Posted by eken55
in All KOF 13 characters and Guile updated on 12/2/2021 (Started by eken55 January 15, 2017, 08:18:13 pm
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
the chars are nice,but need more i.a.can make a options for can change the i,.a for more dificult?.is easy win.
i found only one problem about ryo:
if the character blocks kouken, his kouken plays the same sound effect as when the character gets hit by his kouken
Ok, I'll go through my sound effects file tonight, to find the appropriate fix. Thanks for the info
thanks, i'm suprised that no one else is giving feedback about any of your characters
anyway what will you do next?
i found only one problem about ryo:
if the character blocks kouken, his kouken plays the same sound effect as when the character gets hit by his kouken
I love how you keep updating these amazing chars! Congrats and keep up the good work!
i found only one problem with goro daimon:
his level 3 super takes too much damage
is this intentional?
I loved it, thanks.
Though I would have preferred her to be POTS style.
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Looks great and the sprite work is excellent for these HD KOF characters. Thanks