"Salve galera" Mugenguild! "Porque o guerreiro de fé nunca gela" by: Racionais mc'sI'm passing here to show you one more char that I've recreated, after a certain tiring time it's finally over ...Well, I present to you "CVS Choi Bounge POTS-Infinite" by Falcon Rapper (Yes I am hehehe ...: P)The char is in "POTS / Infinite" mode (cvs and sparks in HD, fights mode setup, see Config.txt) plus have some new punches (preserving all strokes of KOF char, of course) ...Designed to be played on Mugen 1.0 or Mugen 1.1 (some settings prevent it from running in other versions)What you have:Adapted to be played with 6 buttons (3 for punch and 3 for kick)- Artificial intelligence "very hard" (milk with pear that never played a video game in a bar with the smell of cigarette in the life cries in his hand hahahaha);- 20 palettes (12 normal plus 36 extra, activating the selector in config.txt);- All alpha style sparks POTS- Scores based on version 99-2002-2002UM- Gameplay that can be changed in config.txt (activation of selector palettes, aerial combos, etc.) ...- All POTS / Infinite mode features (Parry, Custom Combo, etc.)- It can be adapted to be played in the ADD004 mode (it can be activated as a helper and be changed during team mode / simul mode, needs to use add004pie.exe, it works without problems, either in the jump tag style or in the style "Running tag", tested on both)What is missing:- More palettes- Full color separation- Ending- In the future I intend to give an improvement in all sprites (if it is necessary, since it is practically "identical" to a CVS char- Correct errors that are found, otherwise nothing is missing, it is running good ...: PCommands:Basic blows:Throws: Two punch or kick buttons;Toorima Geri: F + medium kickSpecial SkillsTatsumaki Shippuzan = (charge) D, U, punch (Ex Mode with two punches, spends 500 MP)Senpuu Hien Sashi = (charge) B, F, punch (Ex Mode with two punches, spends 500 MP)Hishou Kuuretsu Zan = (charge) D, U, kick (Ex Mode with two kicks, spends 500 MP)Kaiten Hienzan = D, DB, B, Punch (Ex Mode with two punches, spends 500 MP)Hishou Kyaku1 = (In the air) D, DF, F, kick (Ex Mode with two kicks, spends 500 MP)Hienzan = F, D, DF, kick (Ex Mode with two kicks, spends 500 MP)Hishou Shissou Zan = (charge) B, F, kick (Ex Mode with two kicks, spends 500 MP)Supers LV1 (Made with 1 super bar)Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan = D, DB, B, D, DB, B, PunchHou'ou Kyaku = D, DF, F, D, DB, B, kickShin! Chouzetsu Rinkaiten Toppa = D, DF, F, D, DF, F, kickSupers LV2 (Made with 2 super bars)Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan = D, DB, B, D, DB, B, two punch buttonsHou'ou Kyaku = D, DF, F, D, DB, B, two kick buttonsShin! Chouzetsu Rinkaiten Toppa = (In the air) D, DF, F, D, DF, F, two kick buttonsSuper LV3 (Made with 3 super bars)Shakushi = (In the air) D, DF, F, D, DF, F, two punch buttonsCredits:- Electbyte (Creators of Mugen)- VIrtuallTeck (creators of Fighter Factory)- Infinite and R@ce Akira = For great chars in which I use as an aid during conversion- Phantom of the server (best sparks and best style for ground fighting)- Spriters Resource (www.spriters-resource.com) = Sprites Choi KOF94 Re-Bout- Fangke (Sprites Choi 94-95)- Hh (Various commands and constants used in this char)- Gal129 (Choi CVS2 sprites, removed from the char Chang CVS2)- Jmorphman (Best effect for custom combos using helpers)- Gui007 (For always promoting my work via Youtube)- All those who accompanied the project in the MFG forum, especially Nedflandershouse, Staubhold, Beto, Mpower, BIG BOSS, which usually accompany all my projects.- Administrators and members of mugen groups on Facebook, especially Ramon Garcia and the group gallery there.Download link:Spoiler, click to toggle visibiltyhttp://www.mediafire.com/file/6w8jijrk9tglm67/ChoiCVS_FDR.rarI dedicate this char first to God, because without him nothing would be possible, to my parents and relatives, my bride and future wife (Te amo <3 Raquel) and all those who like me love MUGEN...
He can't cancel supers into their max variants. Good character regardless can't wait for someone to make a POTS Chang to go with him.
