Board: Project EF-12
Does the engine support model swapping? If I created a power-up character, could I possibly change their character model entirely for a duration?
It may possible...but we need testing.
Does the engine support model swapping? If I created a power-up character, could I possibly change their character model entirely for a duration?
No, I mean a character like Carl Clover from Blazblue. A permanent second character you control aka "Pet Character". What I read was that you made it possible for use as an assist like Marvel vs. Capcom (Which is what your first video is showing). Do you have any plans to allow us to make this permanent?
Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ8EHvyezQ0
Also, what about regions? Is it possible to designate them in ef-12? By regions, I mean specific areas of the screen that I can add triggers to.
I also have two questions for EF-12:
1. I read somewhere that you aren't supporting "pet characters" as in
Oh! so uh...I'm noticing EF-12 uses a lot of odd file types...or I guess I should say "File types I've never seen before". Is there a list somewhere that shows what programs can open/edit what file extensions? It made me sad when I thought I was editing the GUI textures but it just made them transparent...
This looks really good. I actually want to see if I can come up with something for now (especially since I'm taking ACTUAL 3DSMax lessons soon.) But I can't read Japanese. Is there an English version of the tutorials up anywhere?
Nevermind. I'm so sorry.
Hi, I was years ago a MUGEN enthusiast, till I got assaulted in soul bu the 3D fighting games, and I tried a lot of engines to fulfill my dream of making a 3D version of MUGEN. Tried a lot of things: Blade, 3D Game Studio, Cadabra 3D, Ignite, with no results. I thought that my dream would forever to keep a dream.
Last weekend, my dream came to reality when I knew about EF-12. Despite I don't have a graphic card - yet - I am tweaking, poking around, and persisting.
And to Mr. EF-12 I want to make a question. Two, alias.
1- Why, using a USB joypad, I am always the player 2?
2- Why the computer announces "Ring Out" if I step (ONE STEP) forwards or backwards?
I fixed the legs and crotch, but the torso along with small parts of neck and the arms is invisible.
And thank you all so much for your help! I really look forward to understanding how to make characters for EF-12!
i just got it. made an account....when i saw "add to cart" i was confused.....LOL. thanks again for this amazing engine!
ef-12...u f******* rock! i cant find the free download anywhere tho...i wanna start creating immediately!!