in regards to the AI, there's times where he just stands idle and doesn't do a thing. i can't really cite any instances because it happens seemingly at random
I was trying to recreate the AI bug you mentioned but couldn't. While searching for that bug, I noticed another major one where if p2 is blocking while hit by the knife or tomahawk that they would die instantly so I added another trigger to fix it (should be ok now and the new link is up). As for the stage its still a WIP but should be done soon. Buzz from Pit Fighter....well I've never seen anyone want a character as bad as you so I tell you what, the next character release from me will be Buzz!(might be a while though so be patient). Oh, and ZombieBrock had requested EvilClown from Expect No Mercy so I'll make him after Buzz.
Hahaha!! Awesome man!! Finally Ty and Buzz together kicking some ass again like in old times!Thank you I really wanted that char... An icon of my youth.Will wait anxiously.By the way, exelent work again with Pakawa!
Cool release! I dig your chars!But did you allready think about a host or something? since your older chars arent that easy to get anymore (and you made a lot).IMO your stuff deserves a space in the web.