Posted by Rai Tei
in Yu Yu Hakusho Neo Yusuke Urameshi and stage! by Team"YuNeo" (Started by thanewdude07 May 31, 2021, 09:04:09 pm
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
I understand the error. This means this forum should be upgraded and all of you will be assimilated. You will be like us.
Kelexo ... that's a user here, no?
Runs fine except for it crashing because reasons.
................. college/highschool buddies or one someone really close to you marries a self centered narcissistic bitch?
Do you cut ties with them? Ignore them on social media?
Do you keep the friendship but distance yourself?
Does it make you cringe having to be in a social situation that you have to meet him and the viper?
Does your friend change in subtle ways that they end up being influenced?
Do you have similar stories you want to share?
Does the guy's family and blood relatives hate her so badly?
Can you tell already at first meeting with her she's trouble?
Why does your friend get into relationships with these types of women?
Best things:
- Split Screen couch co-op aka Local Co-op (join in with you buddy! which fu'n game has done that in 2019 besides Battleborn? none. )
Keep up with your own posts.Gotcha.
He's posting a review of a brand new game and the review says it's a piece of crap, that horse seems alive enough to me. It's just that shit games from awful companies with predatory practices can still make money.
Doesn't mean they're any less scummy (see: Metal Gear Survive)
Wasn’t Konami’s funeral held 2 years ago?