Posted by altoiddealer
in How do < and > work in Mugen exactly? (Started by WastedCoder June 13, 2022, 02:02:14 pm
Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help
Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help
From my experience, I occasionally ran into bugs when float and int values were not handled properly.
Velocity is a float, so you should always try to make the values express as floats.
ex: Vel y > -5.0
trigger1 = cond(enemynear, vel y < 0.0, (p2bodydist y = [-85,10]), (p2bodydist y = [-33,10]))
You probably don't have any bugs with your examples.
There's just certain combinations of triggers/parameters that will not process correctly unless the values are expressed properly... and it will drive you insane trying to figure out what the heck is causing this bug?!
So, it's just a good habit to get into.