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Messages by Swanky


Re: Celebrating 25 years working with MUGEN!

 December 24, 2024, 08:38:42 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Celebrating 25 years working with MUGEN! (Started by O Ilusionista December 17, 2024, 10:17:40 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Man I remember asking a friend to download some stuff for Mugen for me because I was still on a 56k modem back in the day. Painful memories.  ;D
Congratz on 25 years!

Re: Songbird MvC-ish edit for 1.0

 August 20, 2024, 06:56:12 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Songbird MvC-ish edit for 1.0 (Started by Swanky August 19, 2024, 01:29:35 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Pushed a small update:
- Reduced statedef 220 ground velocity by 1 for slightly easier comboing
- reduced statedef 220 & 250 hit corner vels by 6. Getting pushed back half screen on hit made corner combos quite hard. Guard corner vels are untouched.
- fixed an incorrect explod bindtime in Statedef 1450
- added variants of Air Dive. 214a still goes down, 214b goes straight, 214c goes up. Commands updated. Fallback changestate initiates if time >= 24.
- Sonic Scream Anti Air Statedef 1350 now does not lift p2 beyond pos y > -90. Could still look a bit more elegant but does the job.
- Hyper Air Sonic Beam power requirement updated (was 2000 even though it costs 1000)
- deactivated Omega Red lifedrain on Songbird in statedef -2
- fiddled around a bit with the dampener code. Should be a bit less restrictive now. Changed atk power from 1100 to 1000 to compensate.

Aside from more bugfixing, this gives her combo routes a bit more variety, hard as they are to pull off in an actual fight.
Download link in first post updated, combo routes updated.

Songbird MvC-ish edit for 1.0

 August 19, 2024, 01:29:35 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Songbird MvC-ish edit for 1.0 (Started by Swanky August 19, 2024, 01:29:35 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

by Gate, jspiderman171717 & LESSARD

Additional codes by Mystik Blaze
Hyper Combo Finish BG sprites by Winane
Edits by Swanky

Songbird really surprised me, she has beautiful sprites, fluid movement and is pretty feature complete, all in all.
She's a zoner with strong emphasis on keeping the enemy away.

A big thank you to Lessard who gave me permission to release this character edit.

There aren't a lot of changes like with some other characters that I've touched, it's mostly some under the hood updates to fix a few oversights and bring her more in line with some other mvc-ish releases. ...Fine, I did fiddle around with her combo ability a little bit...

Download Songbird
(Dropbox link for now, will likely be rolled over into the main download if no issues pop up)

The changelog:
- cut her portrait to normal size
- sHP can now be comboed into. Adjusted startup frames.
- removed PosAdd from Statedef 250 to prevent glitching through p2. Added small VelAdd instead.
- verly slightly increased hitstun from jhP
- Shrieking Slice hitflag now accounts for projectiles
- Sonic Shriek mP now uses statedef 5120 for p2getup animation instead of 5030 (fixes some characters glitching back into standing animation)
- hopefully fixed the infinite with Sonic Shriek mP. Only does 1 hit now. Fixed incorrect hitspark.
- targets can only hit by 1 Sonic Shriek per Combo. Multiple Sonic Shrieks will put them into fall state instead.
- Harmonic Surge now has upward velocity on hit. Can now be used to set up combos. Guard & Airguard velocities added.
- Hyper Resonance dmg lowered, should no longer do 400+ damage by itself
- p2stateno 1350 no longer makes p2 invulnerable
- added Alpha Counter
- fixed p2stateno hitdefs for boss characters. Add bosses to statedef -2
- Hyper Combo Finish screen added
- fixed a few mislabeled and doubled sprites in her .sff
- added missing 5072,0,10,20 sprites
- hopefully fixed statedef 5120 (could be infinitely hit when lieing down, AvX code)
- fixed some log & syntax errors. Still a good amount of left over code from AvX that could probably be deleted.

