
SFA "Judgement of the Dolls" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 / IKEMEN-GO (Read 20461 times)

Started by Tiger-Boy, October 13, 2024, 06:47:12 pm
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SFA "Judgement of the Dolls" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 / IKEMEN-GO
#1  October 13, 2024, 06:47:12 pm
  • ***
  • "I'm Bal... I'm Veg...*Sigh* Just call me 'Claw'."
SFA "Judgement of the Dolls - Brazil" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 and IKEMEN-GO Systems.

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Originaly release as "Jet Night Rain 2014"
Stage created by "Tatsu (Shiyo Kakuge)"
Edited by "Tiger-Boy"

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When any char reaches low health, the music will change to the 'Hurry-Up!' version.

An additional option has been added if you preffer regular stage music with no 'Hurry-Up!' feature.
(See Instructions.)

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This stage was originally released with the following:
-High Jump
-Zoom Effects

-Added New Rain Animations
-Added Lightning
-Added Loop Music
-Added 'Hurry up!' Music with Loop
-Added Stage portrait

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1-Add the 'SF2-Decapre_Stage' folder to your 'stages' folder.
2-For the stages with No Rain and No 'Dolls':
-If you want the stage with regular 'Loop' music, add the following to the 'select' file (MUGEN1.1 and IKEMEN-Go):
-If you want the stage with the 'Hurry-Up' music, add the following to the 'select' file (IKEMEN-Go Only):
-For the stages with Rain and 'Dolls':
-If you want the stage with regular 'Loop' music, add the following to the 'select' file (MUGEN1.1 and IKEMEN-Go):
-If you want the stage with the 'Hurry-Up' music, add the following to the 'select' file (IKEMEN-Go Only):
4-Save file and play.

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This stage was edited for use with 1600x900 resolution.
If your system has a different resolution, some adjustments might be necessary.

This is a 'Self-Sustained' stage. There is no need to move anything from the folder.

Constructive Feedback is always Welcome.
If you have any advise or ideas to make this stage better,
or if there are any issues, please let me know.

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"Remember kids; Curiosity created MUGEN!"

Check Out Cammy-Delta-Red-Development HERE
Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 06:55:46 pm by Tiger-Boy
Re: SFA "Judgement of the Dolls" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 / IKEMEN-GO
#2  October 28, 2024, 06:40:35 pm
  • ***
Hi Tiger boy, how are u ?
Could u share your lifebar ?
Thanks !
Re: SFA "Judgement of the Dolls" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 / IKEMEN-GO
#3  October 28, 2024, 06:51:48 pm
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Re: SFA "Judgement of the Dolls" Custom Stage Version 2.0 For MUGEN 1.1 / IKEMEN-GO
#4  October 28, 2024, 07:52:37 pm
  • ***