The Mugen Fighters Guild

Art & Entertainment => Fighting Games => Topic started by: no1wammy on October 28, 2021, 02:12:11 am

Title: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: no1wammy on October 28, 2021, 02:12:11 am
So, apparently, somebody from inside Warner Bros. leaked out a section of the Character Select screen to Twitter, confirming the game's existence and working in progress. The picture has since been claimed by copyright and barred from public view.

Hungry Box said:
Y’all thought I was lying, huh?

Warner Bros Multiversus

Character select screen. There seem to be levels and fighter type icons

- Stephen Universe
- Adventure Time
- Batman / Harley Quinn
- Superman / WW (Wonder Woman)
- Gandalf
- Rick & Morty
- Tom & Jerry
- Bugs Bunny
- New Char (top left)

image redacted by Twitter

Corroborated Links:

CBR: Leaked Art Appears To Confirm Warner Bros Multiversus' Fighting Game's Stacked Roster (
IGN: Rick Could Fight Batman In Leaked WB Multiverse Fighting Game (
Event Hubs: Rumor: Warner Bros. Reportedly Developing Their Own Super Smash Bros.-like Fighting Game Potentially Titled Multiversus (
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Nemuresu on October 28, 2021, 02:20:36 am
I'll leave a mirror of the image in case people are skeptical about that:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
And here's the original Reddit leak that brought attention:
Yes. It is based off Smash Bros (and now Nickelodeon All Stars, but this was in the works before Nickelodeon was even announced).

It’s a Tag Team game. Not sure if that means you pick two characters and switch between them. Or if each “character” is actually a pair, or if each character is an individual and you only switch when you lose a stock. All I know is there’s synergy between certain characters which implies custom teams.

Characters I Can Confirm Are In The Game:

Shaggy (Scooby Doo)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Tom & Jerry


Fred Flinstone

Mad Max

Harry Potter & Ron are apparently in but the rights are weird so they stopped development on them? Not going to lie this may have been said in jest.

Johnny Bravo

I know some more but I’m holding off on sharing until after the game’s revealed.

I was told that the origin of this game was actually due to the memes based around Shaggy getting into Mortal Kombat in his “Ultra Instinct” form. Obviously NR wasn’t going to put him in a game like Mortal Kombat, so ideas were tossed around and Warner Bros. loved the idea of combining their properties and establishing more Warner crossovers. As you obviously saw in Space Jam 2.

This isn’t the only one in active development and those at NR/Warner have known this for awhile now. It’s an open secret in the industry that fter the success of Smash Ultimate, combined with Nintendo’s complete tone-deafness towards their audience and playerbase, a lot of Western Studios have begun to capitalize on the opportunity to make their own platform fighter that doesn’t treat their playerbase and competitive players like shit. The numbers competitive smash, especially Melee, pulls is not lost on the Western studios and the opportunity to take a slice of that pie is extremely apparent.

Netherrealm isn’t the last. I know of at least 2 others with major IP that are developing others, all based off Melee’s speed and depth. Netherrealm i just have the most info on because, well, I won’t say anymore so I don’t get fired. But there’s at least one other that, as a studio, is significantly bigger than us and you already know a little about it. All I’ll say on that because I don’t have much info.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on October 28, 2021, 02:48:43 am
Looks surprisingly believable. Its quite surprising that other companies are now suddenly interested in making their own Smash-style fighting games. Like, yeah, I get that Smash Ultimate was amazing, but, as a franchise, Smash has been a success for a long time.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Umezono on October 28, 2021, 11:20:44 am
honestly, brawl and smash 4 werent the biggest successes- at least from the "competitive" standpoint thats being described in that above quote. the point being that melees longevity has pulled numbers and money far beyond what they did. ultimate's success, for the most part, is on strength of the IP alone- the incredible cast, the budget, etc. melee's longevity can be attributed to how much depth it had as a competitive game. the smash franchise will always be mega popular, but the fire in a bottle they captured with melee has yet to be replicated cause of sakurai's less competitive, pro-"fun" design philosophy in late games (he framed melee as "too technical")

it seems other studios and companies want to try and foster these sorts of games as alternatives more amenable to competitive playerbases, but i highly doubt they're going to really match melee's success, nor are they going to beat smash ultimate when it comes to star power TBH
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Roman55 on October 28, 2021, 03:02:23 pm
Also worth mentioning that the Smash formula is pretty easy to copy. Kinda like Arena fighters for anime properties.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 29, 2021, 01:46:43 am
I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 29, 2021, 03:59:04 am
My biggest concern is that, with those icons over each character port and the rumors that it's going to be a freemium title, there's a lot of early red flags for this to have a bunch of really gross monetization.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on October 29, 2021, 04:12:24 am
rumors that it's going to be a freemium title
See my $200 Chris Jericho and Wyldstyle who may or may not be meta-relevent in a month.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 29, 2021, 04:54:58 am
Animaniacs as a Pokemon Trainer style stance character, but you have to buy Yakko, Wakko, and Dot separately through paid gacha pulls.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Magma MK-II on October 29, 2021, 05:00:03 am
IF this is real (the rumors hold water but we'll see) its pretty clear that everything is still in a very preliminary/pre-alpha state, if that picture is anything to go by. Unlike with the Nickelodeon game, Warner has a huge budget they can put on a project like this so it wouldn't be a quick cash grab type of game.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Nemuresu on October 29, 2021, 05:20:48 am
If WB is smart then the very first things they should do are giving the roster a full-fledged voice cast, give them fun interactions like in the NRS fighters, and make a decent/mediocre story mode for people to look forward to. Those three things alone are certainly gonna get a lot more people to talk about the game than NASB, which was completely relying on just being a "competitor-friendly Smash".

