Why does it throw me an error? ; -=====================================================-; Configuration file for Ikemen GO; -=====================================================-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Common data running on characters, affecting match globally.; Common parameters support arrays with comma-separated values.; Multiple categories can be specified by appending a unique numeric suffix to; their names (e.g., States0 = ..., States2 = ...).[Common]; Common animations using character's local spritesAir = data/common.air; Common commandsCmd = data/common.cmd; Common constant variablesConst = data/common.const; Common states (CNS or ZSS)States = data/functions.zss, data/action.zss, data/dizzy.zss, data/guardbreak.zss, data/score.zss, data/system.zss, data/activetag.zss, data/training.zss; Common packs of graphic and/or sound effects called during the match by using; a specific prefix before animation and sound numbers (like lifebar fightfx)Fx = ; External modules (no need to add modules placed in external/mods directory)Modules = ; Pure Lua code executed on each frame during matchLua = loop()
It looks like you have a recent version of Ikemen but an old version of the tag code. Try the latest version.