be the first edited version by NinjaBR (of course, the sprites are overly sexualised)
But I'm pretty sure, the sexiness can be toned down.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on October 13, 2021, 10:51:33 pm
I saw a Lucia SFA-sprited in MMV I guess, probably used my version or Zion's version as base for the spriteswap. If I decided to make her, I'll consider that version, since NinjaBR's looks almost like a hentai/18+ character, even if doesn't have any pr0n animations, so I'll pass of it
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 28, 2022, 12:34:48 am
After the surprise release of NXC Kyoko, I got this idea reborn from my first years of MUGEN...

11. Batsu Ichimonji
Back in the 2000s when I was starting on this, more focused in spriting than in coding, I always had the dream to make Batsu for MUGEN, even I tried to make my own sprites, but since it was too difficult to me, I ended to bury that idea. Now, there's a fully sprited Batsu and tons of CvS and MvC adaptations with these sprites. So now that I made Kyoko and came back to my happy place by playing RS in my PSX once again looking for research for convert her for MUGEN, the buried dream came back from the dead into my head, so now that I know how to code properly a character, it's not a bad idea to finally make that dream come true, don't you think??
Seeing which Batsu to use and take its SFF, as well which kind of gameplay I'll make, but as is it now in my head, a possibility is to make him into SFA-gameplay since I'm making A2 Dan and I got the projects above (Lucia and Juri), so with Eagle and Dan maybe inaugurate the Zero series, not bad :idea2:

Also, I made an update to the past possible projects posted here:
-B-Kung Fu Man (a KFM recoded at my way) eventually became Kung Fu Man 63 1/3, so I delisted of this thread as a finished project
-These ones were cancelled and forgotten: Little John, Scaner remake and Goku B2
-All the others will be here until I change my mind, and some others maybe I could make them in certain way (like Grifter, since there's one who's a spriteswap of Chris Redfield, so the sprites exist now; or Lucia, since NinjaBR's sprites were remade by Nexus Games into something more CvS)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on December 06, 2022, 04:07:57 pm
12. Evil Jim
Looking for info from Earthworm Jim (personal issues, nothing to do with my MUGEN work), I found this doppelganger from the TV series as well the final boss of Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 the Galaxy (yeah, that ugly GBC game), and I was thinking... "hmmm, this could be a good idea for a character", basically make a literal Evil Jim with some new moves, an aggressive AI and new palettes, as well his voice changed, something like I did with Orochi Sumo Santa in the past AF day.
I think the premise is interesting, so I post this in this thread that is more like my personal ideas notebook in case I decided to make him for real further :gouki:
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on April 19, 2023, 03:51:16 pm
13. Marina Liteyears
The heroine of the classic N64 game Mischief Makers, I always liked her from the N64 times but I never could get the game. Years ago, I wanted to see her in MUGEN and Tsunamidusher ( did her, but it was a beta and never completed her. Well, getting this char plus the rerip of her sprites in TSR makes me continue what TD left... but first I've to buy the game (an Aliexpress repro cartridge, of course) to play it once for all and get inspiration to finish her for MUGEN, that would be awesome. And since there's no close plans to work on her, I put her here to make sure I'll make this eventually
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 13, 2023, 05:46:19 pm
What kind of witchcraft is this? ( :yikes:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: snowy997 on June 13, 2023, 07:11:14 pm
What kind of witchcraft is this? ( :yikes:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Seems interesting, i found a Klaymen character in AK1 if you're interested, by boomrainbownuk (not sure if it's good though, but it would be good for ideas i guess)

If this gets complete one day, at least this CF fullgame with have a guest that doesn't clash with the rest of the characters.
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on June 13, 2023, 10:09:04 pm
Yeah, I found it before and tested it, it's not enough to be a character but it's a start at least.

Maybe if I advance a bit more with this, I can see if this can be done for real or not (I hope to do it IMO)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on November 13, 2023, 07:23:30 pm
14. KOF Edits
This is an idea I got since my first years on this but never have the skill enough to make it... and in that time to edit chars it wasn't good seen in the public eye but now it's more accepted. I got 2 in mind: Joe Higashi and Yashiro Nanakase, which will edits of existing chars to be accurate for some KOF game versions where don't get any yet. In the case of Joe, I'll use Ironmugen's Crazy Joe to convert it into 2k1 Joe and LuvlyAngel's '98 Yashiro to make the '97 version, and of course adding missing sprites, their respective FX and fixing anything that would get broken, as well make 1.0 versions of them (with winquotes and stuff).

I don't start with any of them yet, but I don't want to lose that idea in my head, so I post it here as a notebook in case I want to do it for real later (as all the rest of this thread, of course XD)
Title: Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
Post by: Basara Bogard on January 02, 2024, 05:45:22 am
Well, I got a new idea it could work in a future... if I can get more sprites of him, of course...
Since now Infinite Clayfare is over, I can reveal some secrets, and one of them was Klaymen was to be a secret char there (, but now I'll continue him as it planned but now for normal MUGEN, so I delisted from the dream projects of this thread ;)