
Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted) (Read 161598 times)

Started by Neocide, March 27, 2013, 08:00:03 am
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Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#21  April 08, 2013, 05:18:16 am
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Dragon Rush!!! :XD:

My pursuit's are kinda like the dragon rush, they just don't mess up the flow of the pace. I want to add different finishers for the end attacks on the pursuits though, like a ki based attack like the dragon rush's do but not as drawn out. So there wouldn't be any of that button press nonsense. want the pace to flow good,

you coul try to make a mode where the player can just battle against fighters from an specific level or a specific saga like in Z - BATTLE from ssw gba , so this mean if you choose the 1 level you can only fight against the fighters of their first appearance like goku in hes normal mode or vegeta, level 2 goku ssj,vegeta ssj, teen gohan ssj,
level 3 goku ssj3, majin vegeta, mystic gohan .etc

that would mean I'd have to make all of these sheets for these people and I'm not doing that. Normal goku will be in with ssj goku for kaiouken moves and genki dama. He'll have a few different ways of starting off in a different mode. mainly depends on his opponent. or opponent's certain palette as well.

I haven't dove into it too much, but it's only for goku and vegeta who are the only transforming characters in the game.

Ki Barrier (like in Shin Budokai 1 and 2).

I kept that more character specific I think there are certain characters who use that move and it should stay unique to them specifically. In this case, cell.

Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#22  April 08, 2013, 02:18:20 pm
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that would mean I'd have to make all of these sheets for these people and I'm not doing that. Normal goku will be in with ssj goku for kaiouken moves and genki dama. He'll have a few different ways of starting off in a different mode. mainly depends on his opponent. or opponent's certain palette as well.

I haven't dove into it too much, but it's only for goku and vegeta who are the only transforming characters in the game.

yes but i also saw characters of the buu saga in your roster ?

Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#23  April 08, 2013, 02:27:11 pm
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I think that was his original/initial roster when the project was first announced which I suspect is a bit out dated now.
Don't PM me. =(

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#24  April 08, 2013, 10:30:21 pm
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yea there's no buu saga people anymore. my last roster that I'm doing is basically


thats it. people want more later I might take actual donations to make more sheets,(if the amount is met) otherwise this is entirely it. all of these sheets are done with minor work to be made on one or two.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#25  April 10, 2013, 12:43:02 am
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what really just 10 chars ? you could at least add some chars from the dbz movies like cooler,bojack,broly,android 13 or garlick junior
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#26  April 10, 2013, 01:02:07 am
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. . .

You do know he's working on this alone right ? Do you know how long it takes to code a character ? Do you know how long it takes to sprite a single fucking character ? Doing both is even longer. Doing both alone 10 TIMES is even more insane ! And you dare complain that there's "ONLY 10 CHARACTERS" !!!1!!11!!!! >:(

Come back when you know what you're talking about and with a bit of recognition and gratitude, plzthnxbye.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#27  April 10, 2013, 01:56:16 am
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ok dude but nobody is forcing him to do anything it is a fanbased game right and we the fans can ask him for our thoughts and now it depends on him if he will add more chars or not, and please do not tell me anything about spriting it cant be harder to create some animated sprites than some of mortal kombat games which i have made
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#28  April 10, 2013, 01:58:09 am
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    • Skype - elevesimon
ok dude but nobody is forcing him to do anything it is a fanbased game right and we the fans can ask him for our thoughts and now it depends on him if he will add more chars or not, and please do not tell me anything about spriting it cant be harder to create some animated sprites than some of mortal kombat games which i have made


"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to become an ideal president. I am now a better man."
— Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#29  April 10, 2013, 02:13:04 am
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Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#30  April 10, 2013, 03:32:15 am
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ok dude but nobody is forcing him to do anything it is a fanbased game right and we the fans can ask him for our thoughts and now it depends on him if he will add more chars or not, and please do not tell me anything about spriting it cant be harder to create some animated sprites than some of mortal kombat games which i have made


 I don't think you understand how much goes into a full sheet. It's not that it's hard. it's takes time, dedication and will power to finish a full sheet then turn around and code it. You want me to make more? Fuck you, pay me :) otherwise be happy there is 10. You can sprite? Fuck you, make me a sheet.
I'll add it in. Otherwise, you can ask all you want, but me actually doing what you want? that's another story.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#31  April 10, 2013, 03:39:59 am
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Hey hey, what's with the attitude all of a sudden?