They should also be careful about the roster. It'd be quite the wasted opportunity if they don't put in Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero despite how obvious they are as choices for WB crossover game. And if they get to put a Season Pass (I'm betting on it cuz' they are successful with that), there should at least be some characters that don't belong to Warner in them like they did with Alien and Predator, maybe some more horror characters, maybe something from toys like He-Man or hell, they could have another crossover with the WWE a put fucking John Cena in it.

I definitely believe that WB has a lot more tools to draw attention with a Smash-like title than Nick does, and it'd be rather baffling if they don't give this title a bigger budget.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 29, 2021, 06:11:08 am
If there is voice acting, I wonder then how Steven Universe would turn out?  Zach Callison as I recall was growing out of the voice.  And Estelle wasn't keen on doing Garnet VO unless it's actual Sugar-related content for the show or concerts.  Good thing Sugilite wouldn't likely show, would be an even bigger hassle getting Nicki Minaj to reprise the role.

I'm jumping the gun assuming Garnet would show, but I'd go out on a limb and say it would be unusual to get Steven and not have the whole main team as well.  Maybe not the B-Team of Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth but the ones from the freaking opening and in 90% of the show would make sense.  Well, and Spinel, if they're going off of meme-related content thanks to the whole Shaggy thing.  People were obsessed with Other Friends for a time after all ( even outside the fandom.  Though thankfully that died down.  Coincidentally though I've been seeing it pop back up recently thanks to Takafumi Hori (, but that's nothing new to the series, just neat to see Studio Trigger still getting involved.

Normally I'd dismiss such a out-there unlikely candidate because someone like Spinel showing up makes about as much sense as Warner Bros. making a game mostly because people have memetically crossed Scooby-Doo with a Dragon Ball event and it taking off like wildfire.  But oh wait.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: TrinitroRoy on October 29, 2021, 08:02:26 pm
I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)

0/10 you forgot to include famous Warner BrosTM character ScorpionTM from famous Warner BrosTM franchise Mortal KombatTM
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Miru962 on October 29, 2021, 08:19:13 pm
I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)

My biggest question so far has been...

Who's that in the top left?
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 29, 2021, 09:26:37 pm
Spoiler: Potential leaked design docs and mockups (click to see content)
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 29, 2021, 10:54:17 pm
That one random dude who threw together that one video about Shaggy fighting some biker gang set to Dragon Ball Super music that kickstarted this whole meme must feel on top of the world now.

Well hey, got one of the SU guesses right.  Neat.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on October 29, 2021, 11:43:56 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I like that the leaker just put enough effort to add that piece of information as well. :mmhmm:
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Nemuresu on October 30, 2021, 12:46:33 am
Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 30, 2021, 12:48:41 am
Since the original tweet I linked appears to have been deleted, here's a another link with the leaked images:
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Magma MK-II on October 30, 2021, 02:10:45 am
Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)

That's assuming they plan on catering to a competitive playerbase to begin with.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 30, 2021, 04:42:29 am
Am I blind or is their intention that there is no block functionality?  Unless one of those extra dashes is mislabeled or they really wanna try to get traditional 2D fighting game blocking mechanics to run holding backwards on a platform fighter.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: TrinitroRoy on October 30, 2021, 11:13:06 am
inb4 there is no blocking/shielding functionality at all
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: vgma2 on October 30, 2021, 11:27:33 am
Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)

Competitive Platform Fighter players besides Melee players exist.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 30, 2021, 02:20:10 pm
Brawlhalla's done quite well with no block/shield mechanic, for example.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Karl/Karla on October 30, 2021, 05:14:34 pm
Who plays Brawlhalla anymore?
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: RagingRowen on October 30, 2021, 06:20:56 pm
Who plays Brawlhalla anymore?

It's got over 20,000 players active on Steam, which is more than the likes of SFV and Tekken 7 which are only in the 4 digits. That might just be due to the advantage of being free to play though.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: EgyLynx on October 30, 2021, 08:30:25 pm
Who plays Brawlhalla anymore?

It's got over 20,000 players active on Steam, which is more than the likes of SFV and Tekken 7 which are only in the 4 digits. That might just be due to the advantage of being free to play though.
Well... it can play not just pc, console or phone...  It not closed at something...
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Seadragon77 on October 30, 2021, 09:33:11 pm
I'm surprised Warner Brothers hasn't tried anything like this before hand with all the properties the company owns or has the rights to.

They have to make sure that it's something that can stand on its own two feet.. which, I'm sure they could easily pull off.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 30, 2021, 11:28:48 pm
Hm.  I gotta say, I played Brawlhalla twice, once for each update adding Steven Universe and Tomb Raider, and it still only added up to about half an hour playtime.  I can't say I even noticed if it had a guard button or not, but it wasn't that great playing a game.  So playerbase size or not, now I'm a bit more worried if that's the direction they're going in.

So this is almost disconnected from the game as we currently know it as it is, but today Adult Swim had a particularly interesting if bizarre announcement.  Shocking, them of all people, I know.  They're doing a Cartoon Network-wide horror-ish crossover series or special or something.

Basically Happy Tree Friends meet the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.

And the coincidence of similar timing of this game's leaking and AS pulling this show out of nowhere makes me wish it actually was a more condensed fighter based just on CN properties.  You'd even get the same roster as is in the initial leaked roster photo, just minus Gandalf.  CN alone has a still ridiculous range of fighter possibilities and would be more concise on character modeling rather than the weirdness of bringing some particular live-action characters into these 3D cartoon style.  Like, the previous rumors propose Mad Max, and Max Rockatansky is great and all but pretty freaking weird standing next to Bugs Bunny.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 31, 2021, 02:32:20 am
^ New Subspace Emissary is looking lit.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 31, 2021, 07:59:03 pm
I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of that joke myself sooner.  In a Smash clone thread of all things too.

