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Messages by Forla


Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters

 November 16, 2024, 03:00:58 am View in topic context
 Posted by Forla  in (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Started by dreadedpotato February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
 Board: Resource Releases

This is a suggestion, but regarding my character's movelist that you created, can you please change the names of my character's moves (Specific Mechanics (including description), Command normals, Specials, force breaks, Distortion drives, Exceed accel, and astral heat) back to what they were before the change.
I have kept the names simple so that someone can easily imagine and understand what kind of techniques they are. And I have mixed feelings when they are changed without my permission. Whatever the reason for changing the name. (and those feelings are personal, but I can't help but notice that you are changing the name of the technique).
I'm not an English-speaking person, but I prefer simple names. (this is my personal opinion)

Nighttime Maneuvers is a reference to the game's soundtrack as any fan would likely notice,

I am a fan of VA-11-halla, but I actually never knew about the origin of your Exceed accel of Jill (soundtrack). lol

Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters

 October 20, 2024, 07:22:04 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Forla  in (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Started by dreadedpotato February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
 Board: Resource Releases

I understand that someone giving you a bad experience causes trauma, but it's better to get mad at the person instead of the abstract idea of movelists.

I understand, I'm sorry.
dreadedpotato is fine with making Movelist without worrying about me.

Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters

 October 20, 2024, 07:13:34 am View in topic context
 Posted by Forla  in (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Started by dreadedpotato February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
 Board: Resource Releases


Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters

 October 19, 2024, 09:49:53 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Forla  in (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Started by dreadedpotato February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
 Board: Resource Releases

Notes on the localization for The Magician can be found below for those who are interested.

For various reasons, it is forbid create and publish a ikemen's movelist of my characters.
That includes the move lists of all my characters that have been created by you.
Please understand.

Re: Happy Birthday to...

 August 01, 2023, 05:58:58 am View in topic context
 Posted by Forla  in Happy Birthday to... (Started by TempesT January 11, 2010, 04:27:19 am
 Board: All That's Left

Today i turned 19 years old, i don't have much to say but thanks to all the people who supported and helped with my projects, i hope i can still work with you all in the future.

Happy Birthday! :)