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Messages by corndog333


Re: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n)

 December 26, 2020, 06:19:40 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by corndog333  in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n) (Started by Yoshin222 October 30, 2020, 06:16:18 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

Here's my struct file, I barely translated anything so it's not of much use for now:
I think it will get deleted after some time so you might want to reupload it to mediafire like you did with the other programs.

Anyways here's a quick rundown on how to replace Alex's neutral/forward throw with his Stun Gun Headbutt.

1) First you should follow all the steps from my previous post to get stirling setup and ready to edit.

2) Once you pick Alex from the drop down menu you have to expand the line that says "NormalTechniqueDetails". I assume these are all Alex's normal attacks (LP, MP, HP, etc) and such, including his throws.

3) Expand the line that says "NThrow(BeforeThrowAction)", which is his neutral/forward throw. I think the "BeforeThrowAction" part means that this is his throw attempt.

4) Expand the line that says "Jump_ThrowTechnique". I don't know why there are 2 lines with the same name, but you have to expand the first one. I also don't know why it's called "Jump_" since it's a grounded throw.

5) Go to "ListTechniqueNumber" and replace "0x0017" with "0x000E". "17" would be the ID for his neutral/forward throw if it connects, while "0E" would be the ID for his Stun Gun Headbutt if it connects.



6) Save changes, encrypt with XCOPY and replace the file in your rom. Your emulator will probably give you a warning message, just skip it and test the change.

Here's the final result:

Like I said before it's a matter of translating and documenting these things to get better results. Cool stuff could come from this with proper research.

Also, Merry Christmas you too!

Re: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n)

 December 26, 2020, 12:14:13 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by corndog333  in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n) (Started by Yoshin222 October 30, 2020, 06:16:18 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

I managed to get Stirling working but I'm not sure if everything is working as intended, some problems might come in the future but as of now it worked fine.

Step by step:

1) Get the japanese rom ( because the struct file was designed with that version in mind. Using will give you the wrong values and addresses.

2) Use XCOPY (20090105 version) to decrypt the file called "10".

3) I noticed that someone tried translating the struct file inside "stir131" and all it did was mess stuff up, so delete that one. What you want to do is to use the original japanese struct file found inside the "struct" folder (date 2014) and remove every instance of the japanese character "ー". For some reason Stirling can't load the file with that inside so you have to remove it (I used notepad++ and replaced all instances with nothing/empty).

4) Open Stirling and then open the decrypted file. At least on windows 10, some text will be displayed in japanese, as question marks or as random characters.

5) Change the byte order to "Big Endian" as this will help reading values and addresses. For example the value "22" will be displayed as "0x00000022" instead of "0x22000000".

6) Open the edit structure window.

7) Click on the drop down menu and you will find the characters all the way down, you will notice that all of them start with “@@„≪”. For this example I renamed Alex's name using the english alphabet, you will find him using his japanese name.

8) A list containing everything about Alex will be displayed on the structure window. This is the part where you experiment changing stuff. Again, you will notice english text in the picture but that's because I translated words, it won't look like that using the regular struct file.

That should be everything for the initial setup.

I think Stirling isn't that useful without having a fully (or mostly) translated struct file. Without understanding what each word means would be the same as blindly editing using a regular hex editor. As you saw in the setup tutorial I translated a few words to get an idea of some of the things that you can tweak. I managed to change Alex's neutral/forward throw to his Stun Gun Headbutt (SAIII) by following a tutorial in that japanese thread. Whenever I can I will explain it in detail.

Re: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n)

 December 21, 2020, 03:27:14 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by corndog333  in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n) (Started by Yoshin222 October 30, 2020, 06:16:18 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

Thanks for XCOPY 2009! Much better than the other version.

I'm still trying to make the struct file work correctly as it could help a lot. This is what I mean when I say that my values and addresses don't match with the ones mentioned in that japanese thread:

so check the value [06208F94] of [06] in [Ryu> 08 List] and jump to the address [208F94].

However, my Stirling shows this address for 06 instead:

I don't know what's wrong, maybe it's an outdated struct file? This is all the info I could find (translated obviously):

Select Stirling Settings> Byte Order> Big Endian and select
Edit Structure to open the Edit Structure window.
If you scroll to the bottom in the selection box at the top of the structure edit window, the
character name will be surrounded by a line, so select the character you want to modify.
If the editing start position is off at this point, you will not be able to edit correctly, so
jump to 0 in the structure edit window> Move> Address.

I couldn't find that big endian option and even then I'm not sure if it's important. I also made sure that the starting position is 0 in the structure window.

Re: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n)

 December 20, 2020, 02:10:29 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by corndog333  in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Romhacking thread (sfiii3n) (Started by Yoshin222 October 30, 2020, 06:16:18 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

Sorry to bump but is this still a thing?

I managed to get Stirling working with the japanese struct file by deleting every instance of the character "ー" in it. However, the values that are displayed in Stirling using the struct file don't match with the ones I saw in some of the tutorials from that japanese site you linked. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or the file is truly pointing to the wrong offsets.

The latest known version of XCOPY is from 2009 ( I found it hosted in a chinese site called "PPXCLUB" but you need an account to download it and even then I'm not sure if it's still up. I think this version allows you to save the decrypted file as a separate file, unlike the 2007 version that only saves encrypted versions.