Posted by ,mem
in Amarimono Collection (Started by ,mem September 28, 2018, 06:31:58 pm
Board: Creator's Vault
Board: Creator's Vault
I say the last thing as i'm basically done with the whole using social media thing(yes I count forums as a type of social media) had my decent amount of time with it if I do say so myself and am now content with just lurking. Though trust me his isn't a spur of the moment thing i've had my time to think about it beforehand to make sure i'm sure about doing this.
Oh also could I get the whole moderator role that I get while in the creator's vault taken off as i'm not really one for the moderation stuff and never really needed to use it anyway as nothing really happened in this part of the forum.
Edit: Also feel free anonymize or delete(while keeping the topics if that's possible) the account. Or just make it impossible to sign into if that's possible too. As i'm serious about the whole being done with the account part if anything i'd encourage any of those. That and me not even using the account as much as I used to anyway.
So yeah goodbye and all that it was an interesting experience overall.
Text Wall alert:
Yeah it's me Memes Never Die/Manby/Raghby...or just ,mem in the case of my last edit to my profile before leaving using a new account just to post this.
As I kinda forgot my password after changing it one last time and not recording it/no longer have the email on the account around after the post(Which as you can see by what I was saying there was more or less on purpose.)
I kinda forgot to mention something else that I should've about my time here that I only remembered after looking at past messages.
And that as strange as it is to do this from an account that isn't the main one is to kind of apologize for all the cringe or edgy things I said or did when I was starting here. And to apologize for anything insulting, insensitive, or rude I did while learning to communicate or develop a more proper thought process.
I mean like, seriously even if I was probably joking around what must I have been mentally on to have said any of that stuff in that Harambe thread thread jeez, or really anything back then that involved the word kill.
Though I do still dislike poachers of course.
So yeah consider this more of an extension to the post above that I can't just edit this into because of said earlier stated reasons..
Also no this isn't for attention I just felt that bad looking back at what i've said back then that I couldn't help myself from apologizing in some way just from a point of view of the me of now looking at the me of the past and realizing people put up with that for any amount of time.
Double also the name I used before in my first introduction post before it was changed was meant to be some weird false internet name thing for the forum, birthday included as I probably wanted to fit in without actual information being shared or I was weird.
So yeah I changed it to Manby as that was what I ended up being known by in the end. random thing but leaving that bit of confusion there would've bothered me too.
Now I can finally say that I feel done and give a more proper goodbye.......also sorry if it was posted in the wrong place......also if it's possible it'd be neat if this was edited into the above post on my actual account while having this account deleted as this is literally all I made it for.