I saw an article I think from EventHubs earlier that brought to attention that Warner Bros. owns Rooster Teeth.  So speaking of clashing art styles, I can't even begin to imagine how awkward the RWBY girls would look in here, seeing they're technically viable if not really expected.  But I can almost imagine them wanting one just to check off the "token anime character" checkbox on their roster list covering each demographic.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Miru962 on October 31, 2021, 09:10:07 pm
I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of that joke myself sooner.  In a Smash clone thread of all things too.

I saw an article I think from EventHubs earlier that brought to attention that Warner Bros. owns Rooster Teeth.  So speaking of clashing art styles, I can't even begin to imagine how awkward the RWBY girls would look in here, seeing they're technically viable if not really expected.  But I can almost imagine them wanting one just to check off the "token anime character" checkbox on their roster list covering each demographic.

We already do have Gandalf as the "token realistic (looking) character" ala Snake in Smash, and you can argue Bugs and maybe Shaggy are cartoonier than everyone else too, so a "token anime character" wouldn't be unexpected. Maybe a "token 90s character", "token 80s character", and so on and so forth to appeal to various generations.

EDIT: Even funnier, Gandalf is technically a guest character; as even though his film rights are owned by Warner Bros, he originates from the Legendarium, a literary franchise by Tolkien. So basically this is the closest we'll get to Geralt in Smash, as so many people demanded.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 31, 2021, 09:40:09 pm
Eh, a possible direction they could go as well.  In that case the 80's rep could be Lion-O.  90's I'm not sure, was gonna jump at the Power Rangers but Hasbro I think is tied to Disney now.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on October 31, 2021, 09:46:39 pm
I saw an article I think from EventHubs earlier that brought to attention that Warner Bros. owns Rooster Teeth.  .

Oh shit, they should have Wiz and Boomstick as the announcers.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on October 31, 2021, 09:48:36 pm
Yes, just have it every time you switch from stock matches to timed you get a clip of one of them saying "Time, huh?  Thanks for the tip".

I kinda legit forgot about Disney buying out Fox.  Was looking up a number of companies for who owns what.  That sucks in this particular case, because Adult Swim had a humongous case in Family Guy and Futurama's popularity and series survival as a whole and they would frankly make neat additions to a Smash clone like this.

More-so Futurama though because I wouldn't mind beating up Rick with Farnsworth's finglonger.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on November 18, 2021, 04:29:56 am
Actual teasers starting to pop up around the various related social media accounts.  An official reveal is likely coming soon.

Spoiler: Sweet, sweet brand synergy (click to see content)
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: SkySplitters on November 18, 2021, 11:11:58 am
This is going to be a mess.

HOPEFULLY, a fun mess.
Also, better be a MK character at play here.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Magma MK-II on November 18, 2021, 03:25:47 pm
Its official now.

Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on November 18, 2021, 04:23:44 pm
F2P is very worrying, but the production quality looks pretty damn good, surprisingly.
Title: Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on November 18, 2021, 04:47:23 pm
*looking for Top 100 Bugs Bunny mains that can do consecutive 1-frame hammer loops*
*donate $5 daily*
*1 day inactive = kick*

plz join
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on November 18, 2021, 08:34:25 pm
Garnet's in it.

It is already the best platform fighting game.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on November 18, 2021, 08:45:59 pm
Garnet's in it.

It is already the best platform fighting game.
The game isn't even out yet and it has more LGBTQ+ representation than Smash.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Darkflare on November 19, 2021, 03:35:44 am
Game isn't even out and we're already starting with MAH REPRESENTATION?
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Laharl on November 19, 2021, 03:41:17 am
oh yes I am sure the reason Garnet was chosen is because of that and not because shes just a popular character.  ::)

anyway looking forward to this game possibly. Depends how bad the P2W aspects are or if its just cosmetics. Cautiously optimisitic.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on November 19, 2021, 03:52:57 am
Game isn't even out and we're already starting with MAH REPRESENTATION?
Its a joke, you have a problem with that? Besides, I literally said there IS representation, so really, what is your problem?
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Speedpreacher on November 19, 2021, 04:06:21 am
If you're making jokes, learn how to take jokes

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there will be no more thread bans for you so let's nip this in the bud now
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: 087-B on November 19, 2021, 04:13:18 am
I am very delighted that the KO effect is “That’s All Folks!” So much undeniable charm.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Darkflare on November 19, 2021, 06:52:42 am
I feel that the That's all Folks effect might actually be a cosmetic effect you can obtain.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: bubilovescars on November 19, 2021, 09:57:14 am
I gotta say that this game looks and sounds good.
Better than Nickelodeon All Star with the lacking of VA and alternate costumes.

Shaggy has become a meme to a popular demand. No need to have Scooby Doo in it, unless for a assist striker.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Seadragon77 on November 19, 2021, 01:51:46 pm
I gotta say that this game looks and sounds good.
Better than Nickelodeon All Star with the lacking of VA and alternate costumes.

Shaggy has become a meme to a popular demand. No need to have Scooby Doo in it, unless for a assist striker.

Scooby has to be in there because of how popular the character is. Yes, you get Shaggy and the meme that came with it, but come on - Shaggy without Scooby-Doo just doesn't work.

As for me, this game has potential.. There's so much they can do with what Warner Brothers has in their arsenal. Having it be free to play means that anyone can get the game and either try it out or enjoy it for a good romp.

The guys behind it are doing everything in their power to make sure this game stands out, which was something I mentioned before hand..
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on November 19, 2021, 04:00:55 pm
Let's hope the passionate developers have a bigger effect on the game than the greedy executives. This is, after all, a WB free to play game, it smells like excessive monetization, I hope it's not that bad.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: The Shakunetsu on November 20, 2021, 02:46:36 am
I like that they are innovating in team aspect and not just being another smash like with different combination of IPs

But hearing free to play is worrying
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: yaret on November 20, 2021, 02:36:00 pm
this game at least looks good visually and yes the problem is the free to play but the time will say the future of this game.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on November 21, 2021, 03:53:45 am
Handful of alt costumes are starting to pop up.

