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Messages by AlexSin


Re: Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late...

 November 17, 2024, 01:55:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late... (Started by RagingRowen November 09, 2024, 05:57:37 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Mugen Lair and its obsession about DBZ UB22 characters that HAD TO BE cheap because "in the anime they're strong" and "it's DBZ", together with mixed english and japanese voices. That site peaked in 2008 :mlol:

Re: I want no developer or publisher to manipulate reviews

 November 03, 2024, 12:56:45 am View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in I want no developer or publisher to manipulate reviews (Started by videoman November 02, 2024, 10:45:03 pm
 Board: Gaming

Because of recent news, this cannot happen again. Purposely choosing reviewers and content creators to get positive press is only a short-term solution to making a long-term profit. It is nothing more than bribery. Once players find out, all trust in that company's reputation goes down the toilet.  It should have an even playing field for reviewers, influencers, and content creators even if the review is negative or critical. It gives valuable feedback for the development of the game.

Question: will this topic accomplish anything?

Re: M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3

 October 07, 2024, 11:29:03 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3 (Started by Berry May 13, 2014, 03:05:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Edit your last post instead of posting multiple times in a row.

Re: Ryu (Game Boy)

 September 08, 2024, 12:17:19 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Ryu (Game Boy) (Started by lusianoproo2011 September 08, 2024, 08:25:11 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Where's the link?
You know you posted this in Your Releases,1.0+, right? That means you should have a link for the character here.

Re: M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3

 August 23, 2024, 10:15:37 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3 (Started by Berry May 13, 2014, 03:05:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

The first screenshot  :yikes:

Re: Omega Shenron (Gladiacloud)

 August 10, 2024, 11:28:37 am View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in A.S.P. Requests (Started by All-Star Platinum September 01, 2023, 07:28:19 pm
 Board: Requests


Re: bot report 2016 - skynet's invasion has begun

 July 30, 2024, 06:59:21 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in bot report 2016 - skynet's invasion has begun (Started by Titiln August 31, 2010, 06:32:38 pm
 Board: Feedback


Re: I would like some help on how to get unbanned from SpriteClub

 July 11, 2024, 10:16:50 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in I would like some help on how to get unbanned from SpriteClub (Started by gohkenytp March 20, 2024, 04:29:00 pm
 Board: Off-Topic Help


Re: CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED

 June 23, 2024, 03:00:22 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED (Started by Scramble June 19, 2024, 03:38:43 pm
 Board: Resource Releases


Re: Some sprite and potrait i've made

 June 21, 2024, 12:50:50 am View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Some sprite and potrait i've made (Started by Kem2010Slayer June 17, 2024, 09:13:55 pm
 Board: Graphics


Re: What?

 June 17, 2024, 07:42:11 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in What? (Started by Kem2010Slayer June 17, 2024, 06:45:18 pm
 Board: Introductions and Guides

well someone message to me in this site, so i'll be more posting about this philia as i guest, i can't use necrophilia or pedophilia, of course i can, but
i swear to god i think necrophilia is not thing, IT'S A BAD thing, uhhh good

You were reported for


which in this forum is considered as

posting (bumping) in old, dead topics

without adding something of value. So there's no weird stuff happening and you misread what was said.

Posting in old topics without actually being helpful gives the topic exposure that could've gone to the new topics.

I hope this clears any doubts you may have.

Post responsibly and try to be coherent and make sense.

Re: MvCish Ryu Released (1.1)

 June 16, 2024, 11:48:25 am View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in MvCish Ryu Released (1.1) (Started by vyn June 15, 2024, 08:43:18 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Tested mainly in Mugen 1.1.

- Ken can be hit from the Shinku Hadouken lvl 2 and not recover, becoming a Ryu and making you not use the assist;
- no time over pose for the loser
- calling the assist while being hit... intentional?
- aura charge: press "c" (that's okay) then you can hold "c" and "y" (???) then let go of "c" and hold just "y" (that's not okay): this is leftover code from your other Ryus :mlol:
- (Mugen 1.0) superpauses cause debug messages to appear because the expressions aren't truncated to integer, plus the super portrait becomes black after a while. Same thing for the Ken assist (b+c).

- assist "b+c" (Shoryu Reppa) + Ryu's Shin Shoryuken in the corner: heavy damage.
- This character could have used more variety for the palettes.

I'll add more when I find some stuff to write.

Re: Shin Butouden stages: Buu's House, City Stage

 June 02, 2024, 05:18:56 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Shin Butouden stages: Buu's House, City Stage (Started by AlexSin June 02, 2024, 03:27:47 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

nice stages.
Thanks! :thumbsup:

The problem with Buu's stage is that I can't rip the rest on the right since Yabause (emulator) saves it wrong, looping a portion of what's already there, but SSF (another emulator) can show it better.
Now you could say "but then you can rip it with SSF", the thing is, like I mentioned, the game uses parallax or its equivalent so, even with screenshots I would rip something distorted instead of the original image. SSF doesn't show VDP1 and VDP2 like Yabause does, sadly it can just disable them in-game.

