Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

It's getting to be too much to update the main post, I think I might run out of characters soon :p
I meant to get this out earlier, but all my old testers are getting older and, just like with fighting games, not everyone has the time! I will admit, my time has been split lately myself, but I had it in the back of my mind while playing dark awake and aquapazza at locals.
This is a soft release, which means that I put a lot of time into testing, so I can confirm I caught bugs, infinites, etc, but I can't confirm I caught everything because I didn't have any external testers due to lack of time, and because this is the first true use of the escalation system.
Tung has some moves in the system, but Mary has actual chains, and thus, real combos that exploit the mechanics. There's some pretty fun routing like this, but I had to modify a lot of system mechanics in response to things like ESC 2B>5B>3C>2B>5B>3C etc being an infinite in the corner, so everyone gets a system update here.
my comments on the character:
FF3/Real Bout Blue Mary with Real Bout 2 escalation install that alters a lot of her moves. In escaltion mode she gets chains like in RB2.
I based the animations for all the attacks around RB as well, sort of like what I did for my old MONSTER Yamazaki where I used 98 sprites but RBS frame data. This results in some funny looking things, like vertical arrow looking a bit stiff with the XI sprites, but functionally the moves act like they do in the older FF games, so the "stiffness" is similar to that. In addition, the Snatcher followup is in the FF3 style, where the cancel is very fast and immediate, as in her main chain in that game.
A unique run that is both a dash and a run: 66 and you get a run that ends either at animation end or if you press another button. This links the kof mary with the real bout one who has a long dash.
I spent a while on this character because I'm a big mary player, and over all the games she's always different. I didn't want to focus the kof style mary (my best mary is XI), because I really like how Mary works in FF3 and RB. I have some knowledge of RBS and RB2 Mary, but I'm not good with her in those games, so I sort of dabbled with the concept of the chain queen.
Anyway the 4/26/24 update as in the changelog:
- Blue Mary my beloved
- SFX priority fixes (thanks Vans!)
- increased cornerpush during escalation mode
- Bug where ending escalation mode during super jump caused you to stay stuck in prejump fixed
- Tung was missing 5041-2 for whatever reason
All characters are updated in the backend, and Tung's sff is updated.
I enjoyed opening up Mary for the day or two, and I have files for Gato and Yamazaki ready, both of which I've made before, so I'm interested in working on them later.