Coach Steven

Original form Garnet

Harley's alts:

Fuck yes, original Bruce Timm style Harley.  Always been the best design for her.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Momotaro on November 21, 2021, 09:58:05 am
Harley's alts:

Fuck yes, original Bruce Timm style Harley.  Always been the best design for her.

EXcuse my noobish question, but what means 25 30 35 on top of Harley ?
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: SkySplitters on November 21, 2021, 12:54:36 pm
Harley's alts:

Fuck yes, original Bruce Timm style Harley.  Always been the best design for her.

EXcuse my noobish question, but what means 25 30 35 on top of Harley ?

Honestly I think it's just the timer for selecting a character counting down.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on November 21, 2021, 02:32:28 pm
Hopefully they won't miss out on the coolest Garnet alternate costume: :c00l:


EXcuse my noobish question, but what means 25 30 35 on top of Harley ?

Honestly I think it's just the timer for selecting a character counting down.

Looking at the showcase video again and yep, that's just the character select timer.

...However, if this particular screen is any indication,
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

looks like a level up system is gonna take a big role on the gameplay, afterall.

Also, yo -
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Is that a moveset customization screen?
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on November 21, 2021, 03:13:41 pm
From what I'm seeing, it looks like the yellow perks in the "unique" section act as a style/variation selection, similar to what MK has.  If you look at this screenshot:


Shaggy has two unique perks as well, one with a sandwich icon and one with Ultra Instinct.  The UI perk appears to be unequipped, and Shaggy has his usual cowardly stance as opposed to the meme warrior one.

My guess is that each character will have a couple of sets of specials to pick from, with other types of perks being stat modifiers.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 11, 2021, 08:34:05 pm
Bump because the first beta playtest is happening and people are starting to leak things.  A whole bunch of alt costumes have been leaked:


Fern and Cake are alternates for Finn and Jake, and Bugs gets his Toon Squad uniform.  Big takeaway here is that they included Tiger Millionaire as one of Steven's alts, which is honestly an amazing pick.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 12, 2021, 07:19:40 pm
I noticed that while the default character pictures are your typical pre-rendered artwork, the alternative costumes all seem to just be action poses of their in-game models.

This stands out most particularly because young adult Steven Universe from SU Future that we saw in the first leak has a pre-rendered artwork.  This tells me either A)The alt. costume pics are temporary placeholders and are intended to be updated, or B) SU Future Steven is a separate character.  To what extent, I couldn't say, but it makes some sense.  The whole sequel series explored different powers that the kid Steven did not have, he had a different voice, and the height difference would look a little weird just making him a skin on kid Steven.  Hell the show's fanbase as a whole in-joke about SUF Steven's character progression showing in that he grew a neck since being a kid.

Anyways, beyond Steven, the choices look cool.  I'd assume if Cake was chosen for Jake that Fionna must be there for Finn as well.  Which I assumed from the get-go anyways but hey, more supporting evidence.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on December 12, 2021, 10:30:32 pm
I doubt Fionna will be a skin for Finn. Jake and Cake have very similar body types, so one being a skin for the other is very easy to make. Finn and Fionna's bodies are very different, so you can't just make one work as the other without having to remake most animations and even that could end up not looking great, if Fionna was to be added, she was more likely to be her own character, but even then, she will likely have to wait in line, behind other more important characters from Adventure Time AND other WB properties.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 12, 2021, 10:52:04 pm
A possibility, given all the alt. costumes thus far have matched the same body type to their base whereas Fionna doesn't share Finn's body type.  I would just find it strange to include Cake, the spin-off side character of the main series side character, but not the same to AT's main character.  Meanwhile, Fionna doesn't exactly hold enough fandom sway to demand her inclusion as a separate character I'd imagine.  She for 98% of the show does not exist other than exactly as an in-universe made-up story and point against genderswapt characters, only to be given a vague shrug "Sure, it can be "canon" in an alt. universe" sort of answer in their last appearance from what I recall.  It has been a while since I've seen it, something to do with Ice King going mental trying to prove his conspiracy theory that he's on the same mental wavelength as another universe and he writes down their events as his dreams or something?

Anyways, Adventure Time is a weird show.  Moving on, seeing all those other costumes ended up using in-game models, now I wonder what the deal was with Rick Sanchez?  His picture is clearly not pre-rendered matching the quality of the rest of the cast, but it does look like it would be his in-game model.  But that lab coat is all he really wears, yeah?  I don't watch Rick & Morty, is there some other outfit he could be wearing as his default attire that's not the lab coat and vomit-stained undershirt?
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 12, 2021, 11:33:54 pm
One of the big things about Rick and Morty is how it plays around with the concept of a multiverse.  There are a theoretically infinite number of different Ricks, and most of them appear in the show at some point.  It'd be super easy to grab handful of Ricks for his alts.  They could use Wonka Rick (, Doofus Rick (, Toxic Rick (, or any one of The Council of Ricks. (

Bet money on Pickle Rick being one of his alts, though.  That joke was way too omnipresent when it came out for it to be overlooked here.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 13, 2021, 12:57:21 am
Isn't Pickle Rick all gory?  I don't know what the backstory was about that limited-time phenomenon, just whenever I see him with a body and not just a pickle it's made out of striped tendons of rat flesh and picked mostly clean bones.  I'm assuming he made arms and legs for his pickle body out of mutilated rats because story reasons, I dunno?

