This thread is for linking to the most accurate conversion of a character from different fighters.
Only submit characters, tips, tutorials, etc that are source accurate and/or aid in making source accurate works. A source accurate work can have moves and modes not found in the source. The main draw is making sure the CLSNs, velocities, damage, etc are source accurate.
Spoiler: Street Fighter 2 (click to see content)
Akuma by Felineki (
Spoiler: Street Fighter 3 (click to see content)
Necro by Rajaa (
Spoiler: Warzard (click to see content)
All characters by Doggiedoo (
Spoiler: Darkstalkers (click to see content)
Felicia by Jesuszilla (;dl=cat16)
Spoiler: Capcom VS SNK 2 (click to see content)
All CVS2 characters by Jesuszilla (;dl=cat16)
Spoiler: King of Fighters (click to see content)
All KOF characters by Vans (;dl=cat338)
Tutorial by KoopaKoot (
Spoiler: NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (click to see content)
All characters by Websta (;dl=cat375)
Spoiler: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters (click to see content)
All characters from the game by Kamakaze (
Spoiler: Akatsuki Blitzkampf (click to see content)
Kanae by AOKManiac/Insanius (
Spoiler: BlazBlue (click to see content)
Nu-13 by Neat Unsou (
Spoiler: Breaker's Revenge (click to see content)
Condor by Kamekaze (