Of course it's a lot of work, heck companies have fully dedicated team paid to make fighting games with just 10 characters.
We, or a lot of us know it's hard work to do 10 sheets and characters and we respect you for it.

No need to get pissed because some fanboys are getting enthusiastic about your project :)
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#32  April 10, 2013, 03:46:46 am
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Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#33  April 10, 2013, 07:06:21 am
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I wasn't mad btw, just being realistic. Also I thought of a story mode but I'm not going to tell it because it spoils a lot, but it's fun and original. And if things go as planned, will unlock characters that might come later with support from an awesome one.

some endings will be fun and comical, others will possibly unlock things. The story mode is short so it's not much of a challenge sprite wise, and it fits the situation to a t.

if it's really important for people to know I'll spoiler it, but it takes away a lot of the surprise mid game and during the ending.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#34  April 10, 2013, 08:25:34 am
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 I don't think you understand how much goes into a full sheet. It's not that it's hard. it's takes time, dedication and will power to finish a full sheet then turn around and code it. You want me to make more? Fuck you, pay me :) otherwise be happy there is 10. You can sprite? Fuck you, make me a sheet.
I'll add it in. Otherwise, you can ask all you want, but me actually doing what you want? that's another story.

well thanks for the kind words, i didnt expect that especially not from you i made just a single question and know im getting pissed off  from everyone
i know that it takes time to do a full sheet i didnt said that it is easy, I've only made this comparison because that guy thought that i wouldnt know anything about spriting but i didnt want to offend you or your project, im not even going to force you to do something what i want or what the other want ,and if you have decide to add 10  chars than do it so it is your project at the end so nobody can tell you what to do with it ,and you shouldnt get angry of the suggestion of some of your fans because thats the reason why you created this topic to ask the others what they think about this or that OK so take it easy and relax.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#35  April 10, 2013, 10:52:14 am
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İ have been talking with Neo about many things over the net and i know how much time he puts in spriting. İ even know him redoing lots of stuff to make it as good as possible. Neo wants a good game wich means no rush for him. The thing is that he has many plans for later aswell, so if he says something, it means that he knows something.

The roster you have is great. Your work is excellent.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#36  April 10, 2013, 05:24:24 pm
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I wasn't mad btw, just being realistic.

I know you aren't mad, you just didn't have to put it that way.
Neither was there any need the bash that guy with 3 or 4 people.

Just saying.

And yes I know I said "enthusiastic" instead of sounding demanding
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#37  April 10, 2013, 07:11:25 pm
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I wasn't bashing, no one was. I had to say it that way because otherwise


 I don't think you understand how much goes into a full sheet. It's not that it's hard. it's takes time, dedication and will power to finish a full sheet then turn around and code it. You want me to make more? Fuck you, pay me :) otherwise be happy there is 10. You can sprite? Fuck you, make me a sheet.
I'll add it in. Otherwise, you can ask all you want, but me actually doing what you want? that's another story.

well thanks for the kind words, i didnt expect that especially not from you i made just a single question and know im getting pissed off  from everyone
i know that it takes time to do a full sheet i didnt said that it is easy, I've only made this comparison because that guy thought that i wouldnt know anything about spriting but i didnt want to offend you or your project, im not even going to force you to do something what i want or what the other want ,and if you have decide to add 10  chars than do it so it is your project at the end so nobody can tell you what to do with it ,and you shouldnt get angry of the suggestion of some of your fans because thats the reason why you created this topic to ask the others what they think about this or that OK so take it easy and relax.

Again I'm not angry, I could have been a bit more polite with my response but, complaining over a roster isn't something I wanted other opinions on. I apologize if it came off harsh, but this isn't like working with a game where you have resources for sprites, anyone I want to add I have to completely make. So you saying "only 10?" feels like you don't realize how much 10 for ONE person is in general. I'm all up for ideas, but nitpicky opinions just rub me wrong.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#38  April 12, 2013, 10:01:56 pm
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What about some small cutscenes like Burst Limit? You could also make the blasts, beams explode over/on the world like the Budoka series when doing a super move.


Starts at 1:01

Would be great really.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#39  April 12, 2013, 10:05:46 pm
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    • Skype - elevesimon
I recall talking about it with Neo, might be added at some point.

"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to become an ideal president. I am now a better man."
— Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#40  April 12, 2013, 11:11:46 pm
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    • Skype - Neocide
I dunno if I'll go that far, sorta feels way too long for a super. but maybe something nice for a super bg finish.