Kinda depends on what rating this game is going for.  The range in its case so far going from as tame as Scooby-Doo to as mature as Game of Thrones does muddy that water.  I'm assuming it'll land on a nice middle of the road T rating so it can probably get away with a toned down Pickle Rick minus the blood, probably sneak in some Mortal Kombat without completely defanging them too, but who knows at this point.

Also those seem fine alt. costumes, but don't particularly reach me as new default Rick attire.  Unless they for some reason just give him a whole new custom look for this game and call the lab coat "Classic Rick"?  Or again, the whole in-game model pictures are just holdover stand-ins before the game is completed.  Which is still a possibility at this point.

Wait.  One of the small handful of things I do recall of the little I've watched of Rick & Morty is the subversion that the cast that you're watching for nearly all of the show are not the original Rick and Morty.  The originals for the first few episodes were killed off and tossed aside and it scarred Morty for life or something to that degree.  Were they dressed any differently?  That'd explain the outfit discrepancy perhaps.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 13, 2021, 01:10:47 am
Nah.  With the exception of the main Rick and Morty the show follows, Ricks and Mortys are interchangeable with slight variations, to the point where those words are as much adjectival descriptors as they are proper names. 
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 13, 2021, 01:14:24 am
Well, shoot.  Thought I had it cracked.  Ah well, maybe Rick will just ship with the game with a weirdly lower-res character profile picture than the rest.  Guess we'll see soon enough.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on December 13, 2021, 01:28:55 am
I need to check which properties belong to WB to see which characters I should expect.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 13, 2021, 01:51:05 am
The main issue that comes to me personally, outside accepting the weirdness of properties that don't mesh well aesthetically like Mad Max with Steven Universe, is how much filling in the roster with fan favorites and requests makes it mostly a Cartoon Network to Adult Swim game, plus some guests.  It'll likewise feel weird if this game ends up with Finn and Steven, but not sooooo many of CN's stars from all over the place.  From Dexter to Space Ghost to the Ed Boys to the Aqua Teens to Samurai Jack to Brock Samson to the Powerpuff Girls to I dunno, the damn Squidbillies.  And so-on and so-forth.  To say nothing of all the classic Warner cartoons the network was originally made to circulate until time immemorial.  Hell, that's also ignoring whatever deals they can cut through Toonami, that already gets them Thundercats and as I've heard a number of times Warner even partially owns Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.  So god knows what the hell they'll put from there.  Do they technically have a hold on Fooly Cooly?  Big O?  Any other anime they helped produce for Toonami?

Anyways, roster insanity speculation aside, I've seen this pic circulated as proof that one of Superman's costume, not the one on display of course but second in the lineup below is Superman 1 Million.
As cool and nerdy a pull as that would be, it doesn't exactly line up one-for-one with the guy. (  Along with literally just being the first Superman pic copypasted which none of the other previews do, the chest symbol is all wrong.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 13, 2021, 02:32:27 am
You don't have to limit your thinking to just Cartoon Network properties and DC comics characters.  WB has a huge catalogue to pull from, and considering that Arya and Gandalf are in, we can probably expect a decent amount of characters from live action properties.  Off the top of my head, there's Neo from the Matrix or Beetlejuice they could go with.  Freddy Kreuger, Jason Voorhees, and Pennywise could all be potential candidates.   The character bios on the official website imply that the story will involve The Nothing from Neverending Story as the BBEG, so we could even see Atreyu in this.

As far as WB shows go, they could include Sam and/or Dean Winchester from Supernatural for some easy brownie points with the fans. Wouldn't even be the first time ( they put them in a crossover.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Jmorphman on December 13, 2021, 04:40:35 am
Do they technically have a hold on Fooly Cooly?  Big O?  Any other anime they helped produce for Toonami?
Very, very, very unlikely. For The Big O (and I'd imagine the same happened with those awful FLCL sequels), Cartoon Network just provided partial funding, in the same way that TV shows normally get made: usually—though in the US it's becoming less and less frequent due to regulations being removed—the shows that air on TV networks are made by production studios that the network does not own (e.g., Fox aired Batman: The Animated Series, a Warner Bros production), but that show's budget is sourced from a variety of sources, including the network where it will air. But the network doesn't own any aspect of the show itself, even though they paid for large portions of the budget: they just get the exclusive right to air it for the first time ever.

Anime of course works differently, since those are almost always fully completed works that only get licensed and translated after the whole show is done. But in the case of The Big O, Cartoon Network indeed did contribute part of the budget for the second season (and beyond that, Western interest in the first season is part of what prompted the creators to make another one); however, as mentioned before, CN doesn't own a single aspect of the show, even the stuff that was only introduced in the second season. I even went to check the copyright notice for Super Robot Wars Z (which featured the debut of The Big O season 2 in the franchise), and the only company that was both involved with Big O and listed in the copyright section was Sunrise, the studio that made the show.

Anyways, roster insanity speculation aside, I've seen this pic circulated as proof that one of Superman's costume, not the one on display of course but second in the lineup below is Superman 1 Million.
As cool and nerdy a pull as that would be, it doesn't exactly line up one-for-one with the guy. (  Along with literally just being the first Superman pic copypasted which none of the other previews do, the chest symbol is all wrong.
Yeah, that definitely doesn't look anything like Superman Prime. Who is frequently labeled "Superman One Million" on the internet, even though he is emphatically not. Superman One Million ( is Kal Kent, the far future descendant of the original Superman, and who currently operates as the Superman of that time period. Superman Prime is Clark Kent, the original Superman, but specifically the version of Clark who has survived for millennia and lives in the exact same time period as Kal. Clark's just retired, and been hanging out in the sun for thousands of years, letting his descendants save the universe as his successors as Superman.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Speedpreacher on December 13, 2021, 04:55:26 am
Basically if it's in here: or more importantly if it was in Space Jam 2: Let Us Remind You That 3 Corporations Own 90% Of All TV and Film it's eligible, within reason

Obviously things like Blade, The Mask, and TMNT are ineligible and Jason Vorhees is currently a legal quagmire
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 13, 2021, 05:07:31 am
Awful?  I thought the consensus was Progressive was good, Alternative was meh.  Not that I paid much attention to the internet reception at the time, just people were asking for FLCL revivals along with Space Ghost and Boondocks, and they got one of those and were happy for a time.  My issue was Naota's entire absence outside the credits.  That was just strange.

