NOMINEES Jubei Yamada by Rabano & KarmaCharmeleon Karin Kanzuki by GK/Sir Ghostler Dante by Tornillo Oxidado Gamblecore Guy ROA by HelloMyNameIsAAA SFV Cammy by Mr. I and Violin Ken KOF95 Mai Shiranui by Adamskie Kusanagi by RedTheKOFFan2022
CANDIDATES Flippy by Achilldude - 1 Toddler Gwen by GB Shades - 2 Doraemon by OWO - 2 Roy by DeluxeGamer705 - 2 Eshop Bag by Robobot569 - 2
I like this hugo but why does it disappear if I leave it still and if I move it the char appears, how do I remove that error or does it not work in ikemen?
I tried Hugo out in IKEMEN as well, and to be specific, Hugo's standing animation doesn't display as it should (Clsns still show though). But, all other animations and Clsns seem to be present. A similar issue can be found in your Dan as well, though in Dan's case, none of his animations are shown correctly aside from his effects.
When using Mugen 1.0/1.1, these issues don't seem to be present. Not sure why it happens at all, but it's very strange indeed... Aside from that oddity, the character is pretty solid. Just a couple of things I noticed:
- "Ultra Throw" does no damage when it should. - One big issue Hugo seems to have is that when jumping, he tends to land before any of the stronger attack animations can even finish (jumping Y; jumping D+y; and jumping B), making his jump-in game almost non-existent. To be fair, this "issue" was also present in the source game, but after checking both the source version and your conversion almost side by side, it seems to be more of a problem in your conversion of Hugo. Body Press Vs. KFM (MUGEN, Missed) Body Press Vs. Ryo (SvC: Chaos, Hit)
As an example, Hugo's "Body Press" completely misses Kung Fu Man in MUGEN, while hitting Ryo (who is shorter) in the source game. Again, to be fair, it also misses characters in the source game like Kasumi and Choi entirely. But it does hit a number of others characters who are shorter than Kung Fu Man. I've even tested this on Arremer in SvC: Chaos, and it worked.
- "Gigas Cross Breaker" doesn't do much damage as a Lvl3 Super Move. Perhaps adding damage to the initial clothesline he performs during the attack would remedy that a bit?
I like this hugo but why does it disappear if I leave it still and if I move it the char appears, how do I remove that error or does it not work in ikemen?