The Mugen Fighters Guild
M.U.G.E.N Central => Your Releases, 1.0+ => Topic started by: Charles_2011 on July 09, 2020, 06:04:30 am
Here it is a new release.
I used material of these authors:
* XGargoyle
* LaMissFairy
* Leon72
* CoolAnimeHustler
* Ruben
Parallax: Yes
Zoom: Yes
Animation: No
Super Jump: Yes
Music: Yes
Direct link and all my works:!AhMnWf3J-0MkiVqo7u243stq3jNT?e=k1ybVd
I hope you like this release, feel free to use my material in your personal project.
Gloomy! Thanks for another cool release
Thank you Ziltoid. Enjoy it my friend.
another awesome stage!
Thank you BahamianKing242 for your kindness, there is more to come, enjoy it.
i am really enjoying your stages so far Charles. My only gripe with them is that some dont have any animation. For your future works, might i suggest adding atleast a bit of animation, to give your stages extra flair?
not that im saying their bad, they are really good
Hello NateBoi.
It is, indeed a good suggestion. Sometimes, I like the stages without animations, for example, Columns 3 and 4 are my favorites stages, and they don´t have any animations. But, yes, I´ll keep it in mind what you say to me and I´ll try to go futher with the ideas in the future. Thank you for your coment and suggestion my friend and especially for be respectful.
that is alright, i understand your preference. Thanks for the response