Anyways, that's neither here nor there.  So neat to know I guess, though I'd rather have liked to see Haruhara Haruko, exceptionally much more as the token anime character slot over that RWBY bunk that's much more likely.  Something like IGPX, not that I expect a deep pull like that to show in a crossover like this, sounds like it'd have higher chances of showing I guess.

I haven't read the whole little Superman 1 Million series in a dog's age, I just remember getting it because it was the new big thing at the time going on and I thought the Superman of the Future was the one in Sun for all those years?  Guess I'm just forgetting but I thought they made a big deal over the generations the Superman of that time had gained some 13 additional senses beyond the traditional 5 human sense through a complicated set of family arrangements to continue the Kryptonian bloodline.  Then he left the Earth one day and just chilled out in the Sun after all his related kin died off and gained unlimited power and all that comic book jazz.  Eh.  Just writing it down off memory from a decade+ now sounds ridiculous and I'm sure you're correct.  I just like the golden Oscar Pepsiman set on fire design, it's silly.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Jmorphman on December 13, 2021, 05:56:53 am
Awful?  I thought the consensus was Progressive was good, Alternative was meh.  Not that I paid much attention to the internet reception at the time, just people were asking for FLCL revivals along with Space Ghost and Boondocks, and they got one of those and were happy for a time.  My issue was Naota's entire absence outside the credits.  That was just strange.
One was definitely better than the other, but even the "good" one was ultimately pretty bad. And of course one can't help comparing the two with the original, which just makes them seem all the more worse...

I haven't read the whole little Superman 1 Million series in a dog's age, I just remember getting it because it was the new big thing at the time going on and I thought the Superman of the Future was the one in Sun for all those years?  Guess I'm just forgetting but I thought they made a big deal over the generations the Superman of that time had gained some 13 additional senses beyond the traditional 5 human sense through a complicated set of family arrangements to continue the Kryptonian bloodline.  Then he left the Earth one day and just chilled out in the Sun after all his related kin died off and gained unlimited power and all that comic book jazz.  Eh.  Just writing it down off memory from a decade+ now sounds ridiculous and I'm sure you're correct.  I just like the golden Oscar Pepsiman set on fire design, it's silly.
It's a little of column A, little of column B, cuz there's two future Supermen (and three Supermen total, since present day Superman is also there!). One of those future Supermen is the current holder of the title Superman (in that far off future), and who appears in most of the story: Kal Kent. The other future Superman shows up only at the very very end: the millennia old Clark Kent, who appears to be made of solid gold.

Clark Kent did indeed go live in the sun for a long ass time, and because of that, when he finally emerges, his (already existing, normal Superman) powers have been strengthened by a staggering amount. Kal Kent, the current Superman of that far off future, however, has a bunch of new powers,  because the Superman dynasty from which he is descended has married not just Kryptonians and humans together, but also 5th dimensional imps and other alien species. Kal is a descendant of all of those, and thus has a bunch of new powers like telepathy and the ability to travel to the 5th dimension by saying his name backwards.

So essentially Kal Kent a lot more powers than (present day) Clark Kent does, and for the powers they have in common, Kal's versions are insanely stronger compared to Clark's. But then when the future Clark shows up, he is supposedly meant to be as far beyond Kal as Kal was to the present day Clark (though presumably future Clark doesn't get any of those fancy new powers, it's just his old stuff buffed to infinity).
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Long John Killer on December 13, 2021, 06:21:58 am
Eh.  I liked them.  I didn't love them.  But I also probably haven't watched enough anime since 2010 to pass counting on two hands so liking them is good enough for me.  Heavy bias to the original helps too.  Is what it is I guess.

Yeah, reading that sorta brings the story back to me.  Your memory on it is just clearer than mine was.  Anyways, though, it's a shame that that isn't what the skin in the game appears to be, at least from the details that we know of.  Disregarding the story, I just like the silliness of the literal shining gold beacon Superman becomes at his supposed greatest he'll ever become, it'd make for a neat skin in the game.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: EveryonesKouhai on December 13, 2021, 08:33:25 am
i think a lot of wb studio anime like jojo may be off limit due to the fact that i'm pretty certain bandai has the license to use the jojo ip in video game form, considering that they're the only ones that make jojo games
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on December 13, 2021, 06:16:23 pm
I wonder if they'll include Mortal Kombat in this game...
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Seadragon77 on December 14, 2021, 12:04:05 am
I wonder if they'll include Mortal Kombat in this game...

I think they will, but they will have to balance the line between making the fans happy and keeping the rating below 'M' (despite having Arya from Game of Thrones in here...). It won't be easy, but I think they can pull it off.

Some other character ideas that I can think of...
-Since WB has the entire Hanna-Barbera animation family under their belt, it would make sense to bring in some of the older characters into this game - someone like Yogi Bear or Huckleberry Hound. Also, on that topic - one of the old school action heroes should be in here. Space Ghost or Birdman would be good options (If only for the reason that people know about Birdman was thanks to Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law).
-You cannot count out anything from the Harry Potter universe since I believe that WB has the rights for that franchise. With the next Fantastic Beasts movie set to come out next year, it makes sense to put in.. oh, at least Harry himself in the game.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 14, 2021, 02:21:05 am
MK in this game is at least more likely than it was in Smash Bros. They'd still have to tone down a lot of what makes Mortal Kombat characters appealing, but I could see it here.  And it's not like they haven't planted the seeds ( for that crossover anyway.