Pretty nice Choi.I don't have any feedback about glitches, but I have some suggestions how to make char better:-Try to search for effects with better quality.-----This one is in Gouken by Infinite.-----This one is in Chun-Li by Jmorphman.Some work with palettes- and you can get BOTH versions of such hurricane. Can't helm with slashes though...-LVL 2 version of "Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan", i think, would be better if you'd added some "ZAP!" sounds. After all, there IS lightning...-EX Moves Explods shouldn't be binded to character. When char start moving- effect staying in the very same place it was.-And man, his jumping physics is crazy. XDI'm usually NOT Choi Player, so I can't tell for sure, but I don't think he should fall that fast.
i tried your choi and when he's does both normal and ex versions of kaiten hienzan, during the first hit it doesn't play a sound
Trololo said, 7 years agoPretty nice Choi.I don't have any feedback about glitches, but I have some suggestions how to make char better:-Try to search for effects with better quality.-----This one is in Gouken by Infinite.-----This one is in Chun-Li by Jmorphman.Some work with palettes- and you can get BOTH versions of such hurricane. Can't helm with slashes though...-LVL 2 version of "Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan", i think, would be better if you'd added some "ZAP!" sounds. After all, there IS lightning...-EX Moves Explods shouldn't be binded to character. When char start moving- effect staying in the very same place it was.-And man, his jumping physics is crazy. XDI'm usually NOT Choi Player, so I can't tell for sure, but I don't think he should fall that fast.Thanks for the tips, I will certainly put these sprites in an update ... drewski90 said, 7 years agoi tried your choi and when he's does both normal and ex versions of kaiten hienzan, during the first hit it doesn't play a soundThanks for warning, this is still a certain "beta", should I fix all errors soon ... drewski90 said, 7 years agoi tried your choi and when he's does both normal and ex versions of kaiten hienzan, during the first hit it doesn't play a soundStrange, in my no sound had problem ...: \Memes never die said, 7 years agoHe can't cancel supers into their max variants. Good character regardless can't wait for someone to make a POTS Chang to go with him.In the future I'll do Chang as well, but my goal now is to make chars that do not have sprites made, let's say it's my "hehehe challenge"Zhe Prime said, 7 years agoDamn man how tf u make your characters so quick lol I'll try him when I get home Photoshop helps me hehehe
I like that challenge it's cool to see to be honest. The speed at which you've got this done while still having the character be good is definitely showing that you're getting better.
Zhe Prime said, 7 years agoDamn man how tf u make your characters so quick lol I'll try him when I get home I keep making the same question myself, he's a machine creator of cvc characters hahahaFalcon Rapper said, 7 years ago(milk with pear that never played a video game in a bar with the smell of cigarette in the life cries in his hand hahahaha);HAHAHA "milk with pear", reading this sentence in english is funny becuase doesn't make any sense but since i'm brazillian... Nice character by the way.
just like your early rugal release, the hitboxes have high priority, and there too detailedyou don't need more than 2 red boxes on an attack frame. this one has better framedata, not every attack give you a negative advantage like rugal did.
I do have to say that I like your version of Choi much better. Good one.There is a lot missing in the readme.Some quick feedback. - Hou'ou Kyaku (both lv 1 & 2) super spark sound starts before the spark is on screen - nitpick... typo Hishou Kyaku1... remove the 1 - nitpick... give Choi a voice/grunt/laughter after a full power charge - Sankaku-Tobi/Triangle Jump/Wall jump is missing in the readme - add the mashable extra hits effect on his PP throw - Kaiten Hienzan follow up Kishuu Hien Zuki (P while doing Kaiten Hienzan) is missing in the readme - follow ups (Houkou Tenkan up to 3 times) and how to (hold K while doing Hishou Kuuretsu Zan) is totally missing in the readme - Senpuu Hien Sashi follow up (Houkou Tenkan up to 3 times) is missing in the readme... - readme is missing that super lv1 Shin! Chouzetsu Rinkaiten Toppa is also air only - readme is missing that you can move F/B while doing the Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan - I really like that you used the Shakushi as his level 3... if you wanna make it "flashier" you could recreate the KOF XIV versionSpoiler, click to toggle visibiltyAll for now.
Awesome! Simply awesome!I always support your creation buddy, because you do good job and concentrate on unreleased characters.Yes, these characters need love as well!Keep it up with great projects!
Tested last night and noticed the hit sound of the crouching heavy kick uses the medium hit sound. That's all for now.
He can't chain his normals into specials or supers, also, an personal advice, you should make his light punch/kick faster, right now they feel like they belong to an heavy character.