The Mugen Fighters Guild
M.U.G.E.N Central => FullGame development => Art of Fury 2 => Topic started by: CCIronmugen on January 07, 2024, 08:07:55 pm
Hi everyone. So, here is the first topic of this sub forum!
(I might ask a mod to move the demo-release topic here if I remember after writing down this thread)
So, I'm here to introduce the characters of the game : why them and why they are here.
First of all here is the select screen :
Now, here is the original source : Fatal Fury 3. Though the music I'm using in my game is the select music from Art of Fighting 3 which I think it fits well too.
And finally, here is the select screen but with a secret character selected :
Before introducing the characters, something you may know is that story-wise the characters are teamed up but it doesn't affect at all the gameplay. At first I wanted to make the exact same ending for the 2 teamed up characters but in the end they'll have different endings. The main thing you'll notice later is that they share the same stage... Not exactly the same in fact : one can be during daytime and the other during the night.
So here we go :
stage : Sound Beach - day
music : Bigshot (RoF version)
The main protagonist here, as in AOFF1. Also my personal favorite.
Few days after having to fight once again Wolfgang Krauser alongside with a younger Ryo Sakazaki, he found out that some scrolls were behind the time paradoxe that occurred in South Town.
Compared to AOFF1, Terry gains the Buster Wolf from Mark of the Wolves and the Heat Up Geyzer taken from Fatal Fury Wild Ambition.
stage : Sound beach - night
music : Seoul Suu (RBS)
Kim and Terry make the "Satoshi Hashimoto team" appart from being one of the best characters I ever converted to MUGEN and one of my favorites. Them being good friends and teaming up in KOF XI made a good excuse for this team. Sorry Andy and Joe.
Kim came to South Town to help on the search of the scrolls after getting the infos from Hon-Fu.
Kim was originally supposed to be replaced with Sue Il from Kizuna... But little time doesn't allow me to make another full edited character.
stage : Dream Amusement park - day
music : Mahou Mitaina Koi Shitai (instrumental mix)
Clara is the first non SNK guest here. She was already planned in the original UG game I started back in 2006. At first I didn't want to include her in the new version of the game... But some good friend who loved the original project told me she was really part of the essence of the game so... Here she goes!
Clara had a minor sprite-style update thanks to BaoJJ and myself. She also plays a bit differently than in Power Instinct Matrimelee.
In the original project she was supposed to transform her opponent into a Super Deformed version of themselves... But the amount of work behind the sprite making was too much for me so it became a rush attack that becomes yet another Shun Goku Satsu-like move.
As you know, Clara is not from this world. Story wise, she was participating in the Matrimelee tournament in her world, but a strange portal opened and everyone nearby has been sucked into another dimension. She hopes to find a way to return to her world.
stage : Dream Amusement park - night
music : Bokura no Himitsu (instrumental mix)
Hikaru has the same story as Clara regarding her appearance in the game. A very minor sprite update was made too.
Hikaru was fighting against Clara in her world when the portal opened.
As in the latest Power Instinct game, she has a special KO is you finish her like an Art of Fighting girl. In the original game it was a picture showing though, instead of an animation like SNK did back in 1992-1994. So yeah, for people still asking : Hikaru is really a girl and has always been confirmed by Atlus back in 2003.
stage : Howard Arena - night
music : Raihatou (FF3)
Andy was not included in the original UG project. But since he is an important character in the FF franchise, plus he appears in my AOFF1 game AND PLUS I made an update of my old 2001 character two years ago (never posted a thread here though), I just had to add him here.
Andy wanted to team up with his old training partner from Japan in order to find and destroy the secret scrolls.
stage : Howard Arena - day
music : Wani no mi (FF3)
Joe was the second main character in the original UG project. Now he is in the third team haha... But he is still around!
I have updated his SDM taken from Wild Ambition to look better and more accurate.
Joe teams up with Andy to also destroy the scrolls... But after his "defeat" against Lilly Kane, he plans to regain the way to her heart, and no big brother's gonna stop him now!
stage : East Street - night
music : Good Bye Esaka (Kof2000)
Kyo returns from the original UG with the same mission in mind : stop the man who puts dirt on his name.