If you're talking Hanna-Barbera, then the initial leak said that Fred Flintstone is going to be in.  Beyond that, Dick Dastardly would make a great pick for a game like this.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on December 14, 2021, 02:39:07 am
Honestly, I don't really think MK characters are appealing is the gore, the franchise is iconic enough that it could survive without it. Besides, even if it was the case, I think people can forgive a crossover for changing that, and, like Seadragon said, they did it to Arya.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Person Man on December 16, 2021, 12:41:22 am
One of the new screenshots from the Steam page showing off the training stage.


One of Finn's move would appear to involve summoning Choose Goose.  For some reason.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: MR. IBZS II on December 16, 2021, 12:49:51 am
Presumably similar to Shovel Knight in Rivals, he has a special currency he can earn during a match, summon a shop, and buy new perks and abilities for him to utilize for the rest of the match.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: TrinitroRoy on May 16, 2022, 03:34:58 pm

Iron Giant officially revealed as part of the roster, and he looks...rather down-sized...
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 16, 2022, 05:37:30 pm
Like Ridley, no? By the way, I didn't know Velma was already in the roster.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on May 16, 2022, 05:51:59 pm
Taz and Velma are in there too! :datass:
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on May 16, 2022, 05:54:08 pm
I just wanna know how the microtransactions work to see if you need $100 to buff Taz's Air neutrals.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: drewski90 on May 16, 2022, 06:09:48 pm
Taz and Velma are in there too! :datass:


I had to say that
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: SkySplitters on May 16, 2022, 09:32:56 pm
Iron Giant just sparked my interest in this game a lot.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on May 17, 2022, 06:59:26 am
Velma is probably the most unusual pick out of everyone here, at the moment. While I usually stand strongly for the most variety and unpredictability of roster line-ups for a crossover of this scale, seeing other Scooby Doo characters being announced after Shaggy and yet not seeing his biggest buddy Scoob himself in here already, is kinda heartbreaking tbh. lol

That being said, I'm actually curious to know how much of the 50-or-so years old source material they'll manage to reference in order to give a interesting moveset for Velma, giving how rarely she's ever associated with fighting or action scenes in general, if I remember correctly. Pretty interesting choice, overall. :thumbsup:

At this point, I'm just here wondering how likely are the chances we get to see the Winchester brothers, from Supernatural, as characters too! Like, c'mon, the absolute cheesiness of them recognizing all the other characters from TV and comics, while trying to understand what world they're really in, is just too priceless to not go with.

Let's teach those cartoons the fundamentals of the family business and salt-bullet shotguns! :gugoi:
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Gate on May 17, 2022, 05:19:04 pm
Apparently Velma works like Phoenix Wright, she collects evidence and can use it to "unmask" the opponent so the police appears and take them out of the arena.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on May 17, 2022, 07:37:19 pm
Oh yeah, Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 is the perfect example of a "fighting but not fighting", detective style character. Thanks for reminding me that!

Also, this might be an interesting observation about the trailer:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

EDIT: Oh, there's gameplay footage of Taz and Velma already! :O

Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 21, 2022, 07:09:43 pm
I'm curious if they would add any character from Mortal Kombat. I mean, its a fighting game, so it lines up, Mortal Kombat missed Smash Ultimate too, not to mention its easily one of their most famous videogame franchises. Would be a waste to not include Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero there.

EDIT: Also, someone on Reddit compiled a list of leaks and datamined stuff, they're keeping the list updated with characters that get confirmed.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Magma MK-II on May 22, 2022, 02:55:02 pm
Really weird that they aren't using more of the Hanna-Barbera catalogue outside of Scooby Doo.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on May 22, 2022, 04:52:46 pm
In fairness, it is their most well known property right next to The Flintstones.

I don't see the devs rushing to add El Kabong anytime soon.
Did the makers of Ninjago just said no or something
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 22, 2022, 06:58:11 pm
You never know...
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: TrinitroRoy on May 23, 2022, 10:16:20 am
In fairness, it is their most well known property right next to The Flintstones.
So...why are The Flintstones also a no-show then?
Also, you're forgetting about The Jetsons.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: yaret on May 23, 2022, 03:26:16 pm
I'm curious if they would add any character from Mortal Kombat. I mean, its a fighting game, so it lines up, Mortal Kombat missed Smash Ultimate too, not to mention its easily one of their most famous videogame franchises. Would be a waste to not include Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero there.

EDIT: Also, someone on Reddit compiled a list of leaks and datamined stuff, they're keeping the list updated with characters that get confirmed.

no The Jetsons family  :???:
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 23, 2022, 04:55:44 pm
They could eventually include Hanna-Barbera stuff, the thing is Warner is naturally gonna focus on their most recognizable proprieties first, which I can't even blame them for, specially because there is a good amount of variety in those.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: MAO11 on May 23, 2022, 05:19:19 pm
Really weird that they aren't using more of the Hanna-Barbera catalogue outside of Scooby Doo.

Scooby doo is probably the most popular hannah barberra IP. I dunno about flintstones i think most kids today doesnt know about flintstones. But i can see them as DLC. But how though?

And didnt the devs said that this game started because of the shaggy memes a few years ago.

And i just found out this game is free? Woah they could easily make a couple of millions sale by how good this game looks.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: StevenB on May 24, 2022, 03:10:22 pm
My top pick atm is Daffy Duck. I really really llike how they implemented and animated Bugs and Taz so far so I'm really hoping we get to see a few more of the Looney Tunes along the way, Daffy and Marvin the Martian in particular.

