-Added the 'Ratio' fight mode on the 'Select' screen. -Added animation to the Stage Select Feature (arrows). -Edited the 'World map' in the select screen. -Added the 'Winner' sprite to the Win/Quote Screen. -Added Animated 'Versus' Screen. NOTE: If the char does not have a proper running animation, it will look odd. -Added In-Fight 'Action' Comments ('First Attack','Combo','Danger', etc...). -Added Score/Rank feature at the end of the fights of 'Arcade' mode. Note: This can be removed in the System.def file: [Rank Info] enabled = 1 ; 0 = This will remove the Rank Feature / 1 = This will add the Rank Feature -Raise the volume of the In-Fight Announcer. -Added sound(AI) and sprites for rounds 4 to 9. -Edited the Lifebars to be wider. -Most BGM will now fade-out at the end of the fight(Last Round).
***************************************************** [Character Select Options] -To choose the amount of characters in the select screen, 1-Go to the system.def file in the 'data' folder. 2-Open with Notepad. 3-Find the [Select Info] section. 4-Bring 'up' the desired character selection.
***************************************************** [Other Options] -For 'Zoom' features without having to edit each stage: -Go to the 'Save' folder. -Open the config.json file (with Notepad). -Find this following parameters: --Default: (This will allow the zoom options in the stages to be used.) ---"ForceStageZoomin": 0, ---"ForceStageZoomout": 0, --With regular Zoom: ---"ForceStageZoomin": 1.15, ---"ForceStageZoomout": 0.80, --Advised Zoom (no zoom, but allows for the fight and stage to be appreciated): ---"ForceStageZoomin": 0.80, ---"ForceStageZoomout": 0.80,
-This is a 'Screenpack', not a 'Full-Game'. So you must add the characters and stages.
-Stages portraits are part of the stages, not the screenpack. Make sure you add stages that contain portraits (9000,1).
This screenpack was edited for use with 1600x900 resolution. If your stages have a different resolution, some adjustments might be necessary.
This is Not a Definitive Version. Future updates will most likely be released.
Constructive Feedback is always Welcome. If you have any advice or ideas to make this screenpack better, or if there are any issues, please let me know.
1-Add the 'SF2-Decapre_Stage' folder to your 'stages' folder. 2-For the stages with No Rain and No 'Dolls': -If you want the stage with regular 'Loop' music, add the following to the 'select' file (MUGEN1.1 and IKEMEN-Go): stages/SF2-Decapre_Stage/jet-night2014-V1.def -If you want the stage with the 'Hurry-Up' music, add the following to the 'select' file (IKEMEN-Go Only): stages/SF2-Decapre_Stage/jet-night2014-V1-HU.def -For the stages with Rain and 'Dolls': -If you want the stage with regular 'Loop' music, add the following to the 'select' file (MUGEN1.1 and IKEMEN-Go): stages/SF2-Decapre_Stage/jet-night2014-Rain-V2.def -If you want the stage with the 'Hurry-Up' music, add the following to the 'select' file (IKEMEN-Go Only): stages/SF2-Decapre_Stage/jet-night2014-Rain-V2-HU.def 4-Save file and play.