I know this is kinda off topic but Mortal kombat was kinda racist too.In Mortal kombat 1 Kano was black.In Mortal kombat 3 he was some white bald headed guy.Im black and I kinda took that to offense.I guess after they decided to put Jax in the game,they decided to make kano white instead of black.To me that was kinda racist
(TAO)Overlord said, January 12, 2008, 06:00:34 amhe was?He seems to be pretty non-white to me.Ok honestly did you read what I said.In MORTAL KOMBAT 3 he is a WHITE MAN.I already knew he was black in the first MK.Next time read my post before you reply
hotreezy said, January 12, 2008, 06:03:52 am(TAO)Overlord said, January 12, 2008, 06:00:34 amhe was?He seems to be pretty non-black to me.Ok honestly did you read what I said.In MORTAL KOMBAT 3 he is a WHITE MAN.I already knew he was black in the first MK.Next time read my post before you reply... read the one-word edit.
Pretty much look at this and this would tell you that fighting games go towards stereotypes of a particular PERSON and NOT of any particular PEOPLE.I can see why some people would think this is so, given that the racial themed traits are there. But unless you are the person who looks at the world black/white you wouldn't see anything wrong.However if you are that kind of person I can imagine that a good majority of the times you go out for fun you often say something racial.*sigh* Humanity was not born racist but we were born with stereotyping. But that in itself is not bad unless there is hostility in it.So remember people, you stereotype every day whether you like it or not. Just understand that if you discriminate someone who discriminates you, then that is reverse discrimination.
(TAO)Overlord said, January 12, 2008, 01:39:40 amQuoteAsians, especially Japanese people, want to impress [appease], the [Mr.] White ManWell of course. Tis the white man who controleth much of the world's wealth and economy.Casey Jones said, January 12, 2008, 04:16:21 pmPretty much look at this and this would tell you that fighting games go towards stereotypes of a particular PERSON and NOT of any particular PEOPLE.I can see why some people would think this is so, given that the racial themed traits are there. But unless you are the person who looks at the world black/white you wouldn't see anything wrong.However if you are that kind of person I can imagine that a good majority of the times you go out for fun you often say something racial.*sigh* Humanity was not born racist but we were born with stereotyping. But that in itself is not bad unless there is hostility in it.So remember people, you stereotype every day whether you like it or not. Just understand that if you discriminate someone who discriminates you, then that is reverse discrimination.Well-said. Nevertheless, more often than not, the stereotypes are actually true, but only because we purposely fall into that vat of ignorant hell . The day of redemption will come when man is permanently wiped out.
#Shaun said, January 12, 2008, 04:36:47 pmThe day of redemption will come when man is permanently wipe out.The mad scientist peace theory.
Casey Jones said, January 12, 2008, 05:01:23 pmI think mankind will wipe itself out (exampe: pollution, war, etc).Give or take another year.
y'know i thought Kano was always white, didn't it say australian in the guide for MKI??also the issue of Ghost Kick... Well is suppose it could be acceptable given the time frame and position of blacks or african americans (take your pick i don't even feel like getting into it anymore) during martial masters... but man PHEW-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to think all this would come from me stating Black characters in the early days of gaming had ugly portraits lol
Kano is and has always been white. Maybe people get confused since metal face plates are kind of like those "grills" black people wear, but no, he's white.
Tee Hee Hee said, January 12, 2008, 12:39:47 amTee Hee Hee said, January 11, 2008, 07:33:20 amGod Damn it PotS. What were you gonna post??!!! Yesterday, I went to the "Who's Online" Section and PotS was postong in the thread, but for some reason stpped. I am killing myself inside wondering what he had to say.Now I'll never tell. And come on, no asians in manga/games? You do realize that like half the manga characters who look white to us are actually asian, right?
Well it really doest matter if ther black,whites,asian in games that like people saying there barely any asian in def jam icon so this thread need to stop here n today problem in the world now is Rascist.....so let cut the crap..
i must say though i'm quite 'happy' with Potemkin of the Guilty Gear Seriesno beating around the bush there
and everyone acts as if Potemkin is the only darker skinned character in GG, you can't say cause Venom is gay for Zato that he's light skinned.
P.o.t.S. said, January 13, 2008, 04:56:00 amAnd come on, no asians in manga/games? You do realize that like half the manga characters who look white to us are actually asian, right?Yes, of course I know that and that's partially my point. What i'm trying to ask concerning that is, even if they are supposed to be 'Asian,' why can't they look 'Asian?'
courte2 said, January 12, 2008, 09:10:07 pmy'know i thought Kano was always white, didn't it say australian in the guide for MKI??He was american, but IIRC they changed him to Australian because of the actor that played him in the first film as a nod.Wait, since when are Australians not white?