This character does NOT represent the REVival 2 project 100%. This is simply a demo/taste of what the full game can be. Any feedback is appreciated, especially if it includes ways to fix an issue. I'm still learning. Thank you and have fun!
This character does NOT represent the REVival 2 project 100%. This is simply a demo/taste of what the full game can be. Any feedback is appreciated, especially if it includes ways to fix an issue. I'm still learning. Thank you and have fun!
In case ya wanted to know why so quiet, been learning (and busting my ass) to animate for something special. Meanwhile, I haven't done REV 2 stuff in forever and I guess I can use a little MUGEN coding warm up and actually finish it. The video showcases the chars in question, you can vote via strawpoll (don't do it just blind either, pick one you would actually be the most curious for).
1.3: April - 25 - 2020 - Adjusted chip on specials and supers - Adjusted super cancels from specials - Fixed "Mandibulas de Morte" super selfstates - Added new ground bounce rule. Allows for one pop up per combo - Added Colors by Kater15 and L.E.O.N
DL is in first post, and thanks for the support. Still surprised ya'll liked the char that much..
if there are any oddities you find, please re-download. i legit had to upload the fucker like 4 times cause i'm awful.