
How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question... (Read 2998 times)

Started by kamui 2.0, March 01, 2025, 02:23:45 am
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How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#1  March 01, 2025, 02:23:45 am
  • ***
Hi guys, how you doing ?
I was wondering how the hell we beat waru's monster chars ai ? I know I sucks playing fighting game, but is almost impossible to beat Rock, Dark Sakura, Sakura, Kyo, Kusanagi, Ryu, etc...(in my opinion).
Ikemen go ai level works ? If I lower the level of ai in options it will work ? but chars with no ai will become dumber ?
Here me playing, I can literally do anything here ...

I'm still learning to play with arcade stick, because I can't use controller for fighting games, I think if I learn more about arcade stick at least I can beat Ingrid...

btw any news about warusaki3 ? still want a decent Mai, Raiden, etc...doesn't work in ikemen go without's been 4 years since he disappeared
Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 03:56:46 am by kamui 2.0
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#2  March 01, 2025, 02:55:53 am
  • ****
    • Peru

I can give you two advices:

After jump if you are very close or close to opponent, just wait a little time and use a level 3 Super, that always work for me. Other option is that you have to be careful when you jump, with Ryu for example I jump near to them and use medium kick on the air and in the floor wait just a little time and then use a level 3 super. In resume hit them while they are about to hit you.

And if you want to reduce the ai search this code on the cmd and change these values:

[State -1, AI]
type = VarSet ---> Null
triggerall = var(59) != 1 ---> 0
triggerall = RoundState != 3
trigger1  = command = "CPU1"
trigger2  = command = "CPU2"
trigger3  = command = "CPU3"
trigger4  = command = "CPU4"
trigger5  = command = "CPU5"
trigger6  = command = "CPU6"
trigger7  = command = "CPU7"
trigger8  = command = "CPU8"
trigger9  = command = "CPU9"
trigger10  = command = "CPU10"
trigger11  = command = "CPU11"
trigger12  = command = "CPU12"
trigger13  = command = "CPU13"
trigger14  = command = "CPU14"
trigger15  = command = "CPU15"
trigger16  = command = "CPU16"
trigger17  = command = "CPU17"
trigger18  = command = "CPU18"
trigger19  = command = "CPU19"
trigger20  = command = "CPU20"
trigger21  = command = "CPU21"
trigger22  = command = "CPU22"
trigger23  = command = "CPU23"
trigger24  = command = "CPU24"
trigger25  = command = "CPU25"
trigger26  = command = "CPU26"
trigger27  = command = "CPU27"
trigger28  = command = "CPU28"
trigger29  = command = "CPU29"
trigger30  = command = "CPU30"
var(59) = 1 ---> 0

Just in case here you have two examples of how to beat Hibiki and Ryu without turn off there AI:

I hope this help you.
Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 03:52:37 am by Charles_2011
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#3  March 01, 2025, 03:49:54 am
  • ***

I can give you two advices:

After jump if you are very close or close to opponent, just wait a little time and use a level 3 Super, that always work for me. Other option is that you have to be careful when you jump, with Ryu for example I jump near to them and use medium kick on the air and in the floor wait just a little time and then use a level 3 super. In resume hit them while they are about to hit you.

And if you want to reduce the ai search this code on the cmd and change these values:

[State -1, AI]
type = VarSet ---> Null
triggerall = var(59) != 1 ---> 0
triggerall = RoundState != 3
trigger1  = command = "CPU1"
trigger2  = command = "CPU2"
trigger3  = command = "CPU3"
trigger4  = command = "CPU4"
trigger5  = command = "CPU5"
trigger6  = command = "CPU6"
trigger7  = command = "CPU7"
trigger8  = command = "CPU8"
trigger9  = command = "CPU9"
trigger10  = command = "CPU10"
trigger11  = command = "CPU11"
trigger12  = command = "CPU12"
trigger13  = command = "CPU13"
trigger14  = command = "CPU14"
trigger15  = command = "CPU15"
trigger16  = command = "CPU16"
trigger17  = command = "CPU17"
trigger18  = command = "CPU18"
trigger19  = command = "CPU19"
trigger20  = command = "CPU20"
trigger21  = command = "CPU21"
trigger22  = command = "CPU22"
trigger23  = command = "CPU23"
trigger24  = command = "CPU24"
trigger25  = command = "CPU25"
trigger26  = command = "CPU26"
trigger27  = command = "CPU27"
trigger28  = command = "CPU28"
trigger29  = command = "CPU29"
trigger30  = command = "CPU30"
var(59) = 1 ---> 0

I hope this help you.

Hi Charles, thank u, I have a question, is possible to beat Rock without reducing the ai ? About reducing the ai, I'm not too sure, if you say is impossible to beat Rock with waru's cvs chars then I reduce the ai..Btw, I'm still learning to play with arcade stick, because I can't use controller for fighting games, I think if I learn more about arcade stick at least I can beat Ingrid...

Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#4  March 01, 2025, 03:57:42 am
  • ****
    • Peru
Hello again.

I edit the first post, I share two videos as an examples. About Ingrid...looks like an AI Patch.
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#5  March 01, 2025, 04:20:16 am
  • ***
Hello again.

I edit the first post, I share two videos as an examples. About Ingrid...looks like an AI Patch.

Ogm! Terry first match combo is so amazing, I wish I could make decent combos, I can't believe u beat hibiki and ryu congras !
I guess I need to practice more with arcade stick
Thank u Charles, I won't reduce the ai, I'll practice it
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#6  March 01, 2025, 04:23:22 am
  • ****
    • Peru
Thank you for your words my friend. A final example against Rock:

By the way you can practice using my project, on the arena mode.
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#7  March 01, 2025, 04:23:15 pm
  • ***
Thank you for your words my friend. A final example against Rock:

By the way you can practice using my project, on the arena mode.

I can believe you was able to beat Rock, that's amazing !
are using arcade stick or controller ?
Sometimes I can't make a special moves because I'm not used to arcade stick, then I lose and sometimes I have impression the ai reads what move I'm going to do next ( I don't know if oobvious, because I don't know how ai works)
I'm going to keep practicing with arcade stick
Thank u Charles, you're amazing playing waru's cvs2 chars !
Re: How to beat warusaki3 monster ai ? I know is stupid question...
#8  March 01, 2025, 06:29:32 pm
  • ****
    • Peru

First of all thank you for your kindness, believe me, some years ago I turn off the AI for some characters: Rock, Hibiki, Sakura, Zangief and more, but then I was boring, It was to easy, so I started practicing and this is the result now, but sometimes a lose, too.

I´m use a joystick, this one: