
totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread (UPDATE 1/23/20) (Read 43496 times)

Started by totaln00b, April 23, 2016, 06:55:04 am
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totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread (UPDATE 1/23/20)
New #1  April 23, 2016, 06:55:04 am
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Hey I've never really contributed anything to the mugen community before and I felt that it was time that I give back, at least in the small way that I know how.

I've always preferred small portraits with the stylings of an in-game sprite. Here's an example of a select screen I made in that style.

I know, I know it's easy as fuck to do and requires no talent. Perfect for me.  ;D

Anyways here's some small portraits and if there's actually any demand then I'll upload everything else from the select screen above and many more portraits that I've already done. I figure I've already done most of the grinding and might as well help other people save some time if they like this traditional duracelleur-ish style like I do.

I've included all 126 portraits in the picture above and 99 more portraits for a total of 225 small portraits in a .rar file that can save you the time of individually downloading each portrait separately.

There have since been more portraits added as well that aren't in the .rar file.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


UPDATE 1/23/20
220 More portraits added for a grand total of 551 small portraits
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#2  April 23, 2016, 07:44:08 am
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  • Dragon Destiny Project
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I liked very much of this, please, post the other small portraits! I use this style in my small portraits too, thanks!
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#3  April 23, 2016, 06:35:41 pm
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I liked very much of this, please, post the other small portraits! I use this style in my small portraits too, thanks!

Sweet! I'm glad you like them. I'll try to upload some more tonight
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#4  April 23, 2016, 07:04:14 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
Well.. To be honest, I just love the idea, and i don't really know why I never had this idea before!! :)
Good job! :)
All those characters are POTS style?
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#5  April 23, 2016, 07:49:02 pm
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Well.. To be honest, I just love the idea, and i don't really know why I never had this idea before!! :)
Good job! :)

Thanks! I just always liked the style. Duracelleur did it in his KOF Anthology and I always thought it looked clean as fuck. Speaking of which, I've always liked your Warzone portraits.  :neutral:

All those characters are POTS style?

A lot of them are. I edited the portraits of this EXCELLENT game as the base of my own mugen. I eliminated the characters who I felt didn't fit the CVS sprite look and applied the add004 patch to a bunch of CVS and Marvel characters and added them to the game. Also, I added a bunch of ShinRei's perfect edits (Scorpion, Subzero, SolBadguy are some examples off the top of my head).
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#6  April 23, 2016, 07:59:07 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
ah, thank you it means a lot for me! :)
I reuploaded few months ago all the 1.1 warzone portraits on the website. Not the 1.0, because I lack time since about 1 year now. ^^
But I plan to work again massively on portraits soon. In a complete new way, that I hope will bring a lot of people. It will be way more homogenous (I hope, at least).

I'll check the fullgame you gave me, as I plan to work again on POTS style chars very first. :)
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#7  April 23, 2016, 08:04:08 pm
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Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#8  April 23, 2016, 08:04:54 pm
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Small Portraits for the 3rd, 4rth, and 5th rows are now available to download at the link above.

Characters include:

Kung Lao by Diegoni
Liu Kang by chuchoryu
Ryo by CrazyKoopa
Yuri by Quickfist
Robert by DGO and DivineWolf
Mr. Karate by Victorys
Ky Kiske by aoao
Sol Badguy by aoao
Hayato by Warusaki3
Jotaro by y.y
Squall by SeanAltly
Jago by ShinMako and Gartanham
Ivy by CVS artist
Akuma by POTS
Blanka by varo_hades
Skullomania by Sean Altly and DivineWolf
Kairi by Mr.Karate and Gustavo C. Moraes [sic]
K' by Chazzanova and Dampir
Benimaru by Warusaki3
Duo Lon by Chazzanova
Daimon by Sander71113

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#9  April 23, 2016, 08:14:54 pm
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    • Portugal
Nice portraits! :D
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#10  April 23, 2016, 08:30:22 pm
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Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#11  April 24, 2016, 03:37:47 am
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Diggin' all that great stuff, nice idea and keep going. :)
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#12  April 24, 2016, 04:49:40 am
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Thanks man!


I've just finished adding 3 more rows worth of portraits from the select screen in the OP.

Characters include:

Fei Long by ShinRei
Paul by chuchoryu
Jin by Byakko
Kazuya by chuchoryu
Heihachi by chuchoryu
Asuka by chuchoryu
Jin by SeanAltly
Ogre by chuchoryu
Cody by Lost_Avenger
Guy by POTS
Rolento by Jmorphman
Sodom by varo_hades
Shermie by Ahuron
Raiden by Hh
Saisyu by Lurker
Kain by Infinite
Sakura by POTS
Hinata by Fervicante
Kyosuke by Lost_Avenger
Batsu by R@CE AKIR@
Rock by DivineWolf
Marco by R@CE AKIR@
Griffon by R@CE AKIR@
B.Jenet by Infinite

Download link is in the OP

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#13  April 26, 2016, 09:11:48 am
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I just uploaded 53 more portraits which means that basically all the portraits pictured below are available to download.

 I didn't include Hauzer or Hydron since I'm pretty sure those were the default portraits already and I didn't include Noob since he's just a Scorpion palette swap.

