I still don't understand the whole point of this thread than to promote some bullshit forum consisting of the butthurt and the banned.Am I correct on this assumption?
Jmorphman said, June 24, 2012, 08:43:25 pmOK I'm gonna just go on a tangent from this current topic Navana said, June 24, 2012, 08:14:24 pmCould I possibly register at your forum? I have had past moderation experience on other websites besides mugen-based forums and I do pretty well with enforcing rules and such. You may not know me but have heard of me, but I have been banned twice from here in the past. They do not like me for the simple fact of me being a homosexual male, and that I use female avatars / signatures, Lol. I may go to guild, but I am not friends with any of the Moderators and what not due to their constant disrespect toward me. ~Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit. You have never been banned for being gay, nor have you been banned for having a female avatar. There are lots of gay users here and they never get harrassed for their sexuality. For fuck's sake I'M gay and I'm a global moderator. What does that say?And it's not a problem that you have a female avatar, lots of people do. In fact, I suspect that the majority of users have female avatars. And it's not like gay people aren't allowed to have female avatars either.The reason you were banned the first time, IIRC, was the post your picture thing. You were passing yourself off as someone you weren't. That's against the rules! Doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, or I dunno some kind of sentient fungus like Iced. You're not supposed to post pictures of people who are not you in that thread. And when confronted with it you continued to deny it over and over. So you were banned for that. And then you got a second chance and made some cool stages and everything was fine. Then you started posting in hard-to-read pink text and wouldn't stop it when several mods told you to stop. And asking you to stop posting in pink is not really a big deal. But you didn't, so you were banned. Again. And then it expired and things seemed to be going well until you wrote this.If you'd just stop doing shit like this no one would bother you.I think you should spend some time wondering why it is people treat you the way they do.I don't care what you think of me, I am just being me and if you don't like it well you can just go away, silly boy.~
Jmorphman said, June 24, 2012, 08:52:31 pmLord Kain said, June 24, 2012, 08:50:06 pmDamn Navana I didn't know you would go down like that on a 13 year old...Shut up Lord Kain.Peter I think someone hacked you siteCoincidence?-True- said:Mugen 1.1, time out elecbytehttp://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/178/pikachu--du--33/pics/1457320885.jpg?Mugen 1.1, time out elecbytehttp://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/178/pikachu--du--33/pics/1457320885.jpg?Mugen 1.1, time out elecbytehttp://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/178/pikachu--du--33/pics/1457320885.jpg?Mugen 1.1, time out elecbytehttp://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/178/pikachu--du--33/pics/1457320885.jpg?Mugen 1.1, time out elecbytehttp://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/178/pikachu--du--33/pics/1457320885.jpg?http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=142196.msg1591889#msg1591889
Idk, maybe.What with recent events -True- probably went to AMFG and is now advertising 1.1 Mugen there.
Jmorphman said, June 24, 2012, 08:43:25 pm some kind of sentient fungus like Iced. Mod coverup! Conspiracy! HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO? WAS ICED THE SECOND SHOOTER IN THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION? WAS ICED ON THE GRASSY KNOLL?WAS HE THE GRASS ON THE KNOLL?
randomish, that bikini pikachu is just a pic I use to censor stuff mostly, I also used it as peter avatar for a while as punishment for bad behaviour. ICED WAS THE KNOLL!
Cazaki said, June 24, 2012, 09:00:47 pmIs there any HOF topic better than this?To me, Gato XI, School Girl Lilith, and Unbanned from IMT rank up there with this one because I was actually there for those.
Iced said, June 24, 2012, 09:26:00 pmrandomish, that bikini pikachu is just a pic I use to censor stuff mostly, I also used it as peter avatar for a while as punishment for bad behaviour. ICED WAS THE KNOLL!Aw. Still though if it was -True- that hacked AMFG that would be awesome.
DemonDream said, June 24, 2012, 10:52:51 pmHow do those three things make a love story?All you need to do is re-read the thread, and you will understand how those three things intertwine in a sensual, erotic love story about Hate, Passion, Fury and more Hate.
Peter took a MFG to the knee + Something to do with Justin Bieber and Chuck Norris + 20 people disliked this cuz cheesecake + Some joke that's been told a thousand times and was never funny, but i'm not clever enough to come up with my own jokes = Lame attempt at being funnyGod I hate youtube commenters, please keep that stuff outta here.
Peter hates MFG, he loves AMFG and he wants to staple his ballsacks to the wall. Did I do it right or do I need to re-read? Don't feel like re-reading again!
Jmorphman said, June 24, 2012, 08:43:25 pmOK I'm gonna just go on a tangent from this current topic Navana said, June 24, 2012, 08:14:24 pmMods hate my stupid ass because I'm gay!Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.Looks like those PMs with Rajaa taught you absolutely nothing.First: We don't OWE you any respect. Respect is earned, it doesn't come with your kid meal. Secondly: you must be very deluded or have ego issues if you think that the only reason why people dislike you is because is because you're gay. Especially on this board, which is almost a paragon of gay acceptance. Your claim that we're homophobic and have given you inferior treatment because you're openly gay is not only baseless, but stupid and offensive. Last but not least: you're an attention whore, a passive aggressive prick and a huge hypocrite. You shouldn't be surprised for getting no respect in this place.
Jango said, June 24, 2012, 08:57:03 pmPeter foster starts a bash forum, Vegets 20XX is revealed as a Twilight fan, and Navana brings up Ca-wazy banning theories. This topic just keeps on giving....but I'm not. I hate Twilight and Internet Explorer - equal measures.And shouldn't this thread still be in the Hall of Fame?