- Added random towers before choose your destiny. Every tower right now it randoms between 4 variations - Visual fix. Bell Tower and Pit III showed a screen panning before match. - Modified Options screen showing UMKP buttons and it equivalent in MUGEN. Usefull for first time users.
After months I can finally work again on the project I will do my best to make as much as I can for a new year release Feel free to drop suggestions for missing special and ex moves
I was part of the original MKP Team but this game use nothing from MKP, it was started from scratch, I have a new (powerful) PC so I can record videos without lag. It was impossible to me record some kombos with my old PC I may add some Smoke kombos soon. Been busy with my job
Probably no one care or won't notice it but in the subway stage the (malfunction of) lights are random. I've implement it just because I can LOL Thanks Lean for providing me the random ranges
I'll be updating first post with his movelist and a video showing him in action. Also any suggestion for the "Instinct Mode" for him and any other character is welcome
MK 9 Mecanics: - EX bar: This bar is divided in 3 sections. You fill it when are get hit, your oponent block your normal attacks (and auto kombos) or perform a special move.
This bar is used for: - EX Moves: You can enhance your special moves at a cost of 1 meter. An EX move may add diferent properties to the standar special move. In some cases gain armour or are faster, inflict more damage, etc. To perform an EX move you need to add the Block button to your special move command. Example: Cyrax Net: B,B,LK EX Net: B,B,LK+Block
- Kombo Breaker: You can break your oponent kombos at the cost of 2 meters. Not all moves can be broken, for example you can't break projectiles. It breaks physical attacks. To perform a Kombo Breaker you must be getting hit and press F+Block Remember that a kombo is considered 2+ hits, so you can break from a second hit.
Another mecanic is: - Toasty Boost: To get a Toasty Boost you need to perform a secret command (every character has a diferent one) when "Toasty" is on the screen. Dan "Toasty" Forden will pop up (randomly) after connect an uppercut, a complete auto kombo, or with some special moves. When you get the Toasty Boost your EX bar is full filled. Note: It doesn't matter if your enemy get a "Toasty", the first player to input the Toasty Boost command will get it.
New Mecanics: "Instinct Mode" (not implemented yet). Name may change later. You can activate your "Instinct Mode" at the cost of 3 bars. When is activated your EX bar start depleting and will last until this is empty. "Instinct Mode" properties varies between characters.
How to select hidden characters. Pressing the Start button in some slots will rotate it and access to some hidden characters. Note: these characters are far from complete. They will be updated in later revisions.