Alex Sinigaglia said, April 23, 2014, 11:41:58 pmThe Artics are owned by the Red Ribbon Army in DBZ now? It sounds new to me. Where did you hear it?Sometimes I can't understand these types of discussions.Just say it's an Artic stage.No, no. Artic stage was never own by Red Ribbon Army. We say this stage is the stage of Android 13 because in that movie, the Artic was their boxing ring.
I know the dying namek stages is being worked on or even finished but have you ever considered earth pillars raising from the ground as if the arena was sinking into the planet itself since it's collapsing? it would be pretty dope in my opinion but i trust your choices more :p
hey I was wondering if you guys have considered making a budokai tenkaichi tournment stage or a Kame's house stage?(if you guys have already answered this question please don't hate on me, I'm new here)Thanks and keep up the good work
Dont worry about asking anything.Yeah we have considered both but we never really got around to do it, since we are few we end up being a bit overworked.Daeron has been making Freeza "objects" for his intro and fatalities.
New stages people!For more info:;topicseen#msg2195835
YES, MORE DRAGON BALL STUFF IS ALWAYS WELCOMED! I hope you guys do OG Dragonball stages in the future maybe even G-*shot*
This thread is mostly so that daeron can post his stages.What you made isnt bad but its not really shaded like everything else in the game, it would look like a painting.
Daeron said, October 31, 2013, 12:23:02 amActually i was thinking on a warfare-like alternate version, long before the hitler idea.With destroyed cars, fire and maybe some tank, and a helicopter reporting the fight, but cant find the source of that helicopter with a camera man sprite i saw in some capcom game.Could somebody help me with that?Was this the helicopter you were looking for?