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Lasombra Demon


Messages by Lasombra Demon


Re: Mai Shiranui(KOF 95 style) released & King updated

 January 29, 2025, 06:26:23 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Mai Shiranui(KOF 95 style) released & King updated (Started by adamskie January 29, 2025, 05:56:29 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

This is incredible, I didn't know you were still active. I've been using your stuff for over a decade and a half, wanted to say thank you.

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 January 10, 2025, 07:12:08 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

Hola ,alguno sabe si en ikemen se pueden poner varias paginas para seleccion de personaje ? si es asi me seria de mucha ayuda si me guian para hacerlo
Eh, casi seguro alguien había hecho un módulo de LUA para eso.

A ver...

Mnoip. Lo hizo Orange Dolphin pero no lo lanzó. :(

Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 July 28, 2024, 07:56:50 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

There is not much that can be done, unfortunately. I think people have been trying to get to Valodim to fix stuff, to no avail. :(

Re: crouch system with powerbar in mugen

 April 16, 2024, 03:34:20 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in crouch system with powerbar in mugen (Started by DosKillerFighterTrue April 15, 2024, 08:07:37 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Pibe, usá una Var Y hacé una barra extra con un helper o explod, no ocupés la barra de poder para eso.

Y vení a nuestro server de Discord hispanohablante donde el Ñ es bienvenido:

Re: IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction

 March 07, 2024, 02:11:02 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction (Started by Lasombra Demon October 15, 2021, 01:43:16 pm
 Board: MUGEN Class

A Tagout forced feature (via a Standby parameter) was added in 0.99, and all this was written for 0.98.2. I also cannot foresee future modifications that might render this outdated.

For a full updated videotutorial series, I made this:

Re: Arcade Accurate MK Chars

 February 25, 2024, 07:16:13 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Arcade Accurate MK Chars (Started by SaltAddict January 26, 2022, 12:10:23 am
 Board: Projects

Yeah, with stages that don't have much scrolling it's rather simple. I still don't like the fact we're moving the window dressing around instead of just actually using the true stage features (cameras, etc. etc.).

Which name do you use @ Discord?

Re: Arcade Accurate MK Chars

 February 24, 2024, 09:56:03 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Arcade Accurate MK Chars (Started by SaltAddict January 26, 2022, 12:10:23 am
 Board: Projects

So you are moving the stage elements around via ModifyBGCtrl?

I did that for all my old MK interactive stages and the MKvsSF stage. It was a hassle because you have to fake the deltas instead of using actual camerawork.

You have a Discord contact?

Re: Arcade Accurate MK Chars

 February 23, 2024, 11:18:31 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Arcade Accurate MK Chars (Started by SaltAddict January 26, 2022, 12:10:23 am
 Board: Projects

Really nice! You doing this via AttachedChars? :D

Welcome to our exclusive club!

I've been working a true stage transition system, not just via ModifyBGCtrl, but the camera still misbehaves after the transitions.

Re: Stage Intro

 January 31, 2024, 04:42:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Stage Intro (Started by Foobs January 31, 2024, 04:06:32 pm
 Board: IKEMEN Releases

Awesome! This could be used in any stage that has long intros, not just CvS! Reminds me of something OrochiKyoCr had done, too.

A small suggestion: maybe you can give even more control to stagemakers by adding some extra paramteres, like X and Y positions (stageconsts) for the camera to start, with all characters having their screenbound disabled, and then scrolling the camera towards the center at a given speed (another stageconst).

I just love adding those parameters because it makes everything much more flexible and normal stagemakers needn't tinker with AttachedChar "hardcoded" stuff.

Re: What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen?

 January 22, 2024, 11:08:16 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen? (Started by Tabris666 January 21, 2024, 07:07:46 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Foobs already covered most stuff, but the appeal of ZSS is huge, essentially because it's a real programming language that is waaaay easier to debug (nested if conditionals are a dream to read code compared to CNS triggers, ugh).

Oh, and extra Commonfiles.

Also, OP obviously has neved coded anything using any of the new features of IKGo.


(you know I had to say it)

Re: Cvs2 stage models and textures

 November 14, 2023, 01:44:51 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Cvs2 stage models and textures (Started by Violin Ken November 13, 2023, 08:54:54 am
 Board: Resource Releases

This is honestly impressive. I can't wait to see some BGCtrls applied to these elements. :O

Re: Caddie IKEMEN release thread

 August 01, 2023, 11:54:04 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Caddie IKEMEN release thread (Started by Cobra Caddie July 27, 2023, 10:40:53 am
 Board: IKEMEN Releases

Impressive! So awesome.

