I have learned a little more about juggle, as a limit to not continue hitting in the air after 3 times the neutral hit jump like in the original mk9 game. but I would like to replace juggle with an animation state of landing on the ground face down very quickly after 3 times the neutral hit jump like in mk9. not only the neutral blow, but also a scorpion-like blow, taking out the two swords to blow up the character or Kung Lao's hat that elevates the character or Liu Kang's blow, similar to the neutral blow. I better show you the video what I mean.VIDEO [Statedef 622] type = A movetype= A physics = A juggle = 5 ;Here you have to replace the juggle with another one, a state of landing on the ground quickly ctrl = 0 anim = 660 [State 621, adjust] type = Turn trigger1 = Time = 0 trigger1 = (P2Dist X < 0) && (P2Dist X > -55) [State 620, Select] type = VarRandom trigger1 = Time = 1 v = 11 range = 60 [State 620, 1.5] type = Playsnd trigger1 = Animelem = 2 value = F5,15 [State 620, 145] type = Playsnd trigger1 = Var(11) = [0, 20] trigger1 = Animelem = 2 value = 2,12 [State 620, 145] type = Playsnd trigger1 = Var(11) = [21, 40] trigger1 = Animelem = 2 value = 2,13 [State 620, 145] type = Playsnd trigger1 = Var(11) = [41, 60] trigger1 = Animelem = 2 value = 2,14 [State 201, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = time = 0 attr = S, NA ;Attribute: Standing, Normal Attack damage = 0, 0 ;Damage that move inflicts animtype = Light ;Animation type: Light, Medium, Heavy, Back (def: Light) air.animtype = Back guardflag = HL hitflag = MAF ;Flags of conditions that move can hit priority = 2, Hit ;Attack priority: 0 (least) to 7 (most), 4 default pausetime = 8,8 ;Time attacker pauses, time victim shakes sparkno = -1 sparkxy = -10,-105 guard.sparkno = -1 hitsound = 5,1 guardsound = 5,14 p2facing = 1 ground.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: Normal) ground.slidetime = -1 ground.hittime = 0 guard.velocity = -1 guard.slidetime = -1 guard.ctrltime = 0 ground.velocity = 0,-10 ;Time to regain control after guard (def: guard.slidetime) guard.velocity = 0 air.velocity = 0, -10 airguard.velocity = -1.9 ;Guard velocity in air (def: (air.xvel*1.5, air.yvel/2)) air.fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 fall = 1 fall.yvelocity = -8 ;kill = (Var(9) = 0) ;fall.kill = (Var(9) = 0) ;guard.kill = (Var(9) = 0) ;envshake.time = 10 ;envshake.freq = 30 ;envshake.ampl = 5 [State 620, 4] type = Changestate trigger1 = Pos Y = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 If anyone helps me I will appreciate it (I apologize for my English, I use Google Translator)