
Silvy Garnet? (Read 314599 times)

Started by Pin, March 02, 2018, 04:34:48 pm
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#21  September 12, 2022, 08:39:03 pm
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^ For that, I'd suggest that instead of blurry frames(or parts of), using a spark would be better IMHO, as used in Nakoruru or Haohmaru.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#22  September 12, 2022, 09:49:27 pm
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I doubt he added motion blur to all those animations without thinking about it. Being accurate to CvS is probably not the priority.

That said I think a few animations are overdoing it because they are entirely motion blur. I think they should have a frame without blur to serve as the key frame for the hit pause.
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#23  September 12, 2022, 11:59:08 pm
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Silvy herself does have a decent amount of motion blur on her normals and other attacks, it's just how she's animated. Pin probably focused on accuracy to the original character's animation style with the CvS sprite style rather than the other way around.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#24  September 13, 2022, 03:38:28 am
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On the topic of the smearing, I do believe DW is correct here:
It makes the animations feel less like they come out of CvS, especially with how often it's utilized. Nothing necessarily wrong with it, but it doesn't quite scream "CvS" to me. Reminds me more of like Melty Blood.

Zero, Clone Zero, and Igniz's light normals have that specific type of smearing which is one of silvys gimmicks for all of them

and silvy:

also no she does not look like melty blood character

Re: Silvy Garnet?
#25  September 13, 2022, 09:26:35 am
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You know, going over the thread you see several people talking about CvS, but Pin himself never said anything like it. :XD:
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#26  September 13, 2022, 12:30:54 pm
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To me, his work is eyegasmic, whatever we can say.
Blur or no blur, I don't see any problem with that.
It still matches well CVS style overall.

My vote go for : "Just let him do it the way he want." ^^
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#27  September 25, 2022, 03:25:15 am
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also no she does not look like melty blood character
I said the ANIMATIONS reminded me more of Melty Blood due to the higher use of smear.

And honestly, I don't like the smear on the original anims. Just looks a little, I dunno, lazy?
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#28  October 18, 2022, 04:57:49 pm
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On the topic of the smearing, I do believe DW is correct here:
It makes the animations feel less like they come out of CvS, especially with how often it's utilized. Nothing necessarily wrong with it, but it doesn't quite scream "CvS" to me. Reminds me more of like Melty Blood.

Zero, Clone Zero, and Igniz's light normals have that specific type of smearing which is one of silvys gimmicks for all of them

and silvy:

also no she does not look like melty blood character

In other words, she fights more like Zero from the King of Fighters series.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#29  October 19, 2022, 12:29:11 am
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also no she does not look like melty blood character
I said the ANIMATIONS reminded me more of Melty Blood due to the higher use of smear.

And honestly, I don't like the smear on the original anims. Just looks a little, I dunno, lazy?

Lazy?????? That's not how this works, THATS NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS. Forget the spriting team, the smears are NESTS' gimmick. If you think these smears are lazy, than you really are missing the whole point. Not to mention Melty Blood's style just has smears in it, that's the art style. You should really be complaining to the animators of the KOF '99-'02 bosses. Pin., and of course Hanma himself, were just following the rules. Unless you just haven't seen any of the NESTS bosses before. That's fine, it's okay to be honest sometimes.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#30  October 22, 2022, 02:15:58 am
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#31  October 28, 2022, 02:10:41 am
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Forget it.

I could tag Pin. but I don't feel like bothering him. I'm wondering how far along the progress is on this. 'Cause now that I think about it, he hasn't said anything since he came back from the dead to revive this thread.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#32  October 28, 2022, 02:54:57 am
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Definitely gonna have to agree on the aggression part, your post was hella angry sounding and condescending.

My thoughts on the smear (as late as they may be) is that I think they look... fine? I'm not much of an artist so I can't really offer any in depth constructive feedback, assuming this project is still active, but, yeah. That's how I feel about it.

I hope we get a proper update soon cause this is definitely something I've been quietly looking forward to.
what do i put here ew
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#33  October 29, 2022, 03:03:41 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Creating a whole sprite sheet adapting a bulky character into a thin schoolgirl is lazy? SINCE WHEN? THEN I'M LAZY TOO.

PIN, You're doing a very very VERY nice work! Don't let few words to discourage you <3 !
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#34  October 30, 2022, 05:08:46 pm
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I wasn't even talking about Pin's animations anyway. I was talking about the ORIGINAL. It feels unfitting, and almost like a shortcut to animating moves, since it kinda rids of a considerable amount of frames (and the idea was probably also not helped by my exposure to KOF MUGEN), but I digress.

I had no intention to belittle Pin, just saying how I felt.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#35  October 30, 2022, 05:18:28 pm
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    • Portugal
You have a point. But with all due to the respect to the original author, I think Pin's has much better animation.
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#36  November 03, 2022, 06:47:32 pm
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You have a point. But with all due to the respect to the original author, I think Pin's has much better animation.

Oh, absolutely. Pin’s animation work is top notch. Whichever way the direction goes, I’ll be keeping tabs on this!


Re: Silvy Garnet?
#37  May 23, 2023, 03:32:27 pm
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Hello again,
   Sorry if it's sorta taking me awhile posting here.
probably had some busy stuff for months currently so bear with me for this kind of patience atm.

And yeah. there's alot of discussion way past here which i guess, my apologies if i can't reply every single post
around here for this late.
i tend not to talk pretty much of it to keep the progress intact until completion later on.
but, im certainly glad on how it goes here from what im trying to work on so far.

Atleast i can give some sort of a summary here:
   For the sprite confusion going, i'm attempting to do a cvs-styled for this character.
but im not that confident if im doing it right or good enough hence for the title going on here. i'm probably trying on it.
for the animations, not all of them are shown here and there could be some changes until i managed to finish it later upon to the final version.
examples are the smears part, they're layered so i can possibly able to remove those parts for testing if its fine. but maybe some of them will be kept for the
sake of accuracy for the character's initial design overall. i'll be keeping the smeared versions from the earlier post for those who are into it anyway.
so it's up on their choice then.

I guess that's wraps up for the summary..
   Into progress now. first, here are some few changes/tweaks i'd decided too choose from the earlier animations i've done so far here:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

   Now, for the current progress. here are her initial specials that i've done so far:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
   And i guess lastly, as a bonus. here's are the midnight bliss animations as well:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's all for now for the update on the current progress. i'll eventually able to finish this one soon. so i'll try what i can, thanks.
Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 03:48:31 pm by Pin
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#38  May 23, 2023, 04:15:57 pm
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    • Brazil
wow! this really evolve, nice work dude!
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#39  May 23, 2023, 06:34:14 pm
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    • Portugal
Rework of the forward walking animation making it closer to the original animation maybe.
Rework is an understatement. That's almost a new animation. Maybe reversing the old one works as a walking back animation. At least the legs.
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#40  May 26, 2023, 06:22:49 am
    • USA
I have been checking back on this thread every so often and seeing the recent progress being made, I’m compelled to make an account here on Mugen Fighters Guild so I can voice my thoughts.

This is all very impressive work and amazing attention to detail! Like, wow! I never thought that someone would dedicate time and effort to give Silvy’s sprites such a complete overhaul in quality. Thank you very much for undertaking this project since she’s one of my favorite characters so it’s definitely a treat seeing all of this progress come together and it's such a pleasant surprise for me since Silvy seems to be a rather obscure character considering her origin as a fan-made Kula edit but I'm glad to see that she's getting more attention and love. It leaves me feeling excited to see what the final product turns out to be.

I do like that Silvy does have her own distinguishing traits that set her apart from being just another Kula clone as, from playing around with her in MUGEN, I can see some influences/similar sprite work from other characters besides Kula such as Zero for Silvy’s idle pose/normal attacks and Athena '97 for some of Silvy’s getting hit sprites/KO pose.

I do like how you reworked the way her normal attacks are with the various punch and kick motions with the subtle differences between them when it comes to light/medium/heavy attacks which really help give Silvy more clarity and “oomph” to her moveset than the original fast blur punches/kicks. That change from your previous punch animation to a quick elbow jab attack is something I would have to get used to seeing but it does at least offer a fresh take for a different sort of attack animation than the traditional punching with a fist motion.

Another thing that stuck out to me is that some sprites you made seem to make Silvy’s hair in the back look super long in some instances and other times the hair looks to be just longer than shoulder length. Though, I suppose it might be something you end up fine-tuning in the final version.

That reworked walking motion is pretty good with the most notable thing to me in that it looks as though her legs seem slimmer which I believe is good considering it matches her original sprite more, though it could also be because the first version of her walking with the way the light/dark shading on her leg stockings are, her legs look a bit on the chunky side to me.

It makes me curious how you will make her energy/beam blade specials look with the focus on the CVS style of spriting.

Looking at the Midnight Bliss sprites you created, I like that you included her school sailor uniform version as one of the potential options besides just making adjustments to that original bat/devil outfit she has though that one is pretty good too. You even went the extra route with making a new outfit with the sexy scientist one so that’s cool too. Though, I give props to you for the 4th one as I recognize that as a nod to Eve Stein who is basically a Silvy edit and being one of the available color palettes for that character. I always did see that particular color palette as Silvy herself considering it has the red hair with green eyes appearance.

Okay, I didn’t expect to write that much but I guess I had more on my mind than I thought! Anyhow, keep up the fantastic work, Pin! I don’t have experience with spriting but I can tell that it takes a lot of time and effort to carefully create and make changes to sprites one by one in addition to making sure everything flows together smoothly so I can see that you have a lot of patience to pull something like this off. Can’t wait to see your next update for Silvy!