- Reduced statedef 220 ground velocity by 1 for slightly easier comboing
- reduced statedef 220 & 250 hit corner vels by 6. Getting pushed back half screen on hit made corner combos quite hard. Guard corner vels are untouched.
- fixed an incorrect explod bindtime in Statedef 1450
- added variants of Air Dive. 214a still goes down, 214b goes straight, 214c goes up. Commands updated. Fallback changestate initiates if time >= 24.
- Sonic Scream Anti Air Statedef 1350 now does not lift p2 beyond pos y > -90. Could still look a bit more elegant but does the job.
- Hyper Air Sonic Beam power requirement updated (was 2000 even though it costs 1000)
- deactivated Omega Red lifedrain on Songbird in statedef -2
- fiddled around a bit with the dampener code. Should be a bit less restrictive now. Changed atk power from 1100 to 1000 to compensate.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Gameplay notes
Songbird's core gameplay has not drastically changed from the original release.
She is a strong defensive zoner but has interesting combo mechanics revolving around her 236P, 214P and 236PP moves.
It is now possible to combo off of those moves or use them to set up combos. Max Damage via combos should be around 500ish.
Getting those combos off in a match will be very difficult however.
Ideally however, you do not want to let the enemy come close because Songbird is relatively slow and has less health than average.

- her sHK doesn't teleport through the enemy anymore chaining from smK
- her shP can now be consistently comboed into from both smP and smK
- Hitstun from jhP was increased by 4 frames for slightly easier comboing when landing

- fixed a multitude of issues with her 236P, Sonic Shriek. Can now be used as a combo extender on the ground.
- changed hit velocity on 214P, Harmonic Surge. Now hits upwards. Can be used to set up combos. Kick opponents into the crystals with shK.
- added an Alpha Counter. Costs 1000 Power.

Combo examples
swP, swK, smP, smK, shK
cwK, cmK, chP, 8 -> jwP, jmP, jhP
jHP, swP, swK, smP, sHP, 236K
214P -> jhP -> swP, smP, shK, 214PP -> 236PP
214P -> jhP -> swP, smP, shK, 236hP -> 214mP -> 44 -> 236 PP
214P -> jhP -> swP, smP, shK, 236hP -> jwP, jwK, jmP, jmK, jhP, 214K, 236PP
214P -> jhP -> swP, smP, shK, 236hP -> 214mP -> 44 -> chP, 8 -> jwP, jwK, jmP, jmK, jhP, 214K, 236PP
214P -> jhP -> swP, smP, shK, 214PP -> jwP, jwK, jmP, jmK, jhP, 214K, 236PP
jhP -> swP, swK, smP, sHP, 236mP -> 44 -> cwK, cmK, chP, 8 -> jwP, jwK, jmP, jmK, jhP, 214K, 236PP
214P -> jhP -> swP, swK, smP, sHK -> 44 -> chP, 8 -> jwP, jwK, jmP, jmK, jhP, 214K, 236PP

My general releases topic

MOAR Screenshots


Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-10th-24)

 August 18, 2024, 12:18:55 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Updated some character patches:

- fixed p2stateno hitdefs for boss characters. Add bosses to statedef -2

- changed AI activation method

- fixed p2stateno hitdefs for boss characters. Add bosses to statedef -2

- changed AI activation method
- fixed 9000,1 portrait colours


- Work around for P2 recovering during Buccaneer Hyper
- Changed AI activation method

Also, new Patch for

by Gou-San & VsDebuts
- added an AI
- AI activation method changed
- fixed various inconsistencies for AI triggers in statedef -1
- added bosscode variable and added it to all hitdefs with p2stateno parameters except throws. Bosscode var(2) in statedef -2 to add boss names.
- 623k now hits low
- removed one of his hypers and fixed up and added in an existing one. Cody can now throw Tornados with 236PP, mash p for more tornados.



Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 August 18, 2024, 08:14:07 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

It's really, really annoying though so hopefully someone can do something about it.

The alternative forum sites are not as good when it comes to structure and presentation, MFG also being one of the oldest forums still in existence so finding a topic with help on coding isn't really possible in other boards either.

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-10th-24)

 August 11, 2024, 11:52:04 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Poison Ivy 1.06 has been rolled into the main character download file. Link in first post and here

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)

 August 10, 2024, 05:47:04 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

I've released various patches for a few more characters:


Felicia by ahuron & RedHot
Gallon by VsDebuts
Marrow by Buckus
Nightcrawler (Legacy of Heroes 1.1) by 087-b, DarkWolf13
Sonson by FerchoGTX, RyouWin, Kong & RedHot
Supergirl by Toni

- Added an AI
- Now has 3000 power and does not start match with meter
- added an Alpha Counter

- Added an AI.
- hyper Damage values adjusted

- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power

- Added an AI. Despite it being simple, him being able to teleport all over the place still makes him a pain to deal with.
- rearranged the palletes to be consistent with my other releases
- fixed var(57) / var(59) triggers in cmd to be consistent with AI triggers.
- hopefully fixed his jHP / jHK not knocking down correctly, and jHK not linking correctly from jMP/jMK
- Re-organized his QCF teleport attack inputs. Kick now correlates to a kick special while Punch now does the sword attacks.
- dejanked his qcf teleport specials. They were set to appear at posset 0,0. They will now appear in relation to p2 which makes them a lot more consistent (and dangerous).
- normalized damage values. He does a little less damage overall but has his hyper moves normalized and upped in damage.
- Reworked his Hyper Teleport. Should now teleport to p2 and consistently facing left and right, teleports are now tied to animelemtime & p2 position. Could still use a little polish.
- added an emergency teleport. Functionally the same as regular teleport, but works as an Alpha Counter variant. Cost 1 Bar.

- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power

- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus)
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

I have removed the patch for Morrigan as jjkoolaid has long since updated her.
€ Quick update: Also merged Supergirl into the file.
Updated first post.

To Do:
Re-Evaluate Cody by VsDebuts. I have already done an AI Patch but his supers feel a little boring. Maybe I can see if I can do something more exciting with them. Rashid's SF6 Lvl2 maybe? A number of Tornadoes as a fullscreen super? Who knows...
Check characters for attacks with custom states. Those tend to whiff on super armored enemies and bosses.

€² I've noticed I probably haven't uploaded the newst Ivy version yet. >.< Will have to sort that out and move her versions into the character pack main file in the next few days, if moddb permits.

Re: Tree Of Erebus Stage 1.1 & 1.0

 March 27, 2024, 11:15:17 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Tree Of Erebus Stage 1.1 & 1.0 (Started by MatreroG March 22, 2024, 01:12:23 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Stunning work as usual.

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)

 March 21, 2024, 03:08:59 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

I did look at him at one point and I'm not very interested in doing him.

Also mailed Logansam about permission for releasing a Shazam edit a while back. Didn't get an answer which means that he is off the table for now.

Re: Poison Ivy MvC-ish Edit for 1.0 (updated Feb-11th-24)

 March 03, 2024, 02:38:07 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Poison Ivy MvC-ish Edit for 1.0 (updated Mar-3rd-24) (Started by Swanky January 30, 2021, 11:46:08 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

I have updated Poison Ivy... again. click!

Update 1.06
- added safety checks to 236P and 214P specials to better prevent infinites.
- sHP, sHK & 214K now have fall.recover = 0 in order to make 214K combos work (better). Not the most elegant way I admit but it works. (thanks PotS)
- changed juggle points back to 15 but lowered atk value to 90 from 100 because more juggling fun
- dialed back the 214KK hyper damage a little
- added hyper armor / boss checks to several attacks so they trigger a different hitdef so those attacks remain useful when fighting them.
   You can add more characters to var4 in statedef -2 if necessary
- 236K should now be able to hit downed enemies
- added Alpha Counter

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)

 February 14, 2024, 08:12:02 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Small heads up:
I am currently working on Shazam by Logansam, edited by Prospectone.
Fun character but woefully inconsistent in its combo ability. My aim is to normalize him so he makes nice within the MvC-ish setting.

Current Changelist
 - normalized his health / atk / def values
 - Removed AI cheats
 - streamlined AI command input (still work to be done)
 - fixed inconsistent frame & hitstun data on normals for combos
 - shortened some specials start up frame data a bit to allow for better comboing
 - reworked Hyper damage values
 - added Alpha Counter (code by MystikBlaze)
 - added HyperComboFinish BG (sprites by Winane)
 - added quotes
 - fixed incorrect Super Jump changeanim
 - some stuff regarding damage dampening

Will also be pushing another small update to Poison Ivy in the next couple of days.
- added safety checks to QCF P and QCB P specials to better prevent infinites. Her Hyper Plant Grab is specifically excempt from this.
- changed juggle points back to 15 but lowered atk value to 90 from 100 because more juggling fun
This will make her have a couple of longer juggle combos and should elevate her gameplay a good bit. Max combo damage as per testing is 500 - 600 which may be a little high, I'll have to see and run some more tests.

Have set my sights on Black Adam by Dr.Doom and Trexrell after. Looks fun and has potential, but also a boat load of issues as of now.

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)

 February 11, 2024, 08:30:08 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Update to Poison Ivy

Update 1.05 - Still needs a bit more testing.
- changed some anim frame times for QCF K and QCB K moves
- changed QCB K position from 10 to -10 on P2 and vel y to -10. This will launch P2 on hit, and the position slightly behind P2 will lauch them into Poison Ivy for
   more combo potential.
- changed QCB KK hyper damage from 250,10 to 350,10. More inline with other damage supers and also needed because this thing is otherwise useless with its high
   startup time

Also released an edit for Toni's Supergirl. Requires said character.

- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus) and changed method to helper which is more consistent with sound effects
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

Her gameplay is untouched. As said, not sure she needs anything else.

(Download has been moved into the main file)

Re: Poison Ivy MvC-ish Edit for 1.0

 February 11, 2024, 08:23:09 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Poison Ivy MvC-ish Edit for 1.0 (updated Mar-3rd-24) (Started by Swanky January 30, 2021, 11:46:08 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

I have updated Poison Ivy.
Update 1.05
- changed some anim frame times for QCF K and QCB K moves
- changed QCB K position from 10 to -10 on P2 and vel y to -10. This will launch P2 on hit, and the position slightly behind P2 will lauch them into Poison Ivy for more combo potential.
- changed QCB KK hyper damage from 250,10 to 350,10. More inline with other damage supers and also needed because this thing is otherwise useless with its high startup time

Update 1.05 expands on this by reworking QCB K into another tool that can launch and / or juggle enemies, opening them up for more combo setups. Try experimenting
with sHK into QCB K into any combo you want. Keep your eyes on the amount of juggle points you have and set them up with QCF mP for a massively damaging Hyper Combo.

Hopefully I haven't introduced an infinite... Still needs a bit more testing.


Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)

 February 08, 2024, 02:58:37 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Started by Swanky January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

*Blows away some dust* *cough* *cough*
Alrighty... By some weird cosmic alignment and some other happenstances I wound up back at MUGEN again. Yay.

I've begun working a bit on Toni's Supergirl because she's a nice character that just needed a few touch ups. Not sure if she actually needs anything else because she's perfectly functional and pretty much bug-free. AvX bounce mechanic would work but not sure about it. Will likely release her later.

Change List so far:
- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus)
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

Also, I *AM* aware that my edits have been uploaded to mega and other filehosters and are part of the collections over at MugenFreeForAll. This has been done without my consent and I cannot and will not confirm these are kept up to date. If these break your game, your computer or even your relationship I will not care.

Re: Stadium Ruins (Garou MOTW 2 Beta)

 August 17, 2022, 10:48:53 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Stadium Ruins (Garou MOTW 2 Beta) (Started by PotS July 09, 2022, 05:38:20 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

This goes unexpectedly well with other MvC-ish graphics stages. Thanks for the upload, appreciate it.

Re: Spawn MVC2

 August 17, 2022, 10:41:52 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Spawn MVC2 (Started by JJkoolaid May 12, 2022, 09:03:34 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Sorry for the delayed response here.
Yeah I figured bullets spawning in close may be a gameplay issue, still feels weird shooting through an opponent. Difficult to find a solution that doesn't allow infinites up close while preserving overall combos I suppose.
The jumping back as supposed in MK11 is not the issue itself, just the FX give off a strangely delayed feeling of when it happens. Maybe make a small explosion charging up effect so it feels more impactful instead of the enemy just falling down after a short duration? Right now it feels like someone pressed a pause button for a moment.
Tested the incorrect QCFy on the mugen default screenpack, both under standard and directx renderers.
€ You could try making the bullet fx an explod inside the helper instead of the helper animation, see if that helps.

Re: Spawn MVC2

 July 30, 2022, 10:22:49 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Spawn MVC2 (Started by JJkoolaid May 12, 2022, 09:03:34 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Hm... none of the issues I reported have been fixed. For instance, his QCFy still looks like this for me:


Re: Bridge Of Wisdom Stage 1.1 & 1.0

 July 15, 2022, 11:39:26 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Bridge Of Wisdom Stage 1.1 & 1.0 (Started by MatreroG July 13, 2022, 11:06:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

A worthy successor to the Temple of the Fist

Re: Demon Shrine Stage 1.1 & 1.0

 June 21, 2022, 09:32:32 am View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Demon Shrine Stage 1.1 & 1.0 (Started by MatreroG June 15, 2022, 11:33:43 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

It does for me, just checked.

It's a great looking stage. Not exactly my cup of tea, but original and well done.

Re: Newest And Tallest Avenger Stage 1.1 & 1.0

 May 26, 2022, 04:48:35 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Swanky  in Newest And Tallest Avenger Stage 1.1 & 1.0 (Started by MatreroG May 25, 2022, 10:41:12 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Great stage. New MvC-ish stages are rare these days and those that look this unique, even more rare. Thank you very much for this.