Out of curiousity have they mentioned if there will be a Story mode or so? I know there is an overarching plot and lore connected to the game but I'm really interested in seeing if they can pull off a full narrative.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: DarkWolf13 on May 26, 2022, 05:15:39 am
The game is really promising a good time. I really like how animated and how diverse the roster is to start with. My hopes for the future is more Looney Tunes reps like Daffy, Elmer, Granny, Sylvester etc., Scooby himself as well as Daphne and Freddie and on the Hanna Barbera side outside Scooby-Doo, maybe Jonny Quest, Fred Flintstone, George Jetson or probably a Smurfs character who know. Maybe we may also get a Harry Potter rep in here. As for story... If there is a story, they may not include all characters in there. There's still more to come in the future so I'm guess around next month we'll see.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 27, 2022, 06:32:33 pm
Spoiler: Voicelines referencing upcoming characters (click to see content)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on May 27, 2022, 07:42:04 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: NDSilva on May 27, 2022, 08:54:57 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Jmorphman on May 28, 2022, 04:47:47 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on May 30, 2022, 06:54:13 pm
Spoiler: Leaked costumes/variants (click to see content)
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Seadragon77 on July 20, 2022, 02:28:46 pm
Time to bring this back up as the Open Beta is set to begin next week for everyone (early access began yesterday).

The Open Beta will have the Iron Giant as a playable character and will have one new stage - The Sky Arena from Steven Universe.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on July 23, 2022, 01:06:41 am

If they wanted to represent Space Jam, it should have been Michael Jordan. The original was fun, the remake or sequel or whatever the fuck it was sucked balls.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: yaret on July 23, 2022, 01:53:16 am
why? the game is on sale on Steam I thought this game was gonna be free :D
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on July 23, 2022, 02:15:11 am
If they wanted to represent Space Jam, it should have been Michael Jordan.
That will be $5 of your hard earned hours to unlock his variant skin featuring a raspy bored Jordan doing the voicework.

Shit, that means we might get Shaq in this too dear lord
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: TrinitroRoy on July 23, 2022, 02:43:17 am
If they wanted to represent Space Jam, it should have been Michael Jordan.
That will be $5 of your hard earned hours to unlock his variant skin featuring a raspy bored Jordan doing the voicework.

Shit, that means we might get Shaq in this too dear lord

wait, was it already confirmed that Michael Jordan will be a variant skin for LeBron?
because it also could be possible that Michael Jordan is just...gonna be completely absent...
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on July 23, 2022, 02:56:16 am
why? the game is on sale on Steam I thought this game was gonna be free :D
It is free, you probably saw a Special Edition or something like that.

If they wanted to represent Space Jam, it should have been Michael Jordan.
That will be $5 of your hard earned hours to unlock his variant skin featuring a raspy bored Jordan doing the voicework.

Shit, that means we might get Shaq in this too dear lord

wait, was it already confirmed that Michael Jordan will be a variant skin for LeBron?
because it also could be possible that Michael Jordan is just...gonna be completely absent...
He was joking...
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: WF4123 on July 23, 2022, 05:41:40 am
why? the game is on sale on Steam I thought this game was gonna be free :D

Damn, I was like, given for such 40 euros or even as well. Like the game Forza Horizon 5.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Lichtbringer on July 23, 2022, 07:06:04 am
Shit, that means we might get Shaq in this too dear lord

That would at least be more entertaining then Lebron.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: MR. IBZS II on July 28, 2022, 03:41:18 am
Went into Open Beta yesterday and... Yikes personally. It requires a "Warner Bros Games" account which was honestly a little bit of a pain to setup, confusing mobile game like interface that makes even trying to get to a simple Vs. A.I. match a bit of a pain, and the gameplay itself is rather messy and overly simple. Yet, the controls are "Neutral Attack = Charge Attack" and "Side and Attack = Combo Attack? Why? Brutal to get used to and just pointlessly backwards. Some specials are completely different moves in the air for no real reason too which is even more confusing. People hyped this up for over a year too? I kept expectations low the entire time too, but just wow.

Bugs and Tom/Jerry movesets are cool, hope to see those concepts converted to Mugen, and the amount of dialogue is the best part of this game hands down.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: DJ_HANNIBALROYCE on July 28, 2022, 05:15:02 am

Bugs and Tom/Jerry movesets are cool, hope to see those concepts converted to Mugen, and the amount of dialogue is the best part of this game hands down.

*inserts purple smiley emoji
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on February 16, 2023, 06:55:12 pm

What do you mean you guys aren't hyped for Marvin mixups?

Spoiler: Also potential new characters via recent datamining (click to see content)
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on March 13, 2024, 12:57:04 am
*bump again*

Multiversus is coming up as a full launch for realsies on May 28 as a F2P title.  Latest art teases the inclusion of Animaniacs, Powerpuff Girls, and Pinky and The Brain.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on May 20, 2024, 04:17:13 pm
*bump again again*

A while back, new characters were revealed.  The Joker with Mark Hamill reprising his role, and Banana Guard from Adventure Time.

In addition, Townsville was revealed to be a stage with BGM straight from classic Powerpuff Girls.  Dexter's Lab BGM also added to the Multiversus channel.

Launch trailer (or Relaunch) now with Jason Vorhees from Mortal Kombat X and Agent Smith from The Matrix added to the roster.  Another stage shown during Wonder Woman's scene is Jump City from Teen Titans Go.
Title: Re: "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
Post by: Kirishima on July 20, 2024, 10:12:30 pm
*bump again again again*
*some point ago Agent Smith was revealed*

Season 2 kicks off on July 23, and Samurai Jack will be included in the next update, alongside Beetlejuice at a later time.  His playstyle is very different than how he appeared in Punch Time Explosion.  He will also have a new skin based on the final act in his series.

The long awaited Ranked Mode will be live with exclusive skins for Samurai Jack depending on which tier you end up as.