
Krillin Z2 official wip- download now available. (Read 207541 times)

Started by Daeron, April 12, 2017, 12:32:09 pm
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Re: Krillin Z2
#61  April 16, 2017, 03:26:57 am
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The Best Tekken character that learned from the Beast Tekken character pullin off a Killing Power Driver, and the mighty Dragon Suplex!!!

But getting a little too off topic about Krillin here. lol

OK, maybe I was being a little unfair with Heihachi.
This is by far the best Tekken character hands down:

Krillin as Gouki. I need to sprite that now, lol.
Re: Krillin Z2
#62  April 16, 2017, 03:31:02 am
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When he tries to do a Raging Demon Akuma appears and kills him while throwing his body at the enemy as a projectile. Also it's good to see Krillin's project progress.


Re: Krillin Z2
#63  April 16, 2017, 06:38:32 am
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The Best Tekken character that learned from the Beast Tekken character pullin off a Killing Power Driver, and the mighty Dragon Suplex!!!

But getting a little too off topic about Krillin here. lol

OK, maybe I was being a little unfair with Heihachi.
This is by far the best Tekken character hands down:

Krillin as Gouki. I need to sprite that now, lol.

Oh you seriously gonna use that? I know he's canon, but he's still super cheap XD and there's already a reference to his raging demon, Piccolo has it for his regular hellzone grenade and his lv.3 demonic hellzone grenade finisher.
Re: Krillin Z2
#64  April 16, 2017, 06:40:40 am
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Why are we talking about Akuma in Krillin's thread?
Re: Krillin Z2
#65  April 16, 2017, 06:44:55 am
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That is a good point let's get back on point starting with this. For a move I think it would be cool if you used his controllable beam move as a super. You know the beam where he can move it into the air turning it into smaller spread out beams. Only you have the option to do that or to aim it....that's probably a flawed idea but I tried.
Re: Krillin Z2
#66  April 16, 2017, 07:04:35 am
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Why are we talking about Akuma in Krillin's thread?

We got a bit of topic due to Tekken pallettes.
Then I went a bit on topic about Gouki as Krillin.

Well, completely back to Krillin, any ideas for Emo Modes already? You guys are gonna need to get creative for that, I personally have no idea.


Re: Krillin Z2
#67  April 16, 2017, 09:05:30 am
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Could just give him his Unlocked potential mode or something shorter then that, but means the same I guess.
Re: Krillin Z2
#68  April 16, 2017, 09:52:35 am
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The team established Krillin's Emo Mode right off the bat. Working name is "Man Up," and... well I actually posted a clue earlier in this thread!

EDIT: Another clue. Let's just say that when Krillin activates Man Up Mode, everything will turn to Ash.
Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 10:10:11 am by Jango
Re: Krillin Z2
#69  April 16, 2017, 10:10:09 am
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Sooo Krillin beefs up his abilities to show his wife he's not a chump? Did I get it right?
Hardcore Palette and Color Separation enthusiast
Re: Krillin Z2
#70  April 16, 2017, 10:22:36 am
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Well, technically you're right but that pretty much applies to everyone's mode. Hint #3: He frees himself from his self-imposed mental shackles. Also Hint #4, follow the conversation before the C18 quote.
Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 10:26:58 am by Jango
Re: Krillin Z2
#71  April 16, 2017, 10:29:46 am
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So, if I get what you're spitting here, Krillin's gonna earn his breakfast by throwing sonic booms Nash-style instead of Guile-style?

EDIT: After reading more hints, it sounds like maybe in Man Up mode he won't have to wait 3 seconds to fire off a charge move? :D
Hardcore Palette and Color Separation enthusiast
Re: Krillin Z2
#72  April 16, 2017, 10:35:59 am
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While we still haven't gotten to that point yet, the current plan is to remove the charging requirements on his specials, or maybe even possibly change the command to QCFs, DPs, etc etc.

Of course there's more to it than just that, but you'll just have to wait and see for those!
Re: Krillin Z2
#73  April 16, 2017, 10:40:41 am
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I'm so hyped right now. That sounds epic!
Hardcore Palette and Color Separation enthusiast
Re: Krillin Z2
#74  April 16, 2017, 10:53:47 am
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You do know since Tien probably gets the Solar Flare,you can give Krillin   Bald Flare, his bald head shines and either blinds or damages the opponent xD

And good Easter to you all!! :thumbsup:
By the way you need to put an Easter Egg emoji or something in this forum :mlol:
~ A swift blade makes monsters tame. ~
Re: Krillin Z2
#75  April 16, 2017, 11:06:08 am
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OK, so basically Custom Combos from SFA3?
I mean, that would be fucking awesome.
Sometimes I wonder why no one in HDBZ has that.
Re: Krillin Z2
#76  April 16, 2017, 07:03:38 pm
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OK, so basically Custom Combos from SFA3?
I mean, that would be fucking awesome.
Sometimes I wonder why no one in HDBZ has that.

Because they're useless.
The characters already have a lot of combo possibilities, so why would you add that? Just to spam the same attacks and see the damage dampener kick in faster, making the character/s deal almost no damage?
Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 11:36:20 pm by AlexSin
Re: Krillin Z2
#77  April 16, 2017, 07:19:17 pm
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In his emo mode, Krillin dies, and then the Z fighters have to look for the 7 dragon balls and give him back to life
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Re: Krillin Z2
#78  April 16, 2017, 07:41:49 pm
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Krillin's emo mode seems like it's potential unlocked.
Re: Krillin Z2
#79  April 16, 2017, 07:55:52 pm
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what potential is there to unlock...?

I suggest a Z2 original, Shaolin Ultra whatever mode, Krillins head glows and he becomes fuckin Buddha
Re: Krillin Z2
#80  April 16, 2017, 08:59:20 pm
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what potential is there to unlock...?

I suggest a Z2 original, Shaolin Ultra whatever mode, Krillins head glows and he becomes fuckin Buddha
That's just what they called Krillin's transformation in the Bandai games.
What the elder Namek Guru did.