1. Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo (All we have is Leonardo. I won't hold my breath that R@CE himself will make the other turtles because he probably retired. He hasn't released a new character since 2020. Maybe... I can see someone else making them. As long as it's not by a certain POTS creator I won't name drop.)
2. Kimberly (I main her and Cammy in SF6. And right now, we don't have any SF6 reps in MUGEN yet. Chuchoryu might beat anyone to that though. I hope not because his sprites aren't that good.)
3. Lili (My main from Tekken. If I knew how to sprite and code I would add inprovements to Chuchoryu's sprites, giving them new attack frames and in-betweens.)
4. Sub-Zero (We have an Infinite/R@CE Scorpion made by 2d4ever/ReiXSeiryu. I am DYING for a Sub-Zero in this style because he's my favorite MK character.)
5. Morrigan Aensland (I know POTS himself and DivineWolf made Morrigan but I'd rather have one in Infinite style with chain combos/air combos that can be toggled in the config file. Those two prefer source accuracy and I won't knock them for that. Darkstalkers itself has chain combos but WHAT'S THE POINT OF EVEN HAVING THEM IF I CAN'T GO FROM LP>MP>HP>Special>Super?!)
4. Miriam (I can imagine OHMSBY, Jinny, or Tornillo ripping her model from Bloodstained. Basically, she would be 2.5D like OHMSBY's Smash characters and the latter two's Granblue characters)
5. Riesz (My favorite character from Trials of Mana. Manny Lingle made her three years ago but he doesn't make characters in this style.)
In all honesty I want more NON Capcom and SNK characters to be made in POTS style like Infinite's Cloud or the majority of SennouRoom's characters. It's tiring to see Street Fighter and KOF characters in this style imo.
Don't get me wrong people can make whatever char they want but can you imagine how cool it would be if someone made POTS versions of Zero (With RamzaNeko's sprites), more MVC characters, Sub-Zero (with SeanAltly's sprites) or more characters from obscure fighters like Chaos Code and Golden Axe: the Duel?
I tried to make a Kain Blade back in 2019 but canceled it because I bit off more than I could chew. I didn't wanna be branded another "shitty POTS imitator" either. Discouragement's a real bitch. :/
Remember back when Infinite, R@CE, FalconRapper and SennouRoom made characters?
I sure do. I like the Infinite subgenre of POTS characters because, in ny opinion, they are far more open-ended and accessible than characters made by POTS himself, Jmorphman, KarmaChameleon etc. They allow you to toggle chain combos and air combos, and other things based on preference.
And chain combos is how I roll.
Nowadays, we almost never get Infinite-styled characters. I just realized that when I wanted to give ZMugen's Jimmy (ROTD) a try and being disgusted seeing no chain combos/air combos in the config file
So I'm asking for help.
What codes should I use to edit other POTS/DivineWolf characters to play like this?