Here's what's new:

Jill by SeanAltly and DivineWolf
Cammy by chuchoryu and Varo_Hades
Nash (Charlie) by POTS
Guile by Jmorphman
Krauser by Infinite
Yamazaki by R@CE AKIR@
Billy by Infinite
Geese by POTS
Hugo by GM
Ibuki by Farengeit
Sean by Victorys
Alex by SeanAltly
Leona by Zero-Sennin
Ralf by Infinite
Chang by Gal129
Kim by Jmorphman
Strider by Splode-Infinite
Rikimaru by Roks
Ryu Hayabusa by chuchoryu
Haohmaru by Chazzanova
Genjuro by ActJapan
Nakoruru by POTS
Hibiki by Mouser
Morrigan by POTS
Jedah by Izumo
Felicia by Jesuszilla
Demitri by vanity13
King by zero-sennin and Varo_Hades
Mai by DivineWolf
Kula by DivineWolf
Athena by Hero and DivineWolf
Shao Kahn by chuchoryu
Shang Tsung by chuchoryu
Reptile by chuchoryu
Ermac by Slender Man and SeanAltly
Leo by Gal129
Talbain by Koldskool
Bluestreak by Jesuszilla
Ash by Tony ADV, The Pizzaman, Mr. Chainsaw, and Vegetto
Megaman by SeanAltly and DG
Captain Commando by Warusaki3
Moriya by Raposo
Setsuna by tukisuna
Washizuka by DALA arranged by IIdanaf
Kaede by Websta
Wolverine by Froz
Cable by Infinite
Captain America by SeanAltly and Buckus
Iron Man by Koldskool
Thor by Loganir and Black Dragon
Wonder Woman by Loganir
Batman by Alucard
Superman by Hannibal


Download all 126 portraits here (also available bundled in a zip file):


Here's an alternate scorpion portrait in the style of MK2/UMK3

It was Slender Man's idea. Personally, I prefer to have all the characters face the same direction in order to accent the differences (or similarities) between them. Still it does make Scorpion look badass.

Download that here:

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#14  April 26, 2016, 09:42:34 am
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Coming Soon...

See anything you like/want? As you can see, I've already done a shitload of CVS/MVC small portraits....
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#15  May 05, 2016, 05:51:39 am
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I've been busy with real life but I managed to squeeze in this tiny update:

Eiji by Vans
Protoman by Chaotic
Hotaru by warusaki3
Mr.Big by aomura
Chris Redfield by riklaionel and nestor
Goenitz by Don Drago
Birdie by Varo Hades
Haggar by Sean Altly
Cable by Infinite
Gill by Froz
Solid Snake by SeanAltly

Is this thread in the right section btw?  :embarrassed:

Also, I've uploaded a rar file with the 126 portraits that I previously uploaded so that you don't have to download them individually with a free mediafire account. I edited the OP to reflect this but thought it was worth mentioning in an update.  ;D

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#16  May 05, 2016, 04:43:56 pm
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Is there any tutorial on how to make fully-functional small portraits for mugen you can point me to?
I just want to learn how to properly do it. I can do big portraits, but for some reason I can't do small portraits properly, always messes up the palette. Thanks!

P.S. You're doing a mighty fine job out there!
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#17  May 05, 2016, 07:14:22 pm
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Such a simple idea, Such a simple process. I envy you.  >_>
Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#18  May 05, 2016, 11:09:23 pm
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Is there any tutorial on how to make fully-functional small portraits for mugen you can point me to?
I just want to learn how to properly do it. I can do big portraits, but for some reason I can't do small portraits properly, always messes up the palette. Thanks!

P.S. You're doing a mighty fine job out there!

Thank you! Are you making good portraits and then the colors are messed up on the select screen in-game? If it messes up the palette, I always change the palette to a similar one as the primary palette and then I click the "apply the current palette to the specified sprites" button in fighter factory 3 and save.  I hope that fixes your problem. If you can do big portraits, then small portraits are pretty much the same shit dude. 

Such a simple idea, Such a simple process. I envy you.  >_>


I just hope these are useful to others...I just wanted a unified look for my mugen creations. I'm no graphic artist by any stretch.

On that note, here's some more portraits for now:

Deadpool by Infinite
Insane Hiryu by Sinasta 1
Juri by Chuchoryu
Gouken by Infinite
Son Son by Ryou Win and Kong
Urien by Froz

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#19  May 13, 2016, 12:57:29 am
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Here's some more portraits  :) Enjoy!

Strider Hien by K3nShiN
Link by Nintendo
Evil Dan by ilcane87
Victor by CNGSOFT
Bishamon by 3ha
Rikuo by Splode
Mukuro by ahuron
Todo by Warusaki3
Goku by boryema
Piccolo by Ironjw
CM Punk by Sean Altly
Inuyasha by Meta Gouki
Gillius Rockhead by binho
Bruce Irvin by chuchoryu
Han Baedal by ahuron
Johnny Cage by Fabry Taz
Astonishing Cyclops by Loganir & Verz36
Savage Hulk by Buyog and Bob Starsky

Re: totaln00b's CVS/in-game sprite Small Portraits thread
#20  May 18, 2016, 08:50:32 am
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Does your Mugen even lift bro?

Get pumped!

Yoko by Warusaki3
Warachia by rajaaboy
T-Hawk by 2
Son Son by Ryouwin and Kong
Shadow by POTS
Ruby Heart by Dick Buckus
Remy by Warusaki3
Rasetsumaru by Chazzanova
Psylocke by DivineWolf
Orochi Iori by Quickfist
Oro by fido
Necro by fido
Mr.X by Sean Altly
Morrigan by Li_Kun and DivineWolf
Mech Zangief by BC
Makoto by Kojiro Badness
Maki by RajaaBoy
Mai Ling by Kojiro Badness
Lilith by RajaaBoy
Kusanagi by JMorphman
Kung Fu Girl by DivineWolf
Juli by DivineWolf
God Rugal by Hero
Gen by mwryly and varo_hades
Eliza by SilentRipper
Eagle by CrazyKoopa
Dudley by Dick Buckus and Mr.Ansatsuken