
Blue Screenpack (Read 20418 times)

Started by TheFclass97, November 28, 2015, 02:31:37 am
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Blue Screenpack
#1  November 28, 2015, 02:31:37 am
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Hello guys... Here is something a little interesting... I decided to say "screw it" and do some I.K.E.M.E.N Screenpack conversions for it since... well... not many (if anyone) really has tried to do a screenpack for JUST ikemen (besides full projects and what not). Let's break this boundary, shall we?


Infinity Mugen Team's Blue Screenpack!

Converted for I.K.E.M.E.N (The Mugen Online/Netplay Engine)

This Screenpack is 100% only for Ikemen. It contains the following (Check Spoilers):

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Download link:
Re: Blue Screenpack
#2  November 28, 2015, 03:35:11 am
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    • USA
You sir are a fkin legend! I already told you once but I gotta say it again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3
Re: Blue Screenpack
#3  November 28, 2015, 08:43:13 pm
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    • USA
Excellent, hopefully the trend will continue.
Re: Blue Screenpack
#4  November 29, 2015, 05:13:32 am
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    • Brazil
Really dope, i will download this right now!
Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 05:28:59 am by -Ash-
Re: Blue Screenpack
#5  December 06, 2015, 06:09:31 pm
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  • Every night fucks every day up
  • Every day patches the night up
    • Puerto Rico
I'm probably gonna make a version with no character limits (but might resort to that 2 roster table thing Ikemen has). Now my question is, Should I?

Also, thanks guys... Hopefully I can do more conversions in the future...