I have hinted in some endings of AOFF1 that "Kyo Kusanagi" was working with Yamazaki. But was it really Kyo himself?
His friends and even his girlfriend came with him to South Town, but they are not participating.
In this world Kyo has already beaten Orochi in what I called "the japanese King of Fighters tournament". NESTS also fell down a bit after but Kyo was not really involved.
stage : East Street - day
music : Still Green (Kof97)
Shingo has been training under Saishu Kusanagi after the fall of NESTS for showing some great courage during the NESTS war. Kyo never gave him the gloves in this world.
Shingo has been sent by Saishu to support Kyo on his mission.
stage : Happy Park - night
music : Tiger & Dragon (Kof XIV)
Yuri is now older and lives with Robert in South Town (sorry for still using the loli-face from KOF2003 though).
She is my favorite female character so she had to be the main female character here. And NO, the main girl is not Clara!
Anyway. Yuri heard from various source that some evil people are looking for some scrolls... And one of the parts are resting at her father's dojo.
She has been approached by some fancy women and was asked to team up with a young girl. She was told that her father's dojo would probably be attacked soon by an old member of the NESTS...
stage : Happy Park - day
music : Diamond Dust (Kof2002um)
Kula doesn't clearly fit the Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting world. I know. But she is so cool (no pun) and was in the original UG project.
Her mission? Capture the former NESTS member.
Also, she couldn't help but freezing the water fountain in her stage. She probably was too happy with the ice creams next to it.
By the way, I have removed her "special KO" animation. She is "safe" now.
stage : Pioneer Plaza - night
music : Kiss me <3 (FF3)
Mary is the latest character I ever made (from scratch) for MUGEN. She gave me some sprite editing work because of her special throws, but it's actually fun to make (unlike some SD animations... right Clara?).
She is based on her Kof99 version because it's the game I played to most on actual Neogeo AES. Though I modified some stuff as I always do with my characters.
Mary heard from her superiors that something was going on in town. I have hinted in Terry's AOFF1 ending that she'd be in the sequel. She was supposed to be in the origina UG project with her RBS top... without jacket. But... less time
stage : Pioneer Plaza - day
music : Ne! (Kof94)
King, always here in my projects.
Is she married to Ryo? Maybe! But for now she is still working in her bar in South Town. Her little brother is training under Ryo but that's not really relevant to the story actually.
She teams up with Mary to protect her husband's dojo (whoops I said it).
stage : East Side Park - blue
music : Ivonnu Rurouru e no gensou-yori - Fuyu (FF3)
I don't like much this character. But since she was in AOFF1 and is an important figure in the SNK world, I had to put her in the game. Also her pose in the select screen is cool. I would have preferred a KOF version of her FF3 version but oh well...
She is mad at Andy (again) for not teaming up with her. She has been approached by a Japanese singer to team up for the tournament.
stage : East Side Park - red
music : Psycho Soldier Remix '97 (instrumental mix)
Athena was, at first, planed in the UG project but got replaced with Mary. Also I have lost her work files but lately I found an alpha version of the character. So I'm working on her using this old alpha version.
Athena is hoping to capture the former NESTS member and impress the guy she loves. So she is teaming up with fellow Japanese woman.
stage : China Town - day
music : Art of Fight (Super Smash bros version)
Kasumi was supposed to leave her dad participate in the tournament, but her dad hit his toe while cleaning the house. So she participates in order to attract pupils to the Todoh dojo. Stupid story.
I'm using the edits I made for AOFF1 : her Kof96 upper sprite parts with her Kof99 lower sprite parts.
stage : China Town - night
music : Chou Rakuten Chuukagai (FF Wild Ambition)
Xiangfei is also one of the recurrent characters in my projects. I have removed her special KO too.
