
fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread (Read 1073808 times)

Started by Niitris, May 08, 2014, 11:34:32 pm
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Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#61  June 10, 2014, 07:51:20 am
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So....Tekken announcement at EVO? Seems likely since Namco is sponsoring them this year,

Otherwise, it would be at Tokyo Game Show,
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#62  June 11, 2014, 08:49:47 pm
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might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#63  June 11, 2014, 08:59:27 pm
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gems confirmed.
rip street fighter, you will be missed.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#64  June 11, 2014, 09:05:28 pm
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If you want to help beginners, make good tutorials and make a good matching system so people of the same level fight each other in Online mode. It's as simple as that. And even with that, it's a fact that there will be skilled and unskilled players. There's no system in which somebody isn't bad at it.

But hey, it's just another way for Capcom to steal money from your wallet. I sure hope there's an option to forbid players from using those "pay-for-advantage" system in matches.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#65  June 11, 2014, 09:09:57 pm
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Street Fighter X Tekken failed beause a focusing on casuals they need the stop being like Nintendo and just add in a tutorial mode to teach new players to play the game. Instead of cutting down the buttons and adding cheating enhancements.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#66  June 11, 2014, 09:27:01 pm
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That are "fubar" news..but hey..Capcom. After making Resident Evil a bad series, SF might be the next one
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#67  June 11, 2014, 10:38:57 pm
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Might be, or might be not. They could probably redeem themselves since they have a whole lot of time to make the game.

...Also, yeah, I'm back. Kind of recovering since I saw the replies. Just still feeling kind of down.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#68  June 11, 2014, 10:56:49 pm
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As a means to achieve that (prevent unskilled players from losing instantaneously), Capcom is looking into possibly implementing some kind of pay-for-advantage system in Street Fighter 5 that will allow new players to cover for their lack of skill in matches.


"Enjoy USF4 because it's the last good SF game you'll get."
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#69  June 11, 2014, 11:03:05 pm
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As a means to achieve that (prevent unskilled players from losing instantaneously), Capcom is looking into possibly implementing some kind of pay-for-advantage system in Street Fighter 5 that will allow new players to cover for their lack of skill in matches.


more games rewarding failure. Whatever happened to learning the game and getting good. Why are fighting games now doing this reward failure stuff?
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#70  June 11, 2014, 11:10:04 pm
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Because extra money by "casual" players of course

Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#71  June 11, 2014, 11:25:22 pm
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Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#72  June 11, 2014, 11:57:28 pm
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Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#73  June 12, 2014, 12:05:22 am
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LOL Ono doing damage control about a pay-to-win community fiasco, who'da thougth
Yeah right I would like to see it to believe it.
Oh that makes sense ! You don't have to see the pay-to-win model to believe it, but you DO have to see that it won't exist to believe it won't exist. You're fucked up in the head.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#74  June 12, 2014, 12:28:25 am
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OK if they realized that Street Fighter X Tekken failed because that GEM system then i believe them not because of timing.  That is one thing that Street Fighter V does not need.

Fine you don't like me but that GEM system won't help any new players only to cheat (Regardless if they are balanced or not)

Ono may not want that to happen but he is not the president of Capcom.

from Ishaan from Siliconera.
Just so everyone's clear on this, Sports Nippon is a reputable publication in Japan, which is why we bothered running this report at all. The newspaper has been around since 1948, and Sponichi is their online space.

We looked at the Event Hubs report, then looked at the source, discussed its background, and only decided to run the news following that. We also made sure to translate Haruhiro Tsujimoto's quote exactly as it was quoted in Sponichi, just to make sure that we were being as accurate to the source of the news as possible.

My personal advice would be to consider both sides—what Sponichi reported and what Ono said over Twitter. Ono is knowing for being a passionate game developer, and I'm sure he'd be rather horrified at the prospect of turning Street Fighter into a pay-to-win franchise. Note that Capcom, unlike Namco and Tecmo, have not even attempted a free-to-play model with their fighting games yet, and going by statements made in the past, this is at least in part due to Ono.

On the other hand, I don't think Sponichi pulled that report out of their rear ends either. It's an awfully specific thing to say, and to attribute it to Capcom's CEO is a bold thing to do. No professional would do that without being prepared for dire consequences if they were wrong.

So, in a nutshell, consider both sides. I'm sure Ono doesn't want this to happen personally. At the same time, Ono is not Capcom's president/CEO.

Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 12:47:25 am by videoman
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#75  June 12, 2014, 12:44:57 am
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but the creator of the game specifically said that was a false rumor you not believe one of the guys working on the game when he says that the rumor was false specifically when you have no evidence that the rumor was true and specifically when it was started by someone who isn't even involved with the game, which is only in the dev process

i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#76  June 12, 2014, 07:07:12 am
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Yoshinori Ono is not the creator of SFIV or V.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#77  June 12, 2014, 07:25:08 am
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OK if they realized that Street Fighter X Tekken failed because that GEM system
That is the almost the absolute least of the reasons why it failed.

Gems aren't an inherently terrible concept, nor is trying to expand the playing field for newer users ("casuals" are the ones who end up making these games succeed or not). It's the implementation that was a disaster.
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#78  June 12, 2014, 07:28:26 am
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  • Fuck You.
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#79  June 12, 2014, 05:57:49 pm
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Corporate's in it to make money, devs are in it to make good games; what else is new?

Capcom took it one step further.

A certain media organization carried an interview with Capcom President Haruhiro Tsujimoto. Regarding the reference to a pay system in the interview article, Haruhiro Tsujimoto did not make any comments on adjusting strength of characters in the game by using this type of system.

Furthermore, details regarding “Street Fighter 5″, including the title itself, were not officially announced at this point.


Re: fighting games news that dont deserve their own thread
#80  June 21, 2014, 11:40:15 am
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SF4:Arcade Edition, Mortal Kombat 9, King of Fighters and that horrid Blazblue port are up for community sale vote on Steam. king of Fighters alone is worth voting for.