The Mugen Fighters Guild

I.K.E.M.E.N. Central => IKEMEN Releases => Ikemen General Discussion and Help => Topic started by: Agoeb on March 18, 2025, 06:33:31 am

Title: How do I swap what sprite it uses on the pre-match screen?
Post by: Agoeb on March 18, 2025, 06:33:31 am
 Hi All,

Hoping this is an easy fix. I am using .99 version of IKEMEN Go, and after selecting two characters, but before going into the fight, it shows a little pre-match screen where they face off.


However, as you can see in this picture, it doesn't always load palettes very well, and I would rather use the big portrait from the character select here instead. Is there a way to swap it out to use the portrait instead?

Thank you for your help!
Title: Re: How do I swap what sprite it uses on the pre-match screen?
Post by: Agoeb on March 19, 2025, 06:29:57 am
My beautiful, talented, wonderful girlfriend solved this for me!  :coollove:

In system.def scroll down to where it says [VS Screen] & ;Big portraits
Get rid of
p1.anim = 0                 ;Ikemen feature
p2.anim = 0                 ;Ikemen feature
Then it should use the static portraits!

You will need to adjust the offsets too, I used:
p1.offset =  70,31 ;30,168
p2.offset = 250,31 ;299,168 

Hope this helps someone in the future!