
Jmorphman's WIP thread: Project S.H.I.N.(go): Shingo Beta out! (Read 2684498 times)

Started by Jmorphman, November 01, 2010, 09:13:43 pm
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Got a light?

This is the water
81 (25.2%)
And this is the well
77 (24%)
Drink full, and descend
33 (10.3%)
The horse is the white of the eye
37 (11.5%)
And the dark within
52 (16.2%)
This is the water
41 (12.8%)
And this is the well
0 (0%)
Drink full, and descend
0 (0%)
The horse is the white of the eye
0 (0%)
And the dark within
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 318

Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#761  May 10, 2011, 09:42:19 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#762  May 10, 2011, 09:44:29 pm
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Jmorphman is gay, but not that gay enough to add a pony tail to Ken.
Just kidding.

Otherwise if I was bothered to make Palettes I'd give it a go, but meh, the template looks rather interesting ;)
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#763  May 10, 2011, 09:45:59 pm
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Jmorphman is gay, but not that gay enough to add a pony tail to Ken.
Just kidding.
I don't even like dudes with really long hair!



Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#764  May 10, 2011, 09:55:01 pm
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Does it mean that we can expect Ken in this year? :)
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#765  May 11, 2011, 02:14:34 am
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Trying out different ways of doing the Tenseiranka effects

Far left: uses a separate Chun-Li sprite put on top of the effects. I like this the best. But don't worry palette people, this won't nesseccitate a palette change or anything, it just uses the Tenseiranka effect colors.
Center left: current/old way, effects using additive transparency on top of Chun-Li's sprite
Center right: using a solid color overlay over Chun-Li sprites
Far right: how it looks in SFIII, just for reference
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#766  May 11, 2011, 02:37:50 am
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#767  May 11, 2011, 02:39:21 am
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He's updating Chun-Li and it will be with that update.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#768  May 11, 2011, 04:07:43 am
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#769  May 11, 2011, 09:16:28 am
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Too dark, not enough contrast.

And Jmorphman, the 3rd one from the left.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#770  May 11, 2011, 09:31:23 am
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Redstreak pallet.
Spriting is hard.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#771  May 11, 2011, 02:53:16 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#772  May 11, 2011, 03:24:19 pm
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And Jmorphman, the 3rd one from the left.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#773  May 11, 2011, 05:51:12 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#774  May 11, 2011, 08:01:42 pm
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    • I'd stick with the one on the far left, actually, since it's closest to the original and isn't so...obnoxiously bright, I guess would be the words? But that's just me.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#775  May 11, 2011, 10:15:42 pm
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That archive you uploaded is missing a few of my palettes (such as the Shadow Lady one) and looking at some of these I did I am kind of ashamed of them, except for the NxC and SF2 ones.  Therefore, when I update them I will make you an entirely new, superior set.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#776  May 11, 2011, 10:31:40 pm
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I like the one on the far left. Though not because of accuracy. It looks like the energy is radiating from her instead of just around her.


Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#777  May 12, 2011, 12:36:13 am
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I'm also a bit disappointed in mine and i'm making a fresh set of palettes instead of updating those. So unless you want any specific ones updated cause you like them, don't expect most of those to return.

AKA tell me the ones you want otherwise i'm not updating them.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#778  May 12, 2011, 12:46:04 am
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AKA tell me the ones you want otherwise i'm not updating them.
All of them. Seriously.

If that is not acceptable then Yang, Shadow Lady, Rajaa, GreenOrange, Communist, Chizuru

and... MvC3


Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#779  May 12, 2011, 12:54:15 am
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  • OG Pallette Goon
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All of them. Seriously.

If that is not acceptable then Yang, Shadow Lady, Rajaa, GreenOrange, Communist, Chizuru

and... MvC3
Thing is, most of them suck and I'd rather have more custom ones rather than all homage palettes.

And no. I'm not remaking that last one.

EDIT: And i'll update Cyclysm's SFIV palette, seeing as how he isn't coming back anytime soon.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#780  May 12, 2011, 03:08:38 am
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