
planned downtime / forum upgrade (Read 35461 times)

Started by Valodim, August 01, 2012, 01:39:08 pm
planned downtime / forum upgrade
#1  August 01, 2012, 01:39:08 pm
  • ******
    • Germany
hey there.

later today there may or may not be a planned downtime of unknown length (shouldn't be more than a few hours), which may or may not involve a software upgrade or two. see you on the other side :)

discussion here, if you will.
Re: planned downtime / forum upgrade
#2  August 02, 2012, 12:09:06 am
  • ******
    • Germany
alright we're here! :woeh:

This is kind of a semi-work-in-progress. I spent a while porting all our more significant forum software modifications, and changed a couple of things in the theme from feedback I got from the staff. I am still open to suggestions, and there may be stuff simply not working here and there. If you find such thing => report it

We also moved to /forum in the process, all old urls pointing to /forumx should be automatically redirected here.

Will write some more on new features and other notable tidbits later, still sorting out some things right now.
Re: planned downtime / forum upgrade
#3  August 02, 2012, 12:50:48 am
  • ******
    • Germany
btw that logo is not final :P
Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 05:21:46 pm by Valodim
Re: planned downtime / forum upgrade
#4  August 10, 2012, 05:21:34 pm
  • ******
    • Germany
Alright you guys. Since this affects everyone and most of you probably stopped following the overhaul thread I'm just leaving a short notice here as well.

I don't have as much time right now to work on stuff as I'd like to have, which is why a couple of things are still lacking. Anyways @Iced: made a colorscheme which is more like the old theme. It has a couple of glitches but since people seem to want it anyways we agreed to put it in for now anyways for sake of readability.

Discussion here, if you would.