Shin Butouden stages: Buu's House, City Stage

 June 02, 2024, 03:27:47 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Shin Butouden stages: Buu's House, City Stage (Started by AlexSin June 02, 2024, 03:27:47 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I coded two stages from DBZ Shin Butouden for the Sega Saturn.

City Stage:


Buu's House:


Superjump compatible.
No music included, you'll have to choose it yourself.

- Buu's House stage should be much, much larger but I can't rip the BG correctly.
- I made some icons for IKEMEN in the .sff, but don't bother, they're probably in the wrong size.
- There are some comments in the .def file if you want to read them. I used parallax which is what the game uses too, so I tried to emulate that effect.
- Forgot to mention, these are just one side of the stages, the first one when you start the fight: I think it's enough.

Have fun!

Re: How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style?

 May 17, 2024, 10:58:59 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style? (Started by YukitoHirai680 May 11, 2024, 10:54:36 pm
 Board: Graphics

Jill and Hayato don't have CvS sprites though, but if you feel they look fine with the other characters, then :thumbsup:
for the screenpack question, yes, either that or Mugen Configuration Help. Read the description of the two sub-categories and you should be able to know which one to use. I would suggest the latter.

Re: a question...

 May 17, 2024, 10:56:44 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in a question... (Started by ComboAssassin20 May 14, 2024, 05:42:04 pm
 Board: All That's Left

... then he could ask him in a PM?

Re: How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style?

 May 14, 2024, 12:39:25 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style? (Started by YukitoHirai680 May 11, 2024, 10:54:36 pm
 Board: Graphics

Why is this topic in Graphics section if it's a request of stuff to be made and/or about coding?
Please, talk to an admin, so this topic can go to the correct section.

I'm a moderator here, I told you in the report it's okay if it stays here because he's asking for informations and he's not requesting stuff to be made. So it stays here. End of story.

My apologies, I'm a newer member of this site, so I'm still trying to familiarize myself with it.

I posted this in graphics because I remember reading that if I wanted to commission for a character then this section would be the place. At this point, I honestly don't know where else to post this and I don't think I can personally talk to an admin because I haven't met the 10 post minimum yet.
You asked things properly. Only the coding stuff would need to be posted elsewhere, but since you asked about sprites too, it's fine.

Thank you AlexSin

I found cvs char for Hayato and Jill and they work fine. If it is important to mention, none of the characters in my CVS have grooves; I'm not looking to do the groove system.

I do have a couple of questions.

The only issue I have with both chars is that they are smaller than they should (most other characters in my CVS are bigger than those two). In terms of getting them resized so they could be the same size as the other characters, would the Graphics section be the right place to ask to get both chars resized?

Lastly, as for MVC Leon, his moveset is fine but I just don't want him to have the MVC high jump where he jumps so high in the air and does combos (like other MVC characters). In terms of editing out the very high jump, would the Graphics be the right place to ask someone or would somewhere else be better?
Well, CvS has grooves so I guessed you would want those, but lately people associate CvS with PotS style or styles inspired by it, so I should have thought of that.
Right now you're asking for coding, the graphics section isn't for coding, so you would need to ask those in here:

Now, let's keep this topic only for sprite related questions.

Re: How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style?

 May 12, 2024, 07:22:50 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in How much it cost to commission someone to edit a MVC character into CVS style? (Started by YukitoHirai680 May 11, 2024, 10:54:36 pm
 Board: Graphics

Let's see...
I saw your post in the bounty thread too, but keep in mind this is the Graphics section (just sprites, pictures, etc.).

I don't know how much people charge for character coding, but I do know Warusaki7 made a Hayato character in CvS style (with grooves and all). I bet there's a Jill Valentine character with CvS gameplay too, maybe Warusaki made her too. No Leon Kennedy I recall now, unfortunately.

As for sprites, yeah, you asked the right place, given people respond here... but lately less people have been inclined to convert entire spritesets from one style to another, so you'll have to make do with what's available.

Re: Weird AIR

 March 28, 2024, 10:01:49 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in Weird AIR (Started by YugaCurry March 28, 2024, 08:04:25 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help


that's the number you're trying to find.

Fighter Factory acts up when trying to display sprites with a number higher than half of 65536.

Re: I would like some help on how to get unbanned from SpriteClub

 March 20, 2024, 11:07:47 pm View in topic context
 Posted by AlexSin  in I would like some help on how to get unbanned from SpriteClub (Started by gohkenytp March 20, 2024, 04:29:00 pm
 Board: Off-Topic Help

What good does it do to you to get there anyway? It's not like the end of the world.

The actual reason why I got banned from SpriteClub is because I harassed Arxos and the moderators of SpriteClub over a cheap character named "Shadow Alia", and then I got banned!

They don't want you there. End of story.
How to get better? Don't pester people into doing things you want. You can request once, twice is already too much. Then drop it.