Xiangfei just wants to brawl around, plus Kasumi needed her for a team because Ryuhaku's friends didn't to team up with the daughter (I'm talking about Jack, Lee, Mickey and Temjin here!)
stage : South Town bridge - night
music : Triumphantly (KOF XI)
Eiji is also a character that appears in all my projects. The forgotten "KOF character". I have updated his SDM to be more accurate to Last Blade than the thing I did back when KOF XI was not even released.
Eiji works for Geese Howard and doesn't participate in the tournament. He teams up with Billy for the duty.
stage : South Town bridge - day
music : Hashi o arukeba bou ni ataru (FF1)
I used his RB sprites in the original UG project but since I had his KOF SFF for AOFF1, then why not.
Billy is also a non official character from the tournament. He is just here to get the scrolls for his boss. For unknown reasons he gets well along with Eiji and they don't even have the anti-Iori thing in common in this world. They don't even know who he is.
stage : Military base - day
music : Koukuu bokaan! (Aof1)
My biggest edited character to date (we won't count Helena Volkova, she was a full original character).
I have updated him to fit the UG standard and even took his SDM he had in the SNES version of AOF1.
I plan to record his voices myself because of the new attack and the amount of basic voices I need.
John is also a non-tournament character who works for someone (not Geese) to get the scrolls from the Sakazakis.
stage : Military base - night
music : See roku ni (KOFXIV version)
Another character in my top. I have used the edits I made to get rid of the "magic abs" of some animations.
Yamazaki has the same role as John. They kind of work together with a third man.
stage : Karate Gym - outside
music : Kyokugen Training! (KOFXIII)
This edit of Ryo was originally made for the original UG. I later released him as a regular MUGEN character and then used in AOFF1. Now I can finally really use him for the right project! With more edits and more attacks of course!
Ryo and Robert are the organisers of the tournament. Ryo still remembers having met with Terry Bogard almost 10 years ago during a time paradox. He waited during all this time, preparing himself for this day.
His main purpose is to attract the scums from South Town who know about the scrolls and put an end to them. He knows the risk but him and his team mate (not Robert) are ready to receive the unwelcome guests.
MR.KARATE (secret character)
stage : Karate Gym - inside
music : The Tengu Show (AOF1)
Other bosses : The former NESTS member, boss 1 and boss 2 (who finished the demo know!)
Other secret characters :
1- "I hate him, but you're disgrace to his name and you deserve to die! I'm gonna get you before anyone else does!"
2- "I'm back in town and the power of the scrolls will be mine!"
3- My brother comes back again as a bonus guest.
There seems to be less Art of Fighting characters and more Fatal Fury characters.
There seems to be less Art of Fighting characters and more Fatal Fury characters.
Many reasons to that : the game is mainly based on Fatal Fury (3) events + the lack of interesting Art of Fighting stuff in KOF (sorry about Robert).
cool to see your thread about Art of Fury 2 here, I was watching your facebook account from time to time and to be honest, I thought you were using Ikemen Go :P but anyway, I only knew the last two characters, the jin brothers ;D When I thought you were using Ikemen Go, I was actually about to think of suggesting the inclusion of having Nightmare Krauser to fight against all the past Art of Fury casts who appeared in the sequel as the hidden boss which means you have to make use of the lua to set up custom arcade mode for these characters :P I am hyped to see most of the Ultimate Garou casts here :8):
cool to see your thread about Art of Fury 2 here, I was watching your facebook account from time to time and to be honest, I thought you were using Ikemen Go :P but anyway, I only knew the last two characters, the jin brothers ;D When I thought you were using Ikemen Go, I was actually about to think of suggesting the inclusion of having Nightmare Krauser to fight against all the past Art of Fury casts who appeared in the sequel as the hidden boss which means you have to make use of the lua to set up custom arcade mode for these characters :P I am hyped to see most of the Ultimate Garou casts here :8):
Hey! Sorry I forgot to reply haha, well I've been pretty busy in fact.
Yeah, I stick to MUGEN and maybe someone will make an Ikemen version like Orochi_Kyo did for AOFF1. I'll be trying few tricks with cutscenes and AI activation with MUGEN.
I'll leave my favorite boss out of this game. But if I get to do a third game someday, he'll probably be here. =)