You're right though it's a bit tricky because there are characters who don't use state 195 for taunt and characters who have multiple normal taunts with other states.
Maybe just check for a start button command press, too? Most taunts will include that one, and you can check if the state *after* pushing start has a MoveType != A. That, if you want to discard attack taunts.

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 July 18, 2023, 02:53:16 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

Winmugen era un vil mierda que se cerraba sola cada 5 minutos. Yo me cambie cuando Elecbyte saco uno de los primeros RCs, ni siquiera el 1.0 estable, y nunca volvi a ver para atras.

Pasaron diez años sin que pensara al respecto, y por curiosidad probe Ikemen. La sensacion que habia olvidado volvio con mas fuerza que nunca, y por primera ves senti la curiosidad por el codigo personajes (antes solo habia trabajado escenarios/lifebars/screenpacks).

La idea de usar, no digamos desarollar contenido para winmugen en el año 2023 suena como una tortura cruel.

Mi tema con IKEMEN Go fuera la chance de los escenarios interactivos. Parece una boludez, pero al fin podemos tener el Deathmatch mode de World Heroes como Dios manda.

Veo que a día de hoy existe un nuevo motor. Ya no se usa Mugen?
Re-bienvenida! El nuevo motor, IKEMEN Go, es retrocompatible con MUGEN. Realmente se recomienda su uso, si te corre en tu compu.

PD: También tenemos un Discord donde charlamos en Ñ. Si te interesa, paso enlace. :D

Re: Morrigan Aensland (Marvel vs. Capcom 1 Gameplay) by MH Styles

 July 06, 2023, 12:02:28 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in Morrigan Aensland (Marvel vs. Capcom 1 Gameplay) by MH Styles (Started by MH Styles July 05, 2023, 12:45:39 pm
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Eternal Slumber is an unblockable projectile, hence the higher cost.

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 May 20, 2023, 06:17:37 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

Me cansé de explicarte todo lo que IKEMEN Go hace, pero tendrías que tener ganas de leer.

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 May 19, 2023, 08:08:52 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International


Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 May 16, 2023, 06:11:47 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

Tenés algo mejor en Batocera; IKEMEN Go 0.98.2

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 February 23, 2023, 11:01:32 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

¿Alguien sabe si es muy complicado pasar un screenpack de MUGEN 1.1 a Ikemen? me agrada IKEMEN, pero los screenpacks son feos de cojones y realmente no se como podría pasar el que tengo actualmente
Para nada; de hecho no hace falta adaptar nada. Instalar el SP y listo.

Re: My IKEMEN WIPs: interactive stages

 February 07, 2023, 01:32:05 am View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in My IKEMEN WIPs: interactive stages (Started by Lasombra Demon June 10, 2021, 02:04:20 pm
 Board: Projects

That's pretty smooth! Great work, excited to see this stuff come out for sure  :nuttrox:
Thanks! Most of it will be released when 0.99 is public.

The bubbles, soccer, etc are all amazing. You’re the king of Ikemen in regards to pushing it to its limit
Thanks buddy, really appreciate those words.

Now, for a new WIP:

This seems simple, right? WRONG. You can summon up to 99 objects per stage with this baby... And the whole system reads Stage Constants, to avoid the hassle of having to edit the AttachedChar, and helping stagemakers put breakables easily into their games. Stage constants as the following:
Enable_Object_1= 1;set to 0 to not spawn this object
Type_Object_1=1;Type 1 is classic breakable



DebrisAmountBot_Object_1=3;to randomize bottom amount of debris
DebrisAmountTop_Object_1=8;to randomize top amount of debris
DebrisBlink_Object_1=1;0 no blink, 1:blink+fade, -1:no fade
DebrisBounces_Object_1=10;no more than 20
DebrisFlyYAvg_Object_1=900.0;divided by 100
DebrisFlyXAvg_Object_1=600.0;spread in X axis

DramaticPause_Object_1=2;Use even times > 1 to not stop bg
BlinkHideOnBreak_Object_1=1;1 blinks,0 doesn't, -1 keeps object
SoundPlayed_Object_1=1;0 is wood, 1 is trash
ForceFacing_Object_1=0;Zero is random, -1 left, 1 right
Random_Chance_Object_1=0;odds of appearing / zero is 100%
Shared_Channel_Object_1=1996;only one of all the objects
;that share this channel will be displayed

Re: Custom IKEMEN GO announcers

 January 19, 2023, 11:26:41 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Lasombra Demon  in  Custom IKEMEN GO announcers (Started by Slayer. January 19, 2023, 10:58:53 pm
 Board: IKEMEN Releases

Thanks for the chance to play the announcer! xD