Posted by WastedCoder
in Edited Debug Font (Started by inktrebuchet December 06, 2019, 01:06:33 am
Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+
Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+
[Statedef 717]
[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = !time
var(0) = parent,anim
[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = !time
var(1) = root,animelemno(0)
[State 0, pink]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 0 || root,var(55) = 8 || root,var(55) = 30
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 90,-45,90
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, light blue]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 1 || root,var(55) = 19 || root,var(55) = 23
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = -65,55,55
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, dark blue]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 7 || root,var(55) = 18 || root,var(55) = 20 || root,var(55) = 27
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = -45,40,100
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, light green]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 2 || root,var(55) = 9
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 40,140,-45
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, dark purple]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 3 || root,var(55) = 17 || root,var(55) = 28
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = -50,-150,0
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, Darkish red]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 4 || root,var(55) = 11 || root,var(55) = 15 || root,var(55) = 21 || root,var(55) = 25 || root,var(55) = 15
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 111,-40,-40
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, yellowish green]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 5
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 100,150,-50
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, blueish green]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 12
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 40,150,90
mul = 256,256,256
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, bright yellow]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 6 || root,var(55) = 13 || root,var(55) = 24 || root,var(55) = 26 || root,var(55) = 29
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 190,130,-100
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 100,100,100,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, PalFXWiz]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 14 || root,var(55) = 22 || root,var(55) = 31
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 240,50,0
mul = 250,200,120
sinadd = 110,55,85,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, broly]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 15
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 100,50,0
mul = 256,50,180
sinadd = 50,50,50,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 0, PalFXWiz]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 10
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 100,100,100
mul = 255,255,255
sinadd = 50,50,50,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 6, PalFXWiz]
type = PalFX
triggerall = root,var(55) = 16
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 2000
add = 50,50,50
mul = 256,256,256
sinadd = 120,120,120,35-11*(root,stateno = 1100)
invertall = 0
color = 0
[State 4,ChangeAnim]
[State 1,Trans]
[State 2,AssertSpecial]
[State 3,NotHitBy]
[State 212,End]
triggerall = Ishelper
[State 711+6, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = !ishelper
value = 50
ctrl = 1
It's been a while, and I finally sat down and implemented the code you recommended. It worked for the most part, but there's a little bit of an issue.
1.)When I throw the opponent forward, I deal damage now.
2.)But if I throw the opponent backward, nothing happens still.
Is there separate code for forward and backward throws? I feel like I'm missing something. Sorry for reviving this old topic! Thanks for your help!
The thing is you're trying to divide 400/300, which is giving you a float value, and life is always integer. I don't think there is a way to make it EXACTLY 1/3 everytime.
Maybe you can use LifeSet instead of LifeAdd, together with a fvar and varadd.
value = var(0) + (floor(fvar(0)))
var(0) would be the life you had when you enter the state, you can store it in the beginning of the state.
and fvar(0) would be the amount of life to gain.
In a VarAdd:
fvar(0) = (lifemax/3.0)/300
Don't forget to reset your vars when leaving the state.
I have no idea if this will work but is worth to give it a try.
[State 800, LifeAdd]
type = LifeAdd
triggerall = var(29)>0 && life<lifemax
trigger1 = time = [100,400)
value = (lifemax/3)/300
absolute = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
why would a power charge move be marked as movetype=A?
The AI blocks when the enemy is performing an attack, that is movetype=A.
Use the correct movetype flags. That's all
Use Stateypeset if you need to change the type during a state.
Hard to say but you can narrow it down. In which state does the char freeze? Does state time advance while the char is in that state?
Also the -1 code could use inguarddist.
There's no particular advantage/disadvantage to it. Use it if you want to code the char in its original coordinate space instead of having to convert every number to 320x240.
Looks like you're aware of the Mugen limitations already. I'm gonna be that guy and say this would be quite simple to do in Ikemen.
Also TargetPosAdd can be done with TargetBind and appropriate expressions.
The main problems are here:Code:trigger1 = Random = 999 * (AIlevel ** 2 / 64.0)
trigger1 = Enemy,P2life = 0
In the first one, you're checking if random is equal to 999, which gives you a 1/1000 chance that it will happen. And that's if the AIlevel calculation returns a whole number, because if it's a decimal it will never trigger.
In the second one, you're checking if the enemy's P2 (i.e. your char) is dead.
So I'm using beterhans chunli and I'm trying to make her taunt either in-between the round or when match over here the code. Also I'm new so don't beat me up ;-c
[State -1,Taunted]
type = Changestate
triggerall = AIlevel && Numenemy && Statetype !=A && p2statetype !=A
triggerall = Roundstate = 2
triggerall = Alive
trigger1 = Enemy,P2life = 0
trigger1 = ctrl
trigger1 = Random = 999 * (AIlevel ** 2